80 Full, fabulous phrases

80 Full, fabulous phrases

Consciousness is defined as the part of the human psyche that works as a system of values ​​of the individual. We perceive mental anguish and feelings of guilt when we transgress it, and feelings of pleasure and well -being when our actions, thoughts and words are in accordance with our value systems. Thus, consciousness reacts both if the actions, thoughts and words are adjusted as if they are contrary to a standard of law.

Full awareness is something different, it is defined as the ability to experience or feel, to be alert, it is like the quality of fully perceiving everything that surrounds us, without judging, only contemplating and accepting.

Today we bring you these beautiful Phrases about full awareness So you can reflect ..

Full conscience quotes

The fish only knows that he lives in the water, after he is already on the riverbank. Without our conscience from another world, we would never think of changing.

The awareness of our own force makes us modest. Paul Clanne

Consciousness without action has no value. Phil McGraw

The first step towards change is consciousness. The second step is acceptance. Nathaniel Branden

These things will destroy the human race: politics without principles, progress without compassion, wealth without work, learning without silence, religion without courage and cult without consciousness. Anthony de Mello

Be the witness of your thoughts. Buddha

Although it is difficult to determine the physical basis or the location of consciousness, it is perhaps the most precious thing hidden in our brains. And it is something that the individual can only feel and experiment. Each of us values ​​it a lot, but it is private. Dalai Lama

I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the conscience and the hint of the wonderful structure of the existing world, together with the effort to understand a portion, however small, of the reason that is manifested. Albert Einstein

Consciousness is empowering. Rita Wilson

I think that self -awareness is probably the most important thing to be a champion. Billie Jean King

We may be puppets, puppets controlled by the strings of society. But at least we are puppets with perception, with conscience. And perhaps our conscience is the first step for our liberation. Stanley Milgram

Consciousness is the greatest alchemy that there is. Just keep getting more and more aware, and you will find that your life changes for better in all possible dimensions. It will bring you great satisfaction. Osho

Consciousness is an internal quality; It has nothing to do with having closed or open eyes. Osho

In this blind clay, you have infused awareness. Everything, everywhere, what you have given is good. Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Just being aware, thoughts begin to disappear. There is no need to fight. Your knowledge is enough to destroy them. And when the mind is empty, the temple is ready. And inside the temple, the only God that is worth placing is silence. So those three words that you must remember: relaxation, inconsideration, silence. And if these three words are no more words for you but become experiences, your life will transform. Osho

Let the spirit come out. Discard all reward thoughts, all hopes of praise and fears of guilt, all consciousness of body being itself. And finally, closing the paths of the perception of the senses, let the spirit out, which will do so. Bruce Lee

Let's not look back with anger or move forward, but with conscience. James Thurber

What is needed to change a person is to change the awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow

Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to the subject. Charles Lindbergh

Modles are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that conscience, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use. Emily Post

Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or pure conscience without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity. Swami Sivananda

Meditation, witnessing, sitting in silence and looking at the mind, will be very helpful. Without forcing, simply sitting and looking. Not long ago, just look how one looks bird flying in the sky. Simply lying on the floor and looking at, nothing to do, indifferent. It is not really your concern, where they are going; They go on their own. Osho

On this path, the effort is never wasted, and there is no failure. Even a small effort towards spiritual consciousness will protect you from greater fear. Bhagavad Gita

Only very few people are born with conscience. Those are the people who die in consciousness. If death is aware, then the birth will be aware, because death is a side and birth is the other side of the same currency. Osho

Photography is a small voice, in the best case, but sometimes a photograph, or a group of them, can attract our sense of consciousness. W. Eugene Smith

Physically you are a human being, but mentally you are incomplete. Since we have this human physical form, we must safeguard our mental capacity for judgment. Therefore, we cannot hire insurance; The insurance company is within: self -discipline, self -awareness and a clear understanding of the disadvantages of anger and the positive effects of goodness. Dalai Lama

When opening our hearts, we hope this can promote greater awareness in us. Maybe a clearer understanding of the people and families that surround us. Ronald Reagan

It is the awareness of unfulfilled desires that gives a nation the feeling that it has a mission and a destination. Eric Hoffer

Praying endlessly not ritualized, there are not even words. It is a constant state of unity awareness with God. Peregrine of La Paz

Consciousness is observation without choice, condemnation or justification. Consciousness is the silent observation from which understanding arises without the experimenter and experienced. In this awareness, which is passive, the problem or cause receives the opportunity to develop and, therefore, to give its complete meaning. In consciousness there is no end in sight, and there is no future, the "I" and the "mine" do not receive continuity. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Consciousness is that mood that covers everything: crows flying over the sky, the flowers of the trees, the people sitting at the front, the colors that are stating, are very aware, need to observe, observe and assimilate the form. Of the leaf, the shape of the trunk, the shape of the head of another, what it is doing. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Consciousness means that you come with an inner light, you move completely alert. Each step is taken in consciousness, walking, coming, sitting, everything is done with full awareness. Osho

Being pure awareness, don't bother your mind with thoughts for and against. Be in peace and remain happy in yourself, the essence of joy. Astavakra Gita

Awareness of each act. Walking along the way, he walks completely alert; Eating, eating conscientiously. Whatever you are doing, do not let the past and the future interfere. Stay in the present. That's what consciousness is about. Osho

The positive thought technique is not a technique that transforms you. Simply repressing the negative aspects of your personality. It is a method of choice. Cannot help consciousness; goes against consciousness. Consciousness is always without options. Osho

The final value of life depends on the consciousness and power of contemplation rather than mere survival. Aristotle

The whole idea of ​​compassion is based on a sharp awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are part of each other and all are involved in each other. Thomas Merton

The world is not a problem; The problem is your ignorance. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Those who lack talent expect things to happen effortlessly. They attribute failure to lack of inspiration or ability instead of insufficient implication. In the core of each true talent there is an awareness of the difficulties inherent to any achievement, and the confidence that due to persistence and patience something worthwhile will be carried out. Therefore, talent is a kind of vigor. Eric Hoffer

Those with the greatest conscience have the greatest nightmares. Mahatma Gandhi

To achieve the purity of the mind, one must cultivate constant consciousness by being attentive all the time. One must always remain aware of his thoughts. Swami Rama

The truth is pure awareness. Osho

You are aware. Consciousness is another name for you. As you are aware, there is no need to achieve or cultivate it. All you have to do is stop being aware of other things, that's not-being. If one ceases to be aware of that, then pure consciousness only remains, and that is the self. Ramana Maharshi

You can only approach God through the preparation effort. To experiment the increase, the state of consciousness will have to stay for several minutes. Then you are between time and time, waiting for the unknown, which will come but you can't wish. Barry Long

When you think, you become that thought. And consciousness, or the state of pure consciousness, is lost. Barry Long

Walk, but walk meditating, consciously and breathe, let your breathing become a constant meditation; Breathe knowingly. Breathing enters: look at it. The breath comes out: look at it. Eat, but eat with full conscience. Take a bite, chew, but continue looking. Let the observer be present at all times, whatever you are doing. Osho

Whatever we are waiting for, mental peace, satisfaction, grace, internal awareness of simple abundance, will surely reach us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. Sarah Ban Breathnach

Whatever you choose, you will regret it, because the other will remain and chase you. If one needs absolute freedom, consciousness without options is the only option. Osho

When the robot's mind is dominated, indisciplined thinking ceases and is replaced by consciousness. Consciousness can know love. Barry Long

When you listen with perfect knowledge, then listening is possible. Osho

The words do two main things: they provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and consciousness. Jim Rohn

By becoming more aware, we are becoming more and more perceptive. There is no other method for that. It is a simple process. Whatever you are doing, do it with such awareness as if it were a matter of life or death; As if a sword were hanging on you. Osho

Change is safe. Peace is followed by riots; The departure of evil men is followed by his return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness, but realities for consciousness, so that one can be happy in the interim. Percy Bysshe Shelley

To be different from who we are, we must have a certain awareness of who we are. Eric Hoffer

In the background we have the qualities of clarity, consciousness, sensitivity, warmth and love. But, from the beginning, we have little idea how deep and vast can those qualities be. Yaaqut

Do brings ego. The ego is the shadow of action. And there is only one thing that is not doing and that is conscience, surveillance. The only thing that is not part of the world of action is pure consciousness. No shadow is created by pure consciousness. It is so pure that the light can cross it, it is transparent and not created shadow. Osho

Do not allow yourself to suppress your thoughts. On the other hand, let the thoughts come before you and become a kind of observer. Start observing your own mind. Do not try to escape; Do not be afraid of your way of thinking. Swami Rama

Do not choose. If you choose, you will be in the quagmire. Do not choose! A conscience without choice is the objective. Just stay away. At the time you choose, you have fallen into the world trap or in the trap of the mind. Osho

During war times, not only one should take part in it, but also encourage the brave to do so creating awareness, zeal and enthusiasm for war in society. Rig Veda

Each human being has four skills: self -awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us maximum human freedom ... the power to choose, answer, change. Stephen r. Covey

To become aware you do not need to go to Himalayas; You don't need to go anywhere. Your life gives you enough opportunities to be aware. Someone insults you, listen to it with full awareness. And it will be surprised: the insult is no longer an insult. It may even smile. Does not harm; It hurts only when you receive without realizing it. Someone praises you and appreciates you carefully. And then no one can persuade you to do silly things. No one can brib it; Adulation becomes impossible. You will smile for all nonsense. Osho

For those who want to climb the mountain of spiritual consciousness, the road is selfless work. For those who have reached the summit of the union with the Lord, the road is stillness and peace. Bhagavad Gita

Glory is largely a theatrical concept. There is no struggle for glory without a vivid awareness of an audience. Eric Hoffer

The service expands your vision, expand your knowledge. Deepen your compassion. Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Loneliness sharpens the awareness of the little pleasures that would otherwise be lost. Kevin Patterson

The awareness that we are all human beings together has been lost in war and politics. Albert Schweitzer

The body sleeps, the heart sleeps, the mind sleeps, but you stay alert because you are nothing more than the state of alert. Everything else is a false identification. Consciousness is your nature. The body is your abode. The mind is your computer. Conscience, it's you, it's yourself. Osho

Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you live and do it. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive. Howard Thurman

Walk, conscientiously. Eat, consciousness. Breathe, conscientiously. Osho

Excess of information opaque consciousness, does not help it. Jerry Mander

The great conscience comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of permanent learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a cheerful experience. M. Scott Peck

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness in our life. Lao Tzu

The first step of the mind for self -consciousness must be through the body. George Sheehan

The only thing that can save the world is the recovery of world consciousness. That is what poetry does. Allen Ginsberg

The highest dimensions of consciousness mean greater dimensions of energy. Jaggi Vasudev

Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not; And that the two types are strangely mixed in everyday affairs. Christopher Morley

I am absolutely against positive thinking. It will surprise you, but if you do not choose, if you remain in a conscience without choice, your life will begin to express something that is beyond the positive and the negative, which is higher than both. So you will not be a loser. It will not be negative, it will not be positive, it will be existential. Osho

I feel the same about loneliness that some people feel about the blessing of faith. It is the light of grace for me. I never close my door behind me without the awareness that I am carrying out an act of mercy towards myself. Peter Hoeg

If there is pain, use it as an awareness, as meditation, as an exacerbation of the soul. And when pleasure is there, use it as a buzz, like a forgetfulness. Both are ways of reaching God. One is that you remember totally, and one is to forget yourself completely. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

If you are aware, you speak with conscience. But consciousness comes from internal being. Flows from the internal being to others. Osho

If you do not take the lamp of consciousness with you, you will create a hell around you. Light your lamp wherever you go. Wherever you go, whatever you do, always do it in the inner light, with conscience. Osho

In consciousness there is no future, there is no end to win. There is silent observation without choice and condemnation, from which understanding arises. In this process, when thought and feeling unfold, which is only possible when there is no acquisition or acceptance, an extensive consciousness occurs, where all hidden layers and their meaning are revealed. Jiddu Krishnamurti

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