70 sophocles phrases

70 sophocles phrases

Sophocles (497 a. C. - 406 a. C.) He was an eminent Greek poet, in fact, along with Esquilo and Euripides, he is one of three tragic authors of ancient Greece whose works have survived. He wrote more than 120 works in the course of his life, but only seven are fully preserved: Ajax, Antigone, Women of Trachis, Oedipus Rey, Electra, Filoctetes and Oedipus in Colono.

For almost 50 years, Sophocles was the most famous playwright in the competitions of the city of Athens that took place during the religious festivals of Lenaea and Dionysia. He participated in 30 competitions, won 24 and was never below the second place.

Actively participated in Athens' political life. Between 443 and 442 to. C. Apparently, Sophocles was not a great politician but loved his city and refused to go to other cities in order not to leave Athens. He was also a theoretical: he wrote a treaty On the choir, and the increase of two to three of the number of actors is attributed to him, thus the number of choreuts of twelve to fifteen, introduced the scenery and founded the so -called Tíaso de las Musas, where muses were worshiped and talked about art. After his death, he was revered as if he were a hero, with the name of Dexio.

Enjoy this compilation of beautiful quotes that we have collected for you.

Sophocles' famous quotes

A word frees us from all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.

Of all the evils, the most painful are those that are inflicted by yourself.

All men make mistakes, but a good man gives up when he knows that his course is incorrect and repairs evil. The only crime is pride.

A man, even if he is wise, should never be ashamed to learn more, and must deviate from his mind.

The truth is always the strongest argument.

The one who dispenses with a friend is like the one who dispenses with his life.

A fearful man is always listening to things.

Lying in the midst of misfortune, the soul sees a lot.

I was not born to share hate, but love.

Many things are mysterious, but none is more mysterious than man.

Time, who sees all things, has discovered you.

A lot of wisdom is often going with less words.

What people believe prevails over the truth.

You must remember that no one lives a life free of pain and suffering.

The path I have followed, I have followed it without knowing anything.

The perverse man is known in a single day; To know the right man need more time.

A lie never lives to be old.

The truth hates delay.

Children are the anchors of a mother's life.

What greatest wound must a false friend?

Who has not suffered what I do not give me advice.

There is no tomorrow for those who do not end well today.

Man is air and shadow only.

All men's concerns go wrong when they want to cure evil with evil.

To fear, among many other things, the tyranny is doing well.

Our happiness depends on wisdom at all times.

It is difficult to speak well when you are wrong.

Ignorance is a difficult difficult to conquer.

Fortune is not on the side of the weak hearts.

The task of a good man is to help those who are in misfortune.

Wisdom compensates for any wealth.

A man who is pleased to speak continuously is cheated thinking that he is not unpleasant for those around him.

Goodness gives birth to goodness.

Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails, be wise with good advice.

If we always help each other, nobody would need luck.

Not being born can never be the greatest of favors.

Laziness is the mother of all evils.

Without work nothing prosperous.

Nothing I fear, because I keep the truth, which is powerful.

The world is full of wonders, but nothing is as wonderful as the man himself.

I firmly believe that there is no bad reason if it brings benefit.

Opinions have greater power than the strength of the hands.

The type of man who always thinks that he is right, that his opinions, his pronouncements, are the last word, once exposed, shows nothing. But a wise man has much to learn without losing dignity.

There is no worse enemy than a bad advice.

No one loves the messenger who brings bad news.

The noble must live with honor or honor.

It is better to fail honestly than triumph due to fraud.

Those who actually love life are those who are aging.

Heavens never help the man who does not want to act.

Money is the worst currency that has grown between humanity. Loot cities, take men out of their homes, teach and corrupt the most valuable minds.

There is something threatening in a silent silence.

There are occasions in that justice itself produces inks.

The one who is good as a family, is also a good citizen.

One day is enough to go up or down all human fortunes.

Go then if you should do it, but remember, no matter how fools your actions are, those who love you will still love you.

The opportunity is the best captain of every effort.

The same story is always repeated: each individual thinks only.

When it comes to a mortal, it is necessary to wait for his last day before calling him happy.

For those who know how to return a goodness he has received, he must be a friend above all price.

Everything is disgust when one leaves his own nature and does things that do not agree.

The sweetest life is not thinking about anything.

If my body is enslaved, my mind is free.

The most beautiful human fact is to be useful for others.

The worst evil of man is thoughtlessness.

Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.

Crying beyond what is due, with that immense pain you are withering, without your crying being seen as a solution to misfortune.

Do not do anything in secret; Because time sees and hears all things, and reveals everything.

I would even prefer to fail with honor to win cheat.

For men, nothing lasts: neither the starry night, nor misfortunes, nor wealth; All this suddenly one day has fled.

Without forming a trial, you should not speak.