8 techniques not to get so angry

8 techniques not to get so angry

¿You are a person who jump to the minimum exchange? There are people who are more "angry" than others, that is, people more susceptible to anger and who, at any time, can see how humor and mood changing them. It is an impulsive reaction that can complicate coexistence with that person a lot and, even, she can feel unsatisfied with her day to day. And it is that getting angry for everything can become very exhausting. Therefore, in this Psychology-online article we will discover you 8 techniques not to get so angry, They are tricks that you can incorporate into your routine and with which you will control the bad mood. ¡Put them into practice!

You may also be interested: why I get angry without index reasons
  1. Breathe deep: one of the best tricks not to get angry
  2. Observe and redirect, techniques to control anger
  3. Why are you getting angry? - The importance of analysis
  4. Put on your skin
  5. Don't take it as a competition
  6. Affectionate gestures, a great technique to control the anger
  7. A relaxed and conscious life not to get so angry
  8. Avoid people or toxic situations

Breathe deep: one of the best tricks not to get angry

One of the best techniques not to get angry is in breathing. It is a trick that surely you have heard more than once and is that its effectiveness is assured. Although at first glance it may seem nonsense, the truth is that taking air deeply can help you, very much, relax nerves and calm your anger.

With a deep breath you will relax your pulsations, send more oxygen to the brain and, in addition, you will give you time not to react impulsively and let it be your anger who speaks. The most recommended thing is that, when you feel that you are getting angry, you close your eyes, You breathe deeply 10 times And then you answer.

In this other article you will find a test of anger and aggressiveness to know the anger levels you have in your day to day.

Observe and redirect, techniques to control anger

It is essential that if you want to learn to control the anger You are aware of when you are getting angry. That is, this emotion cannot be caught by surprise because, if so, the reaction will be uncontrolled and nothing rational. What we are looking for is, precisely, to put some reasoning to what is happening and be able to control our response to that stimulus that disturbs us.

Therefore, one of the tricks not to get angry is that you know Recognize your physical reactions to anger. That is, learn to detect when you are getting angry: agitated breathing, heat, stomach pain ... according to the symptoms it will be much easier to put the barrier so they do not explode uncontrolled.

Once you have detected that you are angry, to be able to control it, it will suffice that Try to change your thought. That is, take off your head the idea so strong that "you are right" and try to put yourself in the place of the other. Try to understand why he has told you or done what has caused you anger and empathizes with him. Try to understand is the first step to be able to clarify the situation.

Why are you getting angry? - The importance of analysis

To be able to control the anger it is basic that You understand and understand. You have to put some logic to the situation and avoid getting carried away by that emotion that is invading your body. Stop a second and ask yourself: ¿Why am I really angry?

Surely, the first thing that comes to minds is: "Because he/she has said that ...". No. It isn't true. Do not get angry because he has said something but because, deep down, there is something that is stirring inside. It may be that this phrase or act is implying that you are unimportant for that person, therefore, the real problem is that you are feeling a little section.

It is basic that we understand What hurts us and why it hurts us. Only then can we put an end to this situation and manage it as soon as possible. It is recommended that, instead of looking at the faults of others, we focus on us and analyze what is bothering us and what can be the cause of this feeling.

In this other article we talk about why you are always angry and give you the most common causes of this situation.

Put on your skin

Another of the best techniques not to get so angry is that you leave your center, your navel, to try to understand the other person. In a discussion there are two people who are involved in the conversation and, therefore, the two have feelings, emotions and fears. Letting ourselves carry and act only by what happens to us is a big mistake and, in addition, it will not understand the other.

Therefore, when you are in a situation in which there is something that is angry we invite you to ask the following: "¿What is the other person to tell me with this?". Instead of reacting impulsively it is better to try to empathize and put yourself in the skin of the other to see what is intended to tell you.

Many times, discussions are nothing more than Communication errors And, therefore, it is essential that you try to understand what is the message that you want to convey.

In this other article we give you some good advice so you can learn to discuss as a couple.

Don't take it as a competition

Especially in the couple's environment, anger is usually conceived as a kind of Toxic competition To see who holds more or see who is right. Here many concepts enter that should be avoided as pride, dominance over the other, stubbornness, etc. Therefore, they have to Avoid behaviors competitive or toxic that the only thing they contribute is more firewood.

You have to consider that A discussion does not have to be a negative situation. If you learn to control your primary anger and control your emotions, you will get a bridge of understanding towards that person with whom you have the disagreement. Instead of seeing him as an enemy, he tries to see him as a person you can learn: there is something you are not sharing so it is time to get out of our ego and listen to the other point of view.

We can be, or not, agree. But what is certain is that he will teach us another way to see life and to better understand the situation in which you are.

Affectionate gestures, a great technique to control the anger

We know that this can be a complicated trick to perform, especially at the beginning. But if you have decided that you want to better control your anger and anger, then you have to apply this technique sooner or later because, in the background, it is the basis of your discussion. That is, you are getting angry with that person because, in reality, you care. Therefore, you join a loop of love and love.

Thus, one of the best techniques not to get so angry is that, at the time you are angry or discussing, Make an approach to that person. He caresses his hand, open him or kiss. You can be angry but do not hate yourself. That is the key. You are only living a tense moment but that you can solve with empathy, tranquility and respect. Therefore, an affectionate approach will help you Relax tension And that your emotion is very reassured. ¡test it!

A relaxed and conscious life not to get so angry

In addition to all these tricks that we have indicated, if you want to learn to control anger and anger it is important that you practice some healthy life habits for your mind. Try to reduce the consumption of toxic substances such as alcohol or drugs because they produce mood and emotional instability.

The best thing is that you start taking care of your mind and, for this, you make some habits such as sport, comas in a healthy way, you sleep well at night, and so on. All this will help you to be much quieter and optimistic in your day to day, therefore, you will manage them in another way.

If you usually get very angry, it is best to incorporate some activities such as yoga or meditation that will help you connect with your body and dissipate tensions. It is important to live in an environment away from stress and anxiety to, thus, not pay with the people of your environment the chaos you have in your life.

In this other article we discover the best meditation techniques for beginners with which you can start to better control your impulses and your anger.

Avoid people or toxic situations

And finally, one of the tricks not to get so angry is a very basic and elementary one: get away from everything that makes you tense or destabilizes you. There is people who can be toxic For you and that they can get the worst of ourselves. It is important to know how to detect them in time and avoid establishing too intimate relationships with them. In this other article we give you some tips for you to know how to deal with toxic people at work, an environment that we cannot avoid but learn to manage in another way.

The same can happen with some situations or contexts in life. PIt is that, in some situations, we do not feel completely safe or confident and that, therefore, we end up exploding for a cluster of uncontrolled emotions. If we want to get angry less, we better try to avoid people and toxic circumstances to have greater control of the situation.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to 8 techniques not to get so angry, We recommend that you enter our category of emotions.