8 signals for the early detection of an auditory disability or hearing loss

8 signals for the early detection of an auditory disability or hearing loss

The term disability is divided into two parts: "DIS", which refers to difficulty and "ability" that is the ability to (...). For this reason since 1993 the nations unit declared the day December 3 as World Day for People with Disabilities, to achieve greater inclusion at the family, cultural and social level; This organism seeks the right to equality.

There are different types of disability, which are classified as follows: motor, cognitive, intellectual and sensory disability. Inside the latter we find auditory disability, this time we will focus on the main signals for early detection in a child.


  • 8 auditory difficulty signs
    • 1. It does not react to sounds
    • 2. When calling him it does not react
    • 3. Balbuceos passes to shouts
    • 4. Difficulty interacting with stimuli
    • 5. Absence of verbal expression of folded syllables
    • 6. Absence of verbal expression of people or objects
    • 7. When reading a children's story he does not pay attention
    • 8. Attention! All this is more frequent over time
    • In conclusion…

8 auditory difficulty signs

1. It does not react to sounds

In the First 6 months You can suspect an auditory deficiency When the baby does not react to unexpected, strong or that last a long time (for example: if an object falls to the ground, when the bell of a cell phone sounds).

2. When calling him it does not react

Since the 6 months of life a baby tends to express answers to certain stimuli. For example: when parents call their child by name the baby tends to move his head and direct the look where he listens to his name. When some auditory difficulty in a child occurs Does not present this reaction, Only when he has his parents in front.

3. Balbuceos passes to shouts

During the 6 to 12 months of the child By not perceiving sounds of their surroundings he feels as if everything was "with the volume below" and that is why he couldn't hear anything. Let's think about a situation that can serve as an example: being in a concert we receive a call to the cell phone, what happens when answering the call? As there is a lot It is evidenced in a child who tries to satisfactorily interact with his surroundings, since he shouts more than the account.

4. Difficulty interacting with stimuli

In addition to the above characteristics, another signal to early detect an auditory disability in a child is the Exaggerated difficulty to interact with stimuli (which can be: situations, objects or people) that cannot see. We mentioned previously When they call him, he may not react if he does not have his parents in front, this tends to generalize in other spaces, For example: with friends, with the teacher who scolds him at school, if someone gives him an indication verbally (say “goodbye” without accompanying him with a gesture with his body) among others. This can begin to be noticed from 6 months.

5. Absence of verbal expression of folded syllables

In general, hearing problems or difficulties contain several aspects, that is, not only the hearing, but Also the effective development of speech is involved. From 12 months (or the year of your child's age/a) absence of bent syllables such as: dad, mom, among others, among others.

6. Absence of verbal expression of people or objects

Since the first year of the child, the denomination of people and objects through words also does not carry out. Let's look at an example to understand this better, a child in normal development conditions when he is hungry to ask for the bottle, he can say “tete”, at home they know that if he says “tete” wants to eat; But a child with obvious auditory difficulty By not receiving sounds, he has not developed his expression in a favorable way through words.

7. When reading a children's story he does not pay attention

In many countries the habit that a child one of his parents reads a children's story at night still continues to sleep at night. From the 2 years of age of a child, when you have suspected that he has some auditory problem, this will be reflected when reading a story at night, since If you have some difficulty to perceive sounds, you will not pay sustained attention when you read a story, Which can cause the child to get another activity.

8. Attention! All this is more frequent over time

When the child is 2 years old (or more) all these symptoms mentioned above are presented more frequently, evidencing some difficulty interacting with parents, other relatives, other children of their age, at school, among others.

In conclusion…

It is essential that parents are alert in early detection so that this does not produce other psychological problems in the short or medium term, such as: shyness, aggressive behaviors, among other manifestations in a child.