70 phrases about maturity

70 phrases about maturity

Many people believe they know what immaturity is but, Do we really know what maturity is?, What does it mean to be an adult?, Is it to be more serious, responsible, to have more knowledge, accept failures better .. ? What is clear is that it is not synonymous with having a family. Obviously, being an adult could be linked to forming a family, but that is not a real sign of maturity. You can be tremendously immature even being a father or mother. Maturity is much more, it is a indicator that you have transcended and overcome many things in your life And you have known how to change for better, finding within you greater peace and tranquility in the face of difficulties.

Today we wanted to bring you these bright famous phrases about maturity, do not miss them!

Famous quotes on mature and grow

The best day of your life and mine is when we assume the total responsibility of our attitudes. That is the day we really grow. John c. Maxwell

I believe that a division between youth and maturity can be established. Youth ends when selfishness ends; Maturity begins when you live for others. Hermann Hesse

Maturity is when your world opens and you realize that you are not the center of it. MJ Croan

Are there men who grow or only reach the age of majority? Stephen King

Children's love follows the beginning: "I love why I'm loved".
Maduro love follows the beginning: "I am loved because I love".
Imaduro love says: "I love you because I need you".
Maduro love says: "I need you because I love you."Erich Fromm

I think that real maturity, that most of us never reach, is when you realize that you are not the center of the universe. Katherine Paterson

Never cry the loss of innocence, because it always brings the great gain of wisdom. Erica Goros

I live in that solitude that is painful in youth, but delicious in the maturity years. Albert Einstein

Maturity and experience are part of my liberation. Alicia Keys

I believe in the old saying, 'What does not kill you makes you stronger'. Our experiences, good and bad, they make us what we are. When overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity. Angelina Jolie

Everyone grows, but not everyone matures. KEMI Sogunle

Taking care of people, things, life is an act of maturity. Tracy McMillan

The clouds are floating in my life, no longer to carry the rain or mark the storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. Rabindranath Tagore

You are never too old to be younger! Mae West

In maturity one discovers that everything has to do with the acceptance of "not knowing". Mark Z. Danielewsk

Maturity is often more absurd than youth and is very often more unfair to youth. Thomas a. Edison

I think part of maturity is knowing who you are. Rob Lowe

Maturity is the ability to harvest without apologizing or complaining when things are not going well. Jim Rohn

Making mistakes is human; stumbling is common; Being to laugh at oneself is maturity. William Arthur Ward

Nobody intelligent knows what they want to do until it enters twenty or thirty. Michael Crichton

Maturity is achieved when a person postpone immediate pleasures for long -term values. Joshua l. Liebman

Trust comes with maturity, consists of being more accepted from yourself. Nicole Scherzinger

Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to see anything in us that we cannot see in ourselves. Stop waiting for a producer. Produces yourself Marianne Williamson

Mature is a high price to pay to grow. Tom Stoppard

Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which there is no remedy, unless it can be said that laughter can remedy something. Kurt vonnegut

Maturity is the time when one recovers innocence. Marty Rubin

Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life even if it is full of tension. Joshua l. Liebman

Maturity is when you stop complaining and put excuses in your life; You realize that everything that happens in it is the result of the previous choice you made and you start making new decisions to change your life. Roy t. Bennett

Children do not walk in unison towards maturity. They go to adulthood at an unequal rhythm, totally individual. Robin Marantz Henig

Childhood and adulthood were not age factors, but mental states. Alex Shakar

I never had a teenage experience. I went from childhood to maturity, and somehow, I was shortly short. Robbie Robertson

Living with fear and not being afraid is the final test of maturity. Edward Weeks

Maturity does not mean that you stop fighting, you just change the things you fight for. Carlos Wallace

Being mature is, they tell us, go beyond possession. Jealousy are for babies. The mature person knows that nobody possesses anyone. Alain de Botton

I wanted to show my maturity. The criticisms I received made me grow. I motivate myself. Pablo Sandoval

Childhood is not just those years. They are also the opinions that forms about those after. That is why our childhood is so long. Kim Stanley Robinson

The older you are, the more you understand how your conscience works. The greatest and unique critic comes from the belief you have of what people think of you, instead of the perception that people have of you. Cross Jami

We have many things to do to grow ... a lot of world to see and discover on our own. Emily Giffin

Age is relative. The experience is relative. And I think that intensity is often confused with maturity. Laura Marling

With age comes insight. With experience comes the perception. Chris Bohjalian

You want to have a toy and another toy, and that is not maturity. The greatest things in life are not material. Carlos Slim

That's maturity: accept things. The more things you accept, the more mature you are. David Burr Gerrard

By building the best of our abilities, we finally destroy the worst of our responsibilities. Craig d. Lounsbrough

Progress should never be hindered by the need to consent to adults who respond to the world as children. Kelli Jae Baeli

It is very common for caterpillars to become butterflies and then maintain that in their youth they had been small butterflies. Maturation makes us all liars.  George e. Vaillant

The scars faded over time. And those that never disappear, build character, maturity and caution. Erin McCarthy

It must be wonderful to be seventeen years old and know everything.   Arthur c. Clarke

Adolescence is society's permission to combine physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility. Terri Apter

Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act their feelings within the limits of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become in the midst of your frustrations. Samuel Ullman

When you are big you will discover that some people in this world never passed from the stage of the cave man. Hendrik Willem Van Loon

Sometimes problems do not require a solution to solve them; Instead, they require maturity to overcome them. Steve Maraboli

There are some questions that should not be asked until a person is mature enough to appreciate the answers.  Anne Bishop

I went from adolescence to senility, trying to avoid maturity. Tom Lehrer

What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but has wisdom and maturity to use power wisely. From the point of view of the action, this was how I approached the part. Christopher Reeve

I think maturity is not overcoming, but an adult is not a dead child, but a child who survived. Ursula k. Le Guin

Each stage of life yearns for others. When one is young and feels anxious, he aspires to maturity, and all the elderly there is nothing that would like to be young. Andrew Solomon

Rarely it happens that a premature outbreak of genius reaches maturity. Quintiliano

When it comes to love, maturity often has a bad reputation: the second love is boring; It is practical is what our parents feel for each other. Jenny Zhang

Memory changes as a mature person. Siri Hustvedt

When I became a mature woman, I put both feet firmly on the side of maturity. Main victory

If you are good in something, you know that you can be better. Lindsay Buckingham

Sensuality comes with maturity. Andie Macdowell

In a desperate attempt to stay young forever, we have achieved an eternal infantilism, instead of the eternal youth. Daniel Prokop

One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in the way we respond to weaknesses, inexperience and potentially offensive actions of others. Gives life. Bednar

That is the duty of the old man, being anxious in the name of young people. And the duty of young people is despising the anxiety of the old. Philip Pullman

Maturity is just a short break in adolescence. Jules Feiffer

The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults. Peter de Vries

Sometimes, success is brought on the path of maturity, at least temporarily. Ricky Williams

A part of having a second chance is to take responsibility for the disaster you committed in the first. Jack Bauer

For immature, other people are not real. Harry Overstree

When I was ten years old, I read fairy tales in secret and I would have been ashamed if they had found me. Now that I am fifty years old, I read them openly. When I became older, I kept children's things, including the fear of puerility and the desire to grow. Cs Lewis