90 famous phrases by César Manrique

90 famous phrases by César Manrique

The famous phrases of César Manrique are a call to enter the deepest of his thinking.

César Manrique Cabrera was born in Lanzarote in 1919 and died in the same place, in 1992.

He was a dedicated painter, sculptor and Spanish artist who knew how.

His movement harmonized between art and nature. Some of his most notable works are La Vaguada, Lanzarote and Homo-Asador's cactus garden.

Next, we will review some of César Manrique's famous phrases with the purpose of being able to read and better understand his work.

Célebres de César Manrique phrases

These are some of César Manrique's famous phrases most impressive:

I want to extract his harmony from the earth to unite it to my feeling with art.

We must avoid the destruction of each old wall, of each distribution, of each house where time has left historical trace. His disappearance would erase forever a past full of meaning and wisdom learned by experience of centuries under observation and need for their climate, their latitude, its wind, its light and an incredible landscape that determined a result of ways of making , that cannot be improvised in a short space of time.

Given the spectacular presence of the destruction and systematic deterioration of our planet, due to that excessive eagerness for power and wealth, we are in a position to intuit, for that mystery hidden from the instinct, the catastrophe of everything that could happen, if we do not fight contributing the Eas effort.

Art is something much more important, much deeper, not to fall into the elementary and poor vulgarity of the increasingly accentuated human ordinariez, when a display of the so -called civic and cultural education has not been intelligently planned.

We have to make the tourism industry live with the defense of the territory and of our own culture. And that coexistence is possible, but, above all, necessary, mandatory not to live with their backs to the future.

We have to collect and learn from our own means to create, without having to start from any established idea. This has been the fundamental reason that has reinforced the personality of Lanzarote. We don't have to copy anyone. That come to copy us.

We have begun to discover that everything is interconnected and that the excessive occupation of the soil ends up destroying nature and, therefore, the human being

The sum of all individuals is what will really produce results. When a large majority of the population is aware of the fragility and balance at all, we will be able to reverse the destruction we have launched.

It's about living face to the future, contributing to build a clean, intelligent, quality of life alternative. We must not faint, we must move forward, be vigilant and keep the critical consciousness alive, because the future is never achieved, we have to do it from the present. It is about making the tourism industry live together with the defense of the territory and of its own culture. And that coexistence is possible, but, above all, necessary, mandatory not to live with their backs to the future.

Create with absolute freedom, without fears and without recipes, comforts the soul and opens a path to the joy of living.

The biggest business that a country can have is the education of its people. Without cultural preparation it is impossible to have a clear vision of the future to plan something that benefits us all. Only then will everything be destroyed without perspective. With intelligent programming and with a clear awareness of what you want, a future full of possibilities as immense as they can never imagine opens.

Before the suicidal extermination of our planet, the intervention of artists in defense of the conservation of the medium, becomes an urgent issue, of maximum responsibility, since it is time to transfer the borders and expand the ambiguous art limits.

The direct contact of my skin with the rocks of this naked nature gives me the vigor of the energy of life.

Having born in this burned geology of ashes, in the middle of the Atlantic, conditions any moderately sensitive being.

By prophecy of destiny, on the island of Lanzarote the miracle of the utopia was achieved.

On trips, culture is given in an easy and natural way, but there is a phenomenon that we have the obligation to spread that it is simply teaching to see since man has an infinite ability to adapt and information, so that he can feel the Huge joy of analysis in all things and not spending life looking without finding out for not knowing how to see.

Eternity is a second and a second is eternity.

The man, exalted by his excessive pride, has imposed a system of expired values ​​that have only served to annihilate their own life system.

All the influence of this scenario that has surrounded my childhood has manifested successively in all my plastic, with great freedom of expression, such as the same and brutal surface of the island.

We live such a short space on this planet that each of our steps must be aimed at building more and more the dream space of the utopia. Let's build it together: it is the only way to make it possible.

Any place on earth without strong tradition, without personality and without sufficient poetic atmosphere, is condemned to die.

Can such awkwardness and barbarity be understood, that by the mere fact of the scams of speculation, with the sole purpose of that excessive eagerness of urgent profit, it is able to abolish forever, and this is the serious thing, the entire future of a country?.

Canaries have never had an exact conscience of the great luxury that means living here.

The last reason, and I believe the most influenced my love for Lanzarote, is more moral, more social and intimate, for having known since my early years his great humility and poverty, where their people had many years to emigrate for Lack of rain and means.

All these memories have left a brand in my feelings over the years, wanting to do as a rematch of demonstrating myself that I was not wrong with what I thought could be this wonderful island.

The absolute truth does not exist. It is best to make life an investigation as a game, given something as unknown and fascinating as the existence itself.

The most dangerous of any tendency is to assimilate it as the novelty of novelty.

I am sad that, in these islands, after having performed miracles such as Lanzarote, where a utopia, the government and the authorities have not had enough vision of the future to realize, at that time, of that we had to stop and program to boost an intelligent tourism industry and thus end the chaotic speculation that extends throughout the Canary Islands.

Unfortunately, I believe that the intelligence and character of the masses are incomparably inferior to the intelligence and character of the few who investigate and discover positive values ​​for humanity.

I will not give up, either with my works or with my permanent complaints, to the struggle for our survival and for the conservation of our environment.

We have, now more than ever, to fight to erase the reigning daily vulgarity, to clearly and quality face an education that enriches men through culture and art. A people without education are sentenced to ruin.

I don't believe in the triumph. The triumph is measured in Western civilization in millions, it is a materialistic concept. I do not ask life for anything other than it allows me to create and paint.

I was sure to apply and introduce art into nature, in the environment in which we live. I tried to expand the aesthetic concept to the domains of vital and didactic satisfaction.

We have worked with absolute delivery, achieving the miracle of the birth of a new aesthetic concept, expanding the borders of art, integrating it into all its facets into a totalizing symbiosis that is defined as life-man-arte.

Reaching the goal of utopia is getting the impossible. Utopia can be a reality when the soul manifests itself by turning with enthusiasm of Salto-Arcord to achieve that uniqueness of creation.

The important thing about creativity is to shake the minds tied to established formulisms and make them think without prejudice, with the logic of a greater vision of the world, capturing the incomprehensible testimonial vibrations of everything around us.

I think this is the most important mission of a artist today, since he is witnessing so much collapse, of so much degradation, of so much pollution, that if he really does not feel participate in the barbarism he is being witness, to defend The stability of life in all its orders is that art is not interested in.

We have the duty to start building the utopia. Fortunately, this phenomenon begins to grow in the minds of the new generations that, sensitive to the barbarities that are committed by the states and governments that are created omnipotent, try to establish other channels of coexistence backed in culture, in intelligence and intelligence and In the ultranza defense of the environmental environment in which we live.

After all, they are the speculators, the murderers of thought, those who have led humanity to confusion, to disenchantment and despair of a suicidal future.

I have repeated to satiety the care we had to have in urban planning, but the myopia of the rulers and the eagerness of the wealth of the speculators is irremissibly collapsing the future.

Death seems wonderful to me, because I have no responsibility to continue existing to be able to do the most daring and fun things.

My struggle to save the medium and style of the island has been fierce, but in spite.

My joy of living and creating continuously has given me studied, contemplated and loved the great wisdom of nature.

The biggest business of a country is its education.

The world we live is dark and cold if we do not open the interiors of the spirit to the internal flame of nature.

The truly important problem of contemporary art is that artists collaborate closely with the people, applying their talent and art in all possible applications of their lives, to create more culture in the people, the foundation of the evolution of a country. I advocate them as an art social problem.

With intelligent programming and with a clear awareness of what you want, a future full of possibilities as immense as they can never imagine opens.

The valid work of an artist must be a testimony of the authenticity of his true personality and the environment in which he has had to live.

Lanzarote is pure magic ... mystery. Clean, insolent and naked beauty. Constant lesson. His unknown and deep nature is aware of the great show he offers.

In any case, when a being is not able to love, to be done creatively, it is in the hands of destruction.

The future of art is glimpsed in total creation.

Lanzarote could be the island for meditation, and I could talk about this, but I don't want them to catalog me crazy and utopian idealist. Anyway, I think, the time has come to start living the utopia.

The energy of everything that exists cannot be translated with words, it only feels with the senses and that absolute delivery of communion with nature.

At the bottom of the matter, everything can be moved through a great passion, a great love of total delivery.

The secret law of human destiny, as a state superior to the rest of the species, lies and points towards a path of spiritual sensitivity.

I am depressed to think that they catalog me. I want to be out of that poor feeling, to do what I think most positive, didactic and cultural.

I remember that, being a child, it was like a shame to have been born on this island. Lanzarote was the Cinderella of the Canary Islands.

I think my great love, really full and fidelity, is fully found in painting and in all the meaning of creativity.

In the Canary Islands we have a series of conditions such as their warm temperature, the texture and color of its land, flora, architecture and its people.

I fight against labels, cultural patterns and all homogeneity.

In the microclimate of my island of Lanzarote, and in bad conditions of economic development, I have been able to place my grain of sand, and the result has not been more fruitful. At the bottom of the matter, everything can be moved through a great passion, great love and total delivery.

Art, above all, has to have enormous breadth and great freedom, if you really want to investigate and create.

Create with absolute freedom, without fears and without recipes, comforts the soul and opens a path to the joy of living.

Many times I think that everything I do, without perfecting that every artist wants to achieve, is dictated by an unknown energy, when I finish a job I never understand how I have solved it.

There is too much misery, too much aggressiveness, too many conflicts, so that the artist himself still obsessively insis.

You have to proclaim cultural heroes through the creation experiment.

We have had a clumsy temporary assessment for a deterioration of vital concepts to something as important as life, in sad ways of a negative aesthetic.

I'm fed up with meetings, promises and pedantic words. The movement is demonstrated by walking.

The classifications are impoverishing since they rumize art.

If nature gets sick and dies, we will all irremediably die. If the human species is really intelligent, we have to demonstrate the care of itself because of the consequences we could suffer.

I consider myself, and I have always been, a free being, which has always broken chains and ties that impoverish the soul and life.

In front of infinite lava seas, the wind moves the blades with ground smell.

Life is a real wonder despite belonging to this species.

Everything is already discovered by the universe. Now we only have to be more humble, recognize our own limitations and deal with all means of taking lessons of the experience of millions of centuries of this magnificent balance of natural perfection.

Now it causes me a deep sadness to see how the work of so many years falls apart, in pursuit of the so -called progress.

Nothing more profitable than distinguishing and differentiating property in a world that tends to total standardization.

Already the only idea that there are great powers wanting to snack the world, it is already ridiculous.

The streets have ceased to be meeting spaces, to give way to a chaotic cars circulation.

The only important thing is the great mystery of life and man himself with his inexhaustible imagination and his infinite ways to do.

We have to observe and learn from the energies of life.

I have always believed that my way of acting is absolutely linked to nature, and with this conscience I have overcome all my experiences.

Art and that aesthetic enjoyment so rich in nuances is the ritual with which we make sense of life.

Art is immersed in everything. We only have to enter the clarh clarity to know how to see its essence to place it emotionally and live with it.

As we advance we go back. The end is not far away.

This new concept lies exclusively in the expansion of art in the face of the deterioration of nature.

We have the moral obligation to apply talent to life, and to the development of this.

The authentic art of true artists, is above all this unworthy materialism, of cultural policies; I think it's the only hope to fight for something for which it is worth living.

Faced with the suicidal destruction of our planet increasingly intensity, the intervention and responsibility of all artists to the environment is very important.

In the human being, possibilities are found.

The teachings of the great sages and universal philosophers, the experiences of centuries and the infinite wisdom of planetary balance, have not been understood by man, which in their brutal and despotic effort to be the maximum intelligence of the cosmos has systematically destroyed everything that He emanated his own beauty.

These are part of César Manrique's famous phrases that demonstrate how deep. If you know other famous phrases by César Manrique, you can share them.

125 phrases to start the day (inspiring and motivational)


  • Morales Dorta, J. (2016). Tourism, César Manrique and the media in Lanzarote.
  • Scarpa, a. (2018). César Manrique: Urban acupuncture applied in Lanzarote (Dissertation Doctoral, University of Alcalá).
  • Zamora Cabrera, to. (2014). The territorial construction of the proposal of Lanzarote (1960-74): the art of César Manrique between the landscape and tourism. In VI International Seminar for Research in Urban Planning, Barcelona-Bogotá, June 2014. Department d'Urbanisme I Ordering of Territori. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.