75 phrases of heartbreak and disappointment for people with a broken heart

75 phrases of heartbreak and disappointment for people with a broken heart

We have all ever passed in our lives by some breakup and by states of disappointment and heartbreak, If you feel sad and with a broken heart, these phrases of heartbreak will help relieve your pain. Don't forget, you're not alone. We hope that some of the appointments that we have selected especially for you help you start the way to overcoming.


Some say it is painful to wait for someone. Others say it is painful to forget someone. But the worst pain that occurs when it is not known whether to wait or forget.

We must love, not fall into love, because everything that falls, breaks. Taylor Swift

When you don't want you, you will know, even if they don't tell you. You will feel it from the deepest of the soul, because indifference never goes unnoticed.

Where there are many excuses, there is little interest.

In love everything is beginning and is end.

Do not offer that special place in your heart to anyone.  It is often easy to deliver that place, but it hurts so much when they do not know the value of that place ..

Even the best person gets tired of moving mountains for those who do not move for her, nor a stone.

Just as I cry, I also smile. Just as I fall, I also get up. Just as I love, also forget.

The greater your ability to love, the greater your ability to feel the pain.

If your ex tells you: "You will never find someone like me," tell him: that's the idea!

Have you ever had a love know your own depth, until the time of separation?  Kahlil Gibran

It's hard to forget someone who gave you so many things to remember.

Each pain makes us stronger, every more intelligent betrayal, every more skilled disappointment and every experience gives us more wisdom. Thus love works and life works.

I love crying in the rain. Because when I do, nobody can hear my pain.

Tropezar is not bad, fond of stone yes ..

You never know what you have until you lose it. Correction: you always knew it but you never thought you were going to lose it.

The heart is the only instrument that still shattered works.

Enough! The heart and brain shouted at the same time. They finally agreed.

I never stopped loving you ... I just stopped insisting.

If someone loves you, nothing can keep you away from you. But if he doesn't love you, nothing can make him stay.

When they leave you without a reason, do not return with an excuse.

Never make someone a priority, when everything you are for him is an option.

The emotion that your heart can break is sometimes the same as the healthy ... Nicholas Sparks

I would like to be again again, because peeled knees are easier to heal than broken heart. Julia Roberts

If you want to forget someone, you don't hate it. Everything you hate will be recorded in your heart; If you want to leave something aside, if you really want to forget, you can't hate it. C. Joybell c.

Mature is to learn to want the beautiful, miss in silence, remember without grudges and forget slowly. Frida Kahlo

If you are in a well, the first thing you should do is stop digging.

Love who demonstrates the same delivery of love, not to which he only thinks of himself, he forgets and makes you shed tears.

Stop trying to "fix" yourself; You are not broken!, Love has only broken for a moment, you are someone perfectly imperfect and powerful without measure. Steve Maraboli

Time can heal the wounds, but the scars will always remind us of the past.

Tell him that I don't love him anymore, tell him that I have forgotten him, but that he never finds out, that when he was crying ..

I thought that if this was not going to have it anymore I would die. But it was wrong, nobody dies due to lack of sex. It is the lack of love that kills us. Margaret Atwood

We do not become cold due to lack of feelings, but for abundance of disappointments.

He fell in love with his flowers, but not of his roots, and in autumn he did not know what to do.

There is no worse disappointment that they lie to you when you know the truth.

I'm getting used to forgetting you, don't interrupt.

I am not afraid of your farewell: I fear the desolation that my soul floods when I have not to lose myself in your eyes or melt into your skin again.

It is not a lack of love, it is the lack of friendship that makes an unhappy marriage. Friedrich Nietzsche

It is curious, the people who usually hurt you are those who once promised that they would never do it.

We were a brief story that I will read a thousand times.

There are loves that can only exist in your heart, not in your life.

Of hate to love there is only one step. Of love to hate just a hoax.

You never knew what to do with all the love I gave you. Always lies and disappointments was what I received.

It hurts to have a person in your heart but not being able to have it in your arms.

You realize that life is a paradox when the only person who can make you laugh and smile, makes you cry.

I don't miss you, I miss the person I thought you were.

One of the saddest things in life is to say goodbye to a person when you don't really want to go.

You taught me to live with you, but how do I live now that you are not here?

People don't forget, you just learn to live without them.

You did not conquer me, you just invaded and devastated what was in my heart.

The dark side of happiness is that, when he leaves, the memories overwhelm you.

I am moving away from someone because I realize that in his life I do not need.

He fell in love with every word, destroyed me with every action. Frida Kahlo

True love is like ghosts, which everyone speaks and few have seen.

The phrase "nothing happens to me" are four words, twelve lyrics and a lie.

Nothing makes a room more empty than wanting someone to be in it.

When our looks cross I feel cheerful and alone; cheerful because one day we were together, just because it is no longer.

I wanted to love you. I have no motivation to have you in my heart.

Don't ask why I'm leaving, although you know, you didn't want to receive my love.

I ask the sky to never send me a love like yours.

Who does not understand a look, will not understand a long explanation.

Get rid of the one who doubts you, join whoever values ​​you, free yourself from who hurts you, and love who supports you.

Remember that the planes take off with the wind against, never in favor. Henry Ford

They say that alcohol produces amnesia, and more things that I do not remember ..

The heartbreak does not bring us wisdom, it is not awakening; It's just, go from love of love, to delir into a nightmare.

Love is very different from people: he is sincere, they lie; He stays, they leave; He will not hurt you, they do.

I would like a new and good love; But you wouldn't know what to do with him.

I hope that one day cancels this love debt that you have acquired with me.

It was pretty as I believed it.

I so poetry and you such a pure story.

Years of longing for your love, days of seeking your company and you only pretended fun of fun.