80 memorable phrases and famous quotes of Game of Thrones

80 memorable phrases and famous quotes of Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones It is a popular fantasy and adventure television series with an unprecedented audience success, created by David Benioff and DB Weiss. It is based on the novel An ice and fire song, of George r. R. Martin, first published in 1996. Time magazine named GRM as one of the most influential people in the world in 2011.

In 2014 it became the most watched series in the history of HBO, when the world premiere of the fourth season exceeded the audience record of the final chapter of the soprano. Later Game of Thrones broke his own audience record in later episodes, despite having been appointed the most pirated series in the world by Guiness magazine.

It is not too surprising given the scope and influence of game of Thrones, that has collected so many cult followers.

Today we wanted to bring you this compilation of famous phrases that their characters have said at some point, do not miss them!

Celebres of Game of Thrones

Death is so terribly definitive, while life is full of possibilities.  Tyrion Lannister

All halls lead somewhere. Where there is an entry, there is an exit. Sansa Stark

What we love destroys us all the time, boy. Remember that. Jorah Mormont

Never forget what you are, because surely the world will not do it. Make your strength. So it can never be your weakness. If you use it as your armor, they can never use it to hurt you. Tyron Lannister

Nothing is better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing. Aura Stark

My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his war hammer and I have my mind ... And a mind needs books, since a sword needs a sharp stone to maintain its advantage. That's why I read a lot.  Tyrion Lannister

I will take what is mine, with fire and blood!  Daenerys Targaryen

A lion does not care about the opinion of the sheep. Tywin Lannister

It is tempting to see your enemies as evil, but there is good and bad on both sides of each war that has been fought. Jorah Mormont

The plans are like fruit, they have to mature. Tyrion Lannister

The man who fears defeat has already been defeated. Fearness hurts more than swords. Syrio Forel

Hate is as good as anything else to keep a person underway. Better than most.  Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane

What we don't know is what generally kills us. Petyr Baelish

Power resides where men believe it resides. It is a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can project a very large shadow. Lord Varys

I'm not going to weave by the fire while men fight for me. Lady Mormont

A bruise is a lesson ... and each lesson makes us better. Syrio Forel

Of course it is a joke, only that it is not very funny. Tyrion Lannister

Some old wounds never really heal, and they bleed again to the slightest word. Ned Stark

Sooner or later Cersei always gets what he wants. Tyrion Lannister

Some old wounds never really heal and bleed again to the slightest word. Tyrion Lannister

A man who does not hear cannot listen. Tyrion Lannister

A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is. Bran Stark

There is no creature on Earth that is as terrifying as a truly fair man. Varys

Allow you to give you advice, bastard. Never forget what you are, because of course the world will not forget it. Become your best weapon, it will never be your weak point. use like armor and nobody can use for hurt you. Tyrion Lannister

When you play a game of thrones, or you want or die. Cersei Lannister

Never topics to darkness Bran. The strongest trees grow in the darkest places. Darkness will be your cape, your shield, your breast milk. Darkness will make you strong. Brynden

The more people you love, the weaker are you. Cersei Lannister

You can be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both hearts. You need it, since she needs you ..

A man must learn that sometimes words can achieve what swords cannot. Tyrion Lannister

It is not easy to be drunk all the time. If easy, everyone would. Tyrion Lannister

I will do what the queens do, I will govern. Daenerys Targaryen

If a man paints a goal in his chest, he must wait for sooner or later someone to release an arrow. Tyrion Lannister

There is a beast in every man and moves when you put a sword in his hand. Be Jorah Mormont

From today you will choose your own names. You will tell the other soldiers to do the same. Discard your slave name, choose the name your parents, or any other. A name that gives you pride. Daenerys Targaryen

Love is sweet, dear Ned, but you can't change the nature of a man. Lyanna

There is only one God and his name is death. And we only tell death: today no. Syrio Forel

I'm a Khaleesi of Dothraki. I am the wife of the great Kahl and I take his son inside me. The next time I get a hand will be the last time you have hands. Daenerys Targaryen

Most men would prefer to deny a hard truth to face it. Eddard Stark

A reader lives a thousand lives before dying. The man who does not read lives just one. Jojen Reed

If I look back, I'm lost. Daenerys Targaryen

Chaos is not a well. Chaos is a ladder. Many of those who tried to climb it failed, can never try again. The fall broke them. And some who were given the opportunity to climb, cling to the ground, the gods or love. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all that there is. Petyr Baelish

The man who fears losing has already lost. Arya Stark

If you think this has a happy ending, you have not been paying attention. Ramsay Bolton

I swear, sit on a throne is a thousand times more difficult than winning one. Daenerys Targaryen

I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will become ashes in your mouth. And you will know that the debt is paid. Tyron Lannister

What is honor, compared to the love of a woman? What is duty, compared to the heat of a newborn son in your arms ... or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods created us to love ... that is our greatest glory and our great tragedy. Aemon Targaryen

It is a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never see anything like that. I don't want to be like most of us. Oberyn Martell

The good gentlemen are dead, and the rest are monsters. Brienn of Tarth

Give me honorable enemies instead of ambitious, and I will sleep more easily at night.

The gods have no mercy, that's why they are gods. Cersei Lannister

When you tear a man's tongue, you are not lying, you are just telling the world that you are afraid of what he can say. Tyrion Lannister

When dead men come to hunt ... Do you think it matters who feels on the iron throne? Jeor Mormont

I learned to die a long time ago. Ned Stark

We can't choose who we love. Jaime Lannister

I think the mothers and the father invented the gods because they wanted their children to sleep all night. Davos Seaworth

Why when a man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what is on the other side? Tyron Lannister

Tears are not a woman's weapon. The best is between your legs. Cersei Lannister

My mother taught me not to throw stones at the crippled ... but my father taught me: he points to her head. Ramsay Bolton

A dragon is not a slave. Daenerys Targaryen

People work together when it is convenient for them. They are loyal when it is convenient for them. They love each other when they are agreed and killed when they are convenient for them. ORELL

If you ever call me a sister, I'll make you strangular while you sleep. Cersei Lannister

All my life, men like you have made fun of me. And all my life I have been hitting men like you in dust. Lady Brienne de Tarth

In a room three great men, a king, a priest and a rich man feel. Among them is a common sale word. Every great man who offers the word of sale kills the other two. Who lives, who dies? Power resides where men believe it resides. It is a trick, a shadow on the wall, and a very small man can project a very large shadow. Lord Varys

The crazy king did what he liked. Have your uncle Jaime told you what happened to you?  Tyrion Lannister

It is the last name that lives. It's all he lives. Tywin Lannister

You are the king's hand, Lord Stark. You will do what orders you, or I will look for another hand that fulfills my orders. Robert Baratheon

Laughter is poison to fear.

It is rare to meet a Lannister who shares my enthusiasm for dead Lannisters.  Oberyn Martell

Drink and lust, no man can match me in these things. I am the god of tits and wine. Tyrion Lannister

Are you afraid? Well. You are in the great game now. And the great game is scary. The only people who are not afraid of failure are crazy like your father. Tyrion Lannister

The world is full of horrible things, but they are all like cake trays next to death. Olenna Tyrell

When snow falls and white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the herd survives. Sansa Stark

A man for no reason is a man who suspects. Always keep your enemies confused. Pinkie

The powerful have always taken advantage of the weak, this is how they became powerful. Tyrion Lannister

All flights begin with a fall. Three -eyed crow

Winter is coming. Stark house motto

House Mormont remembers. The North remembers. We do not know any king but the northern king, whose name is Stark. I don't care if he is a bastard. Ned Stark's blood runs through his veins. He is my king from this day until his last day. Lyanna Mormont

I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should try to save the kingdom to win the throne. Stannis Baratheon

You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

The man who approves prayer must move the sword. If you took the life of a man, you owe him to look him in the eye and listen to his last words. And if you can't stand doing that, then maybe man does not deserve to die. Ned Stark

The night meets, and now my watch begins. It will not end until my death. I will not take a wife, I will not have land, I will not have children. I will not use crowns and I will not win the glory. I will live and die in my publication. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the observer on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that awakens the sleeping ones, the shield that protects the kingdoms of the men. I promise my life and honor to the guard of the night, tonight and every night that will come. The oath of the Night Guard