70 Francis Bacon phrases, philosopher and father of empiricism

70 Francis Bacon phrases, philosopher and father of empiricism

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was a famous philosopher, writer, speaker, politician, lawyer, pioneer of science and father of empiricism. It was one of the most influential English that has existed.

Bacon was born in a distinguished family and after having been educated at home, he attended the University of Cambridge, where he dazzled everyone, including Queen Elizabeth I with his intellect. As a statesman, Bacon was undoubted. On the other hand, he was also an excellent speaker and a philosopher that delighted with natural philosophy and philosophical logic. Bacon is attributed to establish the method of empirical studies in the field of science. Proposed the double approach that consisted of being skeptical and methodical.

Bacon's contributions in different fields earned him the title of Kingle of King James I and is still considered one of the giants in the history of Great Britain.

Here we bring you some of Francis Bacon's most famous appointments has been extracted from his writings, essays and speeches.

French quotes by Francis Bacon

He who gives good advice, builds with one hand; He who gives good advice and examples, builds with both; But he who gives good warning and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other.

The virtue of prosperity is temperance, the virtue of adversity is the fortress.

A man must take advantage of his opportunity, as often as he finds it.

Choose the life that is more useful, and the habit will make it more pleasant.

Knowledge is power.

The truth is the daughter of time, not of the authority.

For suffering there is a limit; To fear, none.

Ingenio monuments survive the monuments of power.

The truth is very difficult to say, sometimes it needs fiction to be plausible.

The worst lonely is to be homeless of true friendship.

The great boldness is rarely absurd.

Hope is a good breakfast, but it's a bad dinner.

Nature is often hidden, sometimes it is surpassed, it rarely extinguishes.

A prudent question is half of wisdom.

Who is delighted in solitude is a wild beast or a god.

Silence is the virtue of fools.

The remedy is worse than the disease.

For friends ... look at the good books: they are true friends, who will neither flatter nor hide.

It is a sad destiny for a man to die too well known to everyone else, and still unknown to him.

With much, the best test is experience.

There are only two tragedies in life: one is the inability of one to achieve the desire of a heart: the other is to have it!

The imagination was given to man to compensate for what he is not; and sense of humor to comfort him for what it is.

Man prefers to believe what prefers to be true.

The general root of superstition: namely that men observe when things hit, and not when they fail; Commit to remember the one, and forget and pass over the other.

He who does not apply new remedies must expect new evils; Because time is the greatest innovative.

If a man begins with certainties, he will end in doubt; But if you are happy to start with doubts, it will end with certainty.

To say that a man lies is as much as saying that he is brave with God and cowardly with men.

Human understanding when once adopted an opinion (either as the opinion received or for being pleasant) attracts all other things to support it and agree with it.

Because no one can prohibit spark or say where can come from.

A wise man will have more opportunities than he finds.

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.

Money is a great server, but a bad teacher.

The artist's work is always to deepen the mystery.

Revenge is a King of Wild Justice.

Age is better in four things: old wood to burn, the old wine to drink, the old friends who trust and the old authors to read.

First seek the good things of the mind, and the rest will be provided or their loss will not feel.

A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy.

He who has a wife and children, has hostages to fortune; Because they are impediments to large companies, either by virtue or malice.

Older people object to too much time, they venture very little, they regret too soon and rarely direct the business to an end, but they are content with a mediocrity of success.

For light to shine so intensely, darkness must be present.

It is impossible to love and be wise.

Read not to contradict and refute, or to believe and take for granted ... but to weigh and consider.

There are two ways to spread the light ... be the candle or mirror that reflects it.

The fewer people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it.

Champagne for my true friends, real pain for my false friends.

If we want to achieve things never achieved before, we must use methods that had never been tried before.

There is no comparison between what is lost by not successful and what is lost when not trying.

Books speak clearly when the directors soften.

God, in fact, has written two books, not only one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, that is, the Scriptures. But he wrote a second book called Creation.

The best part of beauty is what no image can express.

Philosophy, when studied superficially, awakens doubts; When he explores it thoroughly, he dissipates them.

A little philosophy inclined man's mind towards atheism, but the depth in philosophy leads the minds of men to religion.

Start doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We only have this moment, shining like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.

Traveling, in the youngest genre, is part of education; In the old man, a part of the experience. The one who travels to a country before entering the language, goes to school.

Natural skills are like natural plants; They need pruning by study.

If a man is kind and polite with strangers, he shows that he is a citizen of the world.

Death is our friend; And the one who is not ready to entertain him is not at home.

Because a crowd is not a company; And the faces are nothing more than an image gallery; And speak, but a dyeing cymbal, where there is no love.

Some books must be tested, others are to be swallowed and some are to be chewed and digested.

Money is like manure, it's just good if you distribute it.

Nature cannot be ordered but being obeyed.

A man who is young in years can be old in hours if he has not wasted time.

The snake, if you want to become a dragon, must eat alone.

It is the bad discoverers who think there is no land when they can't see anything more than sea.

Write the thoughts of the moment. Those who come without being sought are commonly the most valuable.

Reading a complete man; and write an exact man. And, therefore, if a man writes little, he needs to have the ingenuity present; And if you read little, you must have a lot of cunning to seem to know what you don't do.

Constance is the basis of virtues.

There is no exquisite beauty ... without something strange in proportion.

The only really interesting thing is what happens between two people in a room.

I will never be an old man. For me, old age is always 15 years older than me.

Parents who want to train their children in the way they should go, must get in the way they would lead their children.

If money is not your servant, it will be your teacher. It cannot be said that the greedy man possesses wealth, since it can be said that wealth possesses him.

Ipsa Scientia Potestas est. Knowledge in itself is power.