80 Virginia Woolf phrases

80 Virginia Woolf phrases

Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941) was an English writer who is considered one of the most important figures in the modernist literature of the twentieth century and international feminism.

During the interwar period, Woolf also became an outstanding figure of London Literary Society and an active member of the Bloomsbury Group.

His works have been read all over the world and have translated into more than fifty languages. Unfortunately, it seems that he suffered Bipolar disorder, He committed suicide by drowning in 1941 at the age of 59.

The best quotes of Virginia Woolf

As no one can tell me if writing is bad or good, the only safe value is your own pleasure. I'm sure about that.

I feel that all the shadows of the universe multiply deep.

Better is silence ... Let me sit with the naked things, this cup of coffee, this knife, this fork, things in themselves, being myself.

When I can't see the words that curl like smoke rings around me, I'm in the dark, I'm nothing.

Books are the mirrors of the soul.

If you don't tell the truth about yourself, you can't count it on other people.

It is possible that the world itself does not make sense

You can not find peace by avoiding life.

Language is came on the lips.

Nothing has really happened until.

It is a shame to say what it feels like.

Let us pretend that life is a solid, globe -shaped substance, that we turn on our fingers.

I make myself and get rid of continuously. Different people take different words from me.

Green nature is one thing, green in literature. Nature and letters seem to have a natural antipathy; group them and destroy each other.

I don't believe in aging. I believe in altering the appearance of one in the sun.

I need silence, be alone and go out, and look for an hour to consider what has happened to my world, what death has done in my world.

The moment was everything; The moment was enough.

A self changing is a self that continues to live.

Let's not think about: what is this 'civilization' in which we find ourselves? What are these ceremonies and why should we participate in them? What are these professions and why should we make money with them?

I intended to write about death, only life came as always.

Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign language.

Fiction is like a spider web, united very slightly, but still linked to life in the four corners. Often, attachment is barely noticeable.

When things like stars are considered, our affairs do not seem to care much, right?

I like people to be unhappy because I like them to have souls.

My brain Tararaea with pieces of poetry and madness.

We can help him better to avoid war not repeating his words and following his methods, but finding new words and creating new methods.

Writing is like sex: first you do it for love, then you do it for friendship, and then you do it for money.

As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.

We inevitably consider society, so kind to you, so hard with us, as an inappropriate form that distorts the truth; deforms the mind; Chained the will.

To enjoy freedom, we have to control ourselves.

I'm rooted, but I flow.

There is no need to hurry. There is no need to shine. It is not necessary to be no one but oneself.

The best letters of our time are precisely those that can never be published.

A woman must have money and your own room if you are going to write fiction.

While thinking about a man, no one will oppose a woman think.

It is strange how a piece of poetry works in the mind and causes the lefts to move on time along the way.

The only advice ... that a person can give another about reading is not to follow any advice, follow their own instincts, use their own reason, get their own conclusions.

Literature is full of the remains of men who have worried beyond the reason for the opinions of others.

It is writing, not being read, which excites me. Joy is to do.

However, it is true, poetry is delicious; The best prose is the one that is more full of poetry.

Each one had his past locked in him as the leaves of a book he knew by heart; And his friends could only read the title.

The eyes of others our prisons; Your thoughts our cages.

Against you I will throw myself, undefeated and inflexible, oh death!

A feminist is any woman who tells the truth about her life.

You can block your libraries if you wish; But there is no door, no lock, or bolt that you can put on the freedom of my mind.

Some things were very beautiful; Other meaningless nonsense.

Melancholy are the sounds in a winter night.

All extreme feelings alienated with madness.

Beauty was not all. Beauty had this penalty: it arrived too fast, it arrived too completely. Reassured life, froze her.

Thoughts without words ... can it be?

Cúlpelo or albalo, you cannot deny the wild horse in us.

How many times people used a pencil or brush because they couldn't squeeze the trigger?

It was better to become unknown and leave behind an arc, then burn like a meteor and not leave dust.

Often on a wet day I started counting; what I have read and what I have not read.

And, for the love of God, do not publish anything before thirty.

Nothing thicker than the blade leaf separates the happiness of melancholy.

Someone has to die for the rest of us to value life more.

I want to write a novel about the "silence," he said; "Of the things that people don't say".

I really don't like human nature unless art.

Some people go to the priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.

For the truth, we are undone. Life is a Dream. It is the vigil that kills us. He who steals our dreams steals our lives.

Because beyond the difficulty of communicating oneself, there is the supreme difficulty of being oneself.

The more true the facts, the better the fiction will be.

Human beings have neither goodness, faith, nor charity beyond what serves to increase the pleasure of the moment.

One of the signs of the youth that happens is the birth of a sense of companionship with other human beings as we take our place between them.

Clothing is nothing more than a symbol of something hidden deep.

A light here required a shadow there.

The lies will flow from my lips, but maybe there is some really mixed with them ..

It is no use trying to summarize people.

The history of the opposition of men to the emancipation of women is more interesting than the history of that emancipation.

I have sought happiness through many ages and I have not found it.

You can't think well, love well, sleep well, if you haven't eaten well.

Society is everything and society is nothing. Society is the most powerful invention of the world and society has no existence.

Be sincere, and the result will surely be incredibly interesting.

The extraordinary woman depends on ordinary women.

When I can't see the words that curl like smoke rings around me, I am in the dark: I'm nothing.

The future is dark, I think it's the best for the future.

And again he felt alone in the presence of his former antagonist, life.

The history of most women is hidden from silence or ornaments that are equivalent to silence.

And yet, the only exciting life is the imaginary.

The depths of the sea are just water after all.