8 Characteristics of manipulative people

8 Characteristics of manipulative people

Knowing these 8 characteristics of manipulative people is very important because we probably go around with someone like that, at any time in life.

These people who act with the art of manipulation are everywhere and you may find them in your work, the school or may even be a neighbor.

It is convenient to know what the profile of manipulators is not only to avoid them, but to protect us and be safe from their harmful emotional blackmail.

Informing about this issue is crucial, then, studies indicate that Invisible emotional manipulation is very harmful, difficult to detect in principle and fall as a trap.


  • The personality of manipulative people
  • Characteristics of manipulative people
  • To do?
    • Bibliography

The personality of manipulative people

Research on the personality of manipulators indicates that their characteristics and ways of acting are different from those of the rest of the people.

In fact, it is believed that manipulators act as they do due to a mechanism learned from self -defense or protection against the rest.

Also, they are described as observer people, and they are considered to have grown up in a family environment in which they were the admiration center.

When they form couple relationships, they usually ignore the aspirations and feelings of the partner, since they are only interested in feeling good and nothing more.

If differences arise in the couple, then the manipulator comes to qualify the other as "insensitive" or "interested" if it does not yield to their requests. On the other hand, when the partner acts as the manipulator wants, it fills him with praises.

Some authors emphasize that, the weapons used by manipulators are the guilt, obligation and fear.

It is possible to know some particular features of his personality to know if you are being a victim of the emotional blackmail of a manipulative person.

Characteristics of manipulative people

If you think you could be being a victim of someone manipulative, verify this series of behaviors and corroborate it.

  1. Exaggerate the compliments: okay if a person wants to recognize the strengths of another, but, the manipulators generally exaggerate their compliments when they want.
  2. He turns to many arguments: To try to always sound convincing. They always have good speeches to get the other person to give up their values ​​and serve their interests
  3. You feel blame: The manipulators identify weaknesses in their victim to make them feel guilty.
  4. Pretend to meet you: And it is common for them to say phrases such as: "I know you very well" or "I know what you are thinking now", because, precisely, they take certain things, although the victim has never said anything about it.
  5. Divide: He likes to generate confrontation climates, until one person is against another.
  6. Evade your responsibilities: and always justifies its way of acting. One of his most spent phrases is: "Other people also think about it, not just me", in order to evade their responsibility.
  7. He is an expert giving pity: Because this is an almost perfect formula to achieve what they want. They assume a victim position for the other person to manipulate.
  8. They control: any situation, or at least they want. The personality of the manipulators oscillates between narcissism and egocentrism, so the other person, when falling into their networks, realize that they cannot make any decision alone without the manipulator interfering or wanting to impose its point of view.

What celebrates the celebrity?

To do?

If, after checking the previous list, you think you are close to a person who manipulates, then it is time to avoid it, you will be safe.

However, this is not always possible, especially if that person is in our work, for example.

If this is your case, then follow these guidelines:

  • Confirm: any fact, and never certain nothing of what he says.
  • Use transparency: When an environment is transparent, the manipulator will have little range of action.
  • Do not step on your land: falling into provocations, or reacting aggressively -ni passive-. Simply acts calmly.
  • Don't feel guilt: Especially when you should respond with a "no". Keep in mind that, first, you must respect your own limits. If you identify with this point, then you need to learn to overcome the feeling of guilt.
  • Reflect: Before answering any of your demands with a "yes". Never allow the pressure exerted by the manipulator to take effect on you.
  • Be loyal to you: and keep your position firm.

With the implementation of these recommendations you can be out of the manipulation power of these characters.

But, if you consider that the manipulative subject is very close to you, then go for psychological help to better manage the situation and avoid emotional suffering.


  • Martos, r. TO. (2006). How to detect psychological violence.
  • Pacheco, m. T. (2011). Child egocentrism. Topics for Education.
  • Perela Larrosa, M. (2010). Gender Violence: Psychological Violence. Forum: Journal of Legal and Social Sciences. https: // doi.org/10.5209/Forum.37248
  • Sterba, r. (1944). NARCISSISM. Rev. Psychoanaly.
  • Villegas, m., & Mallor, P. (2012). Narcissism and its modalities. Psychotherapy magazine.