70 Julio Verne phrases about imagination and impossible

70 Julio Verne phrases about imagination and impossible

Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 - 1905) was a legendary novelist, French poet and playwright who wrote some of the brightest and revolutionary books of the literary genre of Science fiction,  as "Journey to the center of the earth", "twenty thousand leagues of underwater travel" and "the return to the world in eighty days".

With his series of novels "Extraordinary Travel" Verne began to gain fame in the literary world and wrote a wide variety of innovations and technological advances years before they were practical realities, whether submarine, space trips, land flights or deep waters.

The deep influence of Julio Verne in the literary genre of science fiction can be demonstrated by the fact that to date It is the second most translated author in the world and is considered the best literary author in France and most of Europe.

Enjoy some of your best phrases that we have collected for you.

Country Quotes by Jules Verne

There are no impossible obstacles; There are stronger and weaker wills, that's all!

Anything that a man can imagine, another man can come true.

Earth does not need new continents, but new men.

I looked, thought, reflected and admired, in a state of stupefaction not entirely mixed with fear.

In the presence of the great convulsions of nature, man is impotent.

Trains, such as time and tide, do not stop for anyone.

I see that in no way it is useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new.

When the mind allows a question between, the value of the actions carried out grows less, its character changes, we forget the past and fear the future.

Everything that is impossible is to achieve.

On earth, even at the darkest night, light never completely abandons its domain. It is diffuse and subtle, but however little it remains, the eye retina is sensitive.

How many things have been denied one day, just to become the next!

The only concern of this enlightened society was the destruction of humanity for philanthropic reasons and the perfection of weapons as instruments of civilization.

If there were no thunder, men would be little afraid of rays.

Travel allows us to enrich our lives with new experiences, enjoy and be educated, learn to respect foreign cultures, establish friendships and, above all, contribute to international cooperation and peace worldwide.

Science, my boy, is composed of errors, but they are errors that it is useful to commit, because they gradually lead to the truth.

The aroma is the soul of flowers, and the flowers of the sea, however splendid, they have no soul!

Everything is possible for an eccentric, especially when he is English.

What darkness for you is light for me.

As soon as the rage of hunger is appeased, it is difficult to understand the meaning of starvation. Only when you suffer, you really understand.

We can challenge human laws, but we cannot resist the natives.

An energetic man will succeed where an indolent vegetarian and inevitably would perish.

It can be taken for granted that, by precipitates that are the Americans, when they are prudent there is a good reason for it.

Civilization never goes back; The law of need once onwards.

The Moon, due to its comparative proximity, and constantly variable appearances produced by its various phases, has always occupied a considerable part of the attention of the inhabitants of the Earth.

A true English does not joke when he talks about something as serious as a bet.

The human mind delights in great conceptions of supernatural beings.

The one who is wrong in an action that sincerely believes that it is correct can be an enemy, but retains our esteem.

I would have exchanged a diamond mine for a glass of pure spring water!

I wanted to see what nobody had observed yet, even if I had to pay this curiosity with my life.

In the memory of the dead all chronological differences are erased.

The sea is the vast reservoir of nature. The balloon began with the sea, so to speak; And who knows if it won't end that?

I have always believed that the end of the world will be when a huge boiler, heated to three billion atmospheric pressure, will explode and fly the globe ... they (the Americans) are excellent Caldereros.

I'm very bad expressing tender feelings. The same word 'love' scares me.

The sea is just the incarnation of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing more than love and emotion; It is the "living infinity" ..

The creative power of nature is beyond the instinct of destruction of man.

The wisest man can be a blind father.

It seems more prudent to assume the worst from the beginning ... and let something better be a surprise.

We are of the opinion that instead of letting the books get moldy behind an iron fence, far from the vulgar gaze, it is better to leave them worn when reading them.

Well, I thought I was so quiet! I have to give up that illusion! There is definitely no rest in this world.

Poets are like proverbs: you can always find one to contradict another.

What you do for money do it wrong.

Well, I feel that we must always put some art in what we do. It's better that way.

What I would like to be above all is a writer ..

I say you have a heart! "Sometimes," he replied, "when I have time".

I think that one day water will be used as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen that constitute it, alone or together, will provide an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity that coal is not capable.

And to whatever you go, may fortune follow you.

Dust is nothing more than a thing of yesterday, and war is as old as the human race, unfortunately.

The cold, increased by the tremendous speed, deprived them of speech power.

Must have traveled everywhere, at least in spirit.

The distance between the earth and its satellite is a mere insignificance, and it does not deserve serious consideration. I am convinced that before twenty years more than half of our land will have visited the moon.

As for the difficulties, Ferguson replied in a serious tone, "they were made to be overcome".

He believed in him, as certain good women believe in Leviathan, for faith, not for reason.

It is a great misfortune to be alone, my friends; And it should be believed that loneliness can quickly destroy reason.

Now we know most of the things that can be measured in this world, except the limits of human ambition!

There is hope for the future, and when the world is ready for a new and better life, all these things will spend someday.

The great architect of the universe built it with good firm things.

Although sleeping is our best friend, he is a friend who often makes us wait!

Reality provides us with such romantic facts that imagination itself could not add anything.

A scholar has to know a bit of everything.

We were alone, where, I couldn't say it, I can barely imagine it. Everything was black, and a black so dense that, after a few minutes, my eyes had not been able to discern or the smallest glow.

Anything that can be imagined one day will come true.

The opportunity that now seems lost can appear at the last moment.

The sea is all. It covers seven tenths of the land balloon. Your breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never alone, because he feels life moving everywhere.

Look with all your eyes, look.

But find, suddenly, before your eyes, that the impossible had been mysteriously achieved by man himself: this staggers the mind!

I think cats are spirits that come to earth. A cat, I'm sure, could walk on a cloud without falling.

All great actions return to God, from whom they derive.

Why reduce yourself to be proud of being American or British, when you can boast of being a man?

It was obvious that the matter had to be resolved, and the evasive ones were unpleasant to me.

Before all teachers, the need is the one that is heard most and the one that teaches the best.

While the heart beats, while the body and soul remain united, I cannot admit that any creature endowed with will should despair of life.

It must be, because there is a logic for everything on this earth and nothing is done without a reason, that God sometimes lets scientists discover.

His dead sleep quietly, at least, captain, out of reach of sharks. -Yes, Lord, Sharks and Men.