75 phrases about forgiveness and regret

75 phrases about forgiveness and regret

Sometimes, life hits us so strongly that our options to recover seem unattainable. But they say that Forgiveness is able to heal to the deepest wounds.

Forgiveness is connected to goodness; And love is the primary goodness form for forgiveness. As we forgive in the deepest sense of the term, we heal a little more and get rid of the anger and resentment that torment us.

We bring you today these fantastic phrases about forgiveness so you can reflect on it ..

The best quotes of forgiveness and to apologize

Forgiveness is a silent gift that you leave at the doorway of the door of those who have hurt you.

Err is human, forgive divine. Alexander Pope

Sorry, it does not always mean that you are wrong and that the other person is right. It simply means that you value your relationship more than your ego.

I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, hurt people. But when I say I'm sorry, I say it seriously.

When you keep grudge, you want another person's pain to reflect your pain level, but both are rarely found. Steve Maraboli

Forgive is not forget. But it helps to let the pain go. Kathy Hedberg

A "sorry" I don't prove anything unless he says it seriously.

Sorry, if I was right, I would agree with you. Robin Williams

More people should apologize, and more people should accept these apologies when they are sincerely. Greg Lemond

The deepest apologies are never heard by the ears, they feel through the heart. So put your hand in my heart and just feel it, I'm crying with regret.

Love in the real world means saying that you feel it 10 times a day. Kathie Lee Gifford

There is nothing wrong with apologizing, but saying Sorry is of no use if you continue making the same mistakes.

You said you never wanted to be injured. Did you close your eyes when I cried?

An apology is a lovely perfume; can transform the most clumsy moment into a gift full of grace. Margaret Lee Runbeck

To tell someone forgiveness is difficult ... but lowering someone's pride is the most difficult. Cristina Orante

The fools say that wise men will regret demonstrating that they feel it.

Never try to dominate those who ask for forgiveness for your mistake because, understand it, you are more important than your ego.

The ability of a person to forgive has always been the most notable of human characteristics. Leon Uris

The benefit of forgiveness is often greater for which it has been injured.

Accept everything about yourself, I mean everything, it is you and that is the beginning and the end, without apologies, without regrets. Henry Kissinger

Forgiveness does not change the past, but expands the future. Paul Boise

The things that are done between two people are remembered. If they remain together, it is not because they forget; It's because they forgive. Demi Moore

The only correct actions are those that do not require explanation or apology. Auerbach Network

I'm sorry. I constantly want to talk to you. Sorry when it takes you to answer, I feel sad. I'm sorry if I say things that can get angry. I'm sorry if you don't want to talk to me as much as I want to talk to you. I'm sorry if I tell you about my useless drama when you don't really care. I'm sorry if I let off steam, but it's just that I miss you.

My heart is caught in repentance and needs your forgiveness to free it. I love you.

Pride and ego make fun of an apology. Humility accepts forgiveness without questioning ... so decides yourself! Tf Hodge

Forgiveness is not to excuse offender's behavior, is to abandon resentment and contemplate the other as a human being despite what he has done.

Many tears fell from your eyes due to the way I hurt you. Today I promise to turn all the tears fallen into a beautiful pearl. I'm sorry.

Stupids do not forgive or forget; the naive forgive and forget; The wise forgives, but does not forget. Thomas Szasz

Maturity is the ability to harvest without apologies and not complain when things are not going well. Jim Rohn

Forgiveness recognizes human fragility, and everyone can hurt others.

When you forgive you give yourself the second chance of that beautiful life, whatever the other's decision.

I confess that what I said is a lie, but that does not make me a liar. The fact that we are going through a difficult time does not mean that our love is over. I will open my heart in the next few days, so you can see how regret is breaking me from the inside in every way possible. I'm sorry.

Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. Isaac Friedmann

Forgive others protect your emotional well -being and how you look like a person.

I have made terrible mistakes that have hurt the people who care more, and I am very sorry. I am deeply ashamed of my terrible judgment and my actions. Anthony Weiner

An apology is a good way to have the last word.

The only good thing about the lack of punctuality is that it generally offers you an apology.

Forgiveness can save your life. I have never found something as effective as forgiveness to heal deep wounds. Forgiveness is a powerful medicine. Robert Enrihgt

A simple apology could fix a friendship that, at the outset, should not have finished. Do not let your ego prevents you from doing the right thing.

There are some experiences in life for those who have not invented the right words. Lisa Kleypas

A rigid apology is a second insult ... the injured party does not want them to be compensated because it has been subject to injustice; He wants to be healed because he has been injured. GK Chesterton

The power and ego see forgiveness as a weakness. Therefore, by rejecting forgiveness, the resentments are still there.

Love sees forgiveness as a force, and works to eliminate resentment.

True remorse is never just a regret for the consequences; It is a regret for the reason. Mignon McLaughlin

A strong person is needed to apologize and an even stronger person to forgive.

You are someone who loves. That is part of who you are. Forgiveness can help you love again.

Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths. Lois Wyse

Autoperdón implies looking for forgiveness and repair of the damages of those who were injured by your actions (which possibly also hurt you). Robert Enight

A hero is someone we can admire without apologizing. Kelley Kitty

From the psychological point of view, forgiveness is a good practice because it can heal the injured person. The fact of focusing on the consequences of injustice and that we want to cure them does not convert forgiveness into an interested act.

Forgiveness is surgery for your heart that can save your life ... and that of others.

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than obtain permission. Grace Hopper

Never forget the nine most important words of any couple: I love you. You are beautiful. Please forgive me.  H. Jackson Brown Jr.

If someone has hurt you not only suffer from that pain, but you still suffer because you do not know whether or not you forgive who has hurt you.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

A sincere apology is the super gloss of life. You can repair almost anything. Lynn Johnston

When we look for the forgiveness of others, we need humility and patience to allow the other to forgive at their own pace.

Forgiveness is not a skill, but a moral virtue that can be developed.

When walking along the path of forgiveness, you can and you must have hope.

While it may seem like a fairly simple act, forgiveness is a difficult and very delicate process that, if executed correctly, can be deeply moving and a great learning experience. Robert Enight

Never do a defense or an apology until they accuse you. King Charles i

You never apologize for having high standards. People who really want to be in your life will get up to meet them. Rai add up

My constant scolding may seem upset, but in no way it means that I am dominating you. I don't want anything more than the best for you, I would do nothing to make you feel sad. I'm sorry.

The person who hurt you is more than those wounds that have caused you.

Your suffering can contribute to a more mature understanding of what it means to be humble, brave and kind.

In this life, when you refuse someone, you will remember it when asking for forgiveness. Toba Beta

When you realize that you have made a mistake, make peace immediately. It's easier to eat crow when it's still hot. Dan Heist

The lies, large or small, are lies. I'm ashamed because I made you cry. Regretting, I'm drowning miserably. I am waiting for your forgiveness desperately.

Trying to repair the effects of your injustice requires value and creativity, but can free you from guilt.

Your forgiveness protects the emotional well -being of your loved ones.

I said "I love you" and I said it seriously. But I hurt you, now "I'm sorry" and I say it seriously.

Would you have made any difference? Ever? It's just a word. A word against a thousand shares. Sarah Ockler

An apology given only to appease the awareness of one is selfish and it is better to leave it without saying. Evinds lepins

Your forgiveness can now protect future generations from insane rabies.