8 keys to differentiate the normal aging of Alzheimer's

8 keys to differentiate the normal aging of Alzheimer's

There are certain keys that help differentiate the normal aging of Alzheimer's, because in the aging process, certain changes occur that can be considered normal.

However, many people confuse these processes of aging with the symptoms of Alzheimer's, a disease that affects many functions, among which is memory and learning.


  • Alzheimer's and aging
  • Keys to differentiate the normal aging of Alzheimer's
    • 1. Lose memory vs. Temporarily forget something
    • 2. Disorientation instead or time vs. Do not remember a current date
    • 3. Apsia vs. forget the exact word
    • 4. Behavior alterations vs. Bad mood
    • 5. OBSIGHT OBSYE VS. punctual loss
    • 6. Lack of judgment vs. bad decisions
    • 7. Apathy and social isolation vs. Tired periods
    • 8. Difficulty for the usual tasks vs. Help with complex tasks
  • Diagnosis
    • Bibliography

Alzheimer's and aging

According to the Archibaldo Donoso car, in his study on Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer The presence of febrile plates and neurofibrillar degeneration.

Clinically, the disease is expressed as an insidious and slowly progressive dementia that, usually begins with recent memory failures and in which the patient ends up prostrated in bed, being totally dependent.

Regarding aging, according to the authors Alejandra Alvarado and Ángela Salazar, in their research on the analysis of the concept of aging, they emphasize that aging, despite not being accepted as an innate reality in the human being, is present to throughout the life cycle, from conception to death.

Therefore, it is worth noting what are some of the keys to differentiate the normal aging of Alzheimer's.

Keys to differentiate the normal aging of Alzheimer's

Among the keys, are the following:

1. Lose memory vs. Temporarily forget something

It is normal when a person forgets someone else's name and then remembers it. In these cases, the causes may be related to attention or concentration failures. In addition, episodes are transitory and can also be caused by the effect of drugs, stress or anxiety.

However, for those who suffer from Alzheimer's, Memory loss is one of the most present symptoms and it is not a transient condition, but over time they tend to get worse. The most common is to forget the freshly obtained information, such as events or dates, in addition to asking several times the same things.

2. Disorientation instead or time vs. Do not remember a current date

It is normal, and not only as part of the aging, that some people forget the exact day in which they are. This can occur because of the wishes that the weekend arrives or when stressful situations are lived.

However, in Patients with Alzheimer's, there is a disorientation that is both temporary and spatial, which means that they forget many dates, including the year in which they live or in which they were born.

They also have problems being able to reach a known site or do not remember where they are or how they got there, which increases the Risk of loss.

3. Apsia vs. forget the exact word

It is normal not to remember a word exactly, this is known as the ugly sister effect, when the person, usually exclaims: "I have it at the tip of my tongue". But, later the person comes to mind the term, so it is not considered an alarm signal.

However, in Alzheimer's disease what is present is aphasia, with the initial symptoms of having difficulty conversing or communicating, which affects the expression of words, either because they do not find the word they wish to express or that the Repeat a lot. This also generates failures in the order of writing and words.

4. Behavior alterations vs. Bad mood

It is normal in almost all people if humor changes temporarily and this can be due to everyday problems, daily stress and concerns.

But Alzheimer's implies much more, since can generate psychological alterations of behavior, such as depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, agitation, irritability, delusions, emotional changes, wandering, hallucinations and even alterations in sleep and appetite.

5. OBSIGHT OBSYE VS. punctual loss

It is normal to do several things at the same time and, for example, forget where the car keys have been left. When wanting to remember, then the memory fails, but the person is able to remember what he did before entering the house and realizing that he went straight to the kitchen, so it is likely that the keys are on the countertop.

This does not happen with people suffering from Alzheimer's, since they They usually lose objects, but they are unable to rethink or make the mental route of what they did previously until you find them. In some cases, they can accuse others of having stolen them, since they do not remember that they were the ones who left him in a certain place.

6. Lack of judgment vs. bad decisions

Either due to impulsivity or lack of experience, it is normal for anyone to make bad decisions, but people with Alzheimer.

People with Alzheimer's can reach the point of giving their money unjustified or who gives attention to their personal care.

7. Apathy and social isolation vs. Tired periods

Tiredness, having had an exhausting day or not having slept well for pending obligations, can cause some people to remain at home, without desire to participate in social events.

This does not happen with Alzheimer's patients, since for them It is very difficult to carry out sports or social activities, which can lead them to become introverted people When they feel exposed to other people.

8. Difficulty for the usual tasks vs. Help with complex tasks

When people are older, it is normal to require help to perform complex tasks, or to which they are not accustomed, such as mobile use, for example-

However, a pathological state is evidenced when the performance of daily activities is affected, such as when making a purchase, handling bank accounts, handling money, attending medical appointments, managing medication, organizing a trip, among others.

In more advanced stages, People with Alzheimer can be prevented from doing the most basic tasks, such as their cleaning, dress or handling the kitchen.

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It should be noted that the presence of only one of the described symptoms is not a sufficient indication to establish a diagnosis of Alzheimer's, so it is always advisable to go with the specialist and obtain the precise diagnosis.

Finally, it should be noted that, although there is no cure for Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's: the disease of oblivion


  • Alvarado Garcia, A. M., & Salazar Maya, to. M. (2014). Analysis of the aging concept. Gerokomos25(2), 57-62.
  • Donoso, a. (2003). Alzheimer's disease. Chilean Neuro-Psychiatry Magazine41, 13-22.
  • Lopera, f. (2004). Alzheimer disease. Perspectives in human nutrition, 29-32.
  • Romano, m., Nissen, m. D., Of the garden, n., & Parquet, C. (2007). Alzheimer disease. Postgraduate Magazine of the Chair of Medicine75, 9-12.