80 Quevedo's phrases

80 Quevedo's phrases

Francisco Gómez de Quevedo Villegas and Santibáñez Cevallos, better known as Francisco de Quevedo (1580 - 1645), was a Spanish writer from the Golden Age. Considered a teacher of Spanish baroque poetry, Quevedo is one of the most right -right poets that has existed and is a Spanish literary reference.

Quevedo's style, which was based on the use of ingenious concepts and elaborate metaphors, reflects its somewhat cynical attitude towards literature in general. Quevedo fiercely distrusted excessively complicated literature and tried to introduce a style of poetry that, for his time, was remarkably clean and concise.

Celebres Quotes by Francisco de Quevedo

All those who seem stupid, are and, in addition they are half of those who do not seem.

The friend must be like blood, which then goes to the wound without waiting for him to call him.

The brave is afraid of the opposite; The coward, of his own fear.

Those who want themselves with the heart, only with the heart they speak.

Ask my passion and my ventura and you will know that it is a passion of my meaning that judges Blazon of my madness.

There is no love without fear of offending or losing what is loved, and this fear is in love and subsidiary.

There are always those who put bad names on virtue, the more they are always those who do not deserve to know it.

It is not happy the one to whom fortune cannot give more, but the one to whom he cannot remove anything.

How can he suddenly die who since he is born see that he runs for life and carries death with him?

Love is faith and not science.

Its status never improves who moves only, and not life and customs.

But, when misfortunes begin in one, it seems that they never have to end, that they are chained and they brought others.

In short, not just things are not what they seem, they are not even as they are called!

Love is the last philosophy of earth and heaven.

Dear reader, that God protects him from bad books, police and scolding women, with a livid face and blond hair.

Thanks is the main part of a good man.

Who does not love with all his five senses a beautiful woman, does not estimate nature his greatest care and his greatest work.

It is very little more to wish for a little more.

It is easier to write against pride than to overcome it.

Well right who suspects that always yerra.

If you do well to be appreciated, merchant you are, not well; greedy, not charitable.

Everything everyday is a lot and ugly.

Only he who sends with love is served with faithfulness.

I am a was and one will be and one is tired ..

Eyes, I don't know what I hope to see how you treat me; Well, if you see me, you kill me, and if I look at you, I die.

Let's see every husband who has suffered the power to do will, because it is not fair that he has the last will in death that he did not know how to have in life.

The safest thing is not to put in danger.

There are short books that, to understand them as they deserve, a very long life is needed.

The arrogance never goes down where it goes up, but it always falls from where it went up.

Among the same are the firm benefits; Among flavors of fortune, there is no safe mortality.

There is no torment wheel greater than a father's presence and view.

Bad shelter the habit of not having a coat.

Patience is the winning virtue, and makes the powerful and righteous kings. The impatience is vice of the demon, seminar of the most horrible and architect of the tyrants.

Less badly do criminals than a bad judge.

To men who are desperate peel, instead of giving them ropes; They will die little less than hanged.

I heart is the kingdom of fright.

The frog told the mosquito from a jar: I want to die in the wine than to live in the water ..

Believing the worst, almost always hits.

Retired in the peace of this desert, along with some books, few but wise, I live talking with the deceased and listened to the dead with my eyes.

The fear should always be preserved more ever must be shown.

There is no thing that further enlivens love than the fear of losing when loved.

The love of the country always damages the person.

Each must open their eyes and not trust the kinship title, not even the same garments, but of those of love and very experienced will, because they are not the relatives more than how they are treated.

With few, but learned books together, I live in conversation with the deceased and with my eyes I hear the dead speak.

Close can my eyes the last shadow, that I will take the target day.

Reading is listening to the dead with our eyes.

I will be dust, more dust in love.

The tree of life is communication with friends; The fruit, rest and trust in them.

There is no true love where there is any suspicion.

No one offers as much as the one who will not comply.

Where there is little justice is a danger to be right.

The one who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future.

And naked, a small maiden, you are so beautiful, you are so rich and beautiful, that you kill more of jealousy and loves that dressed in colors: and you are like that to the similar sword: that you kill more naked than dressed.

The blind man carries on his towel ... walks his foot with his overshadowed eye.

Leisure is the loss of salary.

The possession of health is like that of the hacienda, which is enjoyed by spending it, and if it is not spent, it is not enjoyed.

Live only for you if you could, because for you if you die, you die.

The true greats are the big mood.

For our greed it is little; For our need, little is a lot.

I know how many contradiction, and I recognize those who have to assemble against me; but it was not me Spanish if they did not look for dangers, despising them before to overcome them later.

We all yearn to reach old and we have all denied that we have already arrived.

Excess is the poison of reason.

It is no less offensive wearing caress in women, than the sword in men.

When Avaro says: I have a treasure, the prisoner says: Have a jail.

Apocate is virtue, power and humility; Leaving apocar ​​is vileza and crime.

You do not want immortality because you doubt it, but because you fear it.

The rich eats, the poor feeds.

A single stone can crumble a building.

The interested friend looks at his own love; The true one, only to the good of the friend.

He who wants all things from this life to his liking will have many dislikes.

Who the judges with passion, without being an ointment makes human, because spreading their hands soften their hearts?

Does not make the greed that happens what we want, nor the fear that does not happen what we are suspicious.

Between the white carnation and the red rose, his majesty chooses.

I am sorry to leave uninhabited body that lover spirit has girded; a heart is always on, where all love reigned hosted.

They brought broth in a wooden shields, so clear, that in eating one of them, Narcissus watered more than at the source.

There is no more rested pleasure than after having shit.

Powerful Knight Don Money.

You do what you suffer and impede.