70 Benjamin Disraeli phrases

70 Benjamin Disraeli phrases

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881), also known as Count of Beaconsfield or Lord Beaconsfield, He was an aristocrat, politician and writer from the United Kingdom, elected prime minister twice and one of the most relevant figures in British history.

Disraeli was the first Jewish -born man who became president of Great Britain, although he became Anglican at the age of 12 when his father had a dispute with his synagogue. He is considered a great political thinker who is attributed to having sitting the foundations of what is now known as the Conservative party And that became the dominant political option of his country for a long time. He was a member and leader of the Chamber of the Commons, as well as the Foreign Minister of the Treasury, before becoming Prime Minister in 1868.

Disraeli was also an author of several fiction works that were published even while exercising as prime minister. He is remembered for his influential voice in world affairs, his political battles with the leader of the Liberal Party.

Famous quotes by Benjamin Disraeli

Time is beautiful, but the truth is more precious than time.

Nothing in life is more notable than the unnecessary anxiety we suffer, and we generally create ourselves.

I am prepared for the worst, but I hope the best.

As a rule, the one with more information will have the greatest success in life.

Experience is the daughter of thought, and thought is the son of action.

Life is too short to be small.

Silence is the mother of truth.

There is no education like adversity.

Little things affect little minds.

What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.

Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.

Man is only great when he acts from passion.

What we anticipate rarely occurs: but what we least expects to happen.

Justice is the truth in action.

Success is the son of audacity.

The most dangerous strategy is to jump an abyss twice.

Ignorance never solves a question.

The fate of this country depends on the education of its people.

Talk to a man about himself and listen to him for hours.

In politics, nothing is despicable.

Youth is a mistake; Virility is a fight; old age is a regret.

Despair is sometimes an inspiring as powerful as genius.

When men are pure, laws are useless; When men are corrupt, laws break.

The greatest good you can do for another is not to share your wealth, but to reveal yours.

The memory of a school friendship has some magical strength: soften the heart and even move the nervous system of those who have no heart.

The magic of the first love consists in our ignorance that it can end.

Disappointments of the mature age happen to the illusions of youth; Hopefully the inheritance of old age is not despair.

The best way to familiarize yourself with a topic is to write about him.

The penalty is the agony of an instant: the indulgence of penalty is the error of life.

What is serious is not always true; On the contrary, the error is often more serious than the truth.

Every man has the right to be presumed until he succeeds.

You never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you apologize for the truth.

Do not read the story. Read the biography because it is a life without theory.

Be aware that you are ignorant is a great step towards knowledge.

Lord, I will not defeat them, I will transcend them.

The action cannot always bring happiness; But there is no happiness without action.

Like all the big travelers, I have seen more things I remember and remember more things I have seen.

The one who wins time wins everything.

The outputs must be sudden.

The secret of the success of man's life is to be willing to take advantage of the occasion that gives him.

We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence and its only purpose.

In politics, experiments mean revolutions.

The world is fed up with statesmen to whom democracy has degraded making them politicians.

Is it less philosophical to believe in an omnipotent and omniscient personal god unresisable natural forces? Is it philosophical to combine power with intelligence?

The secret of success is the constancy of the purpose.

What we anticipate rarely occurs; What we expected least happens.

England is not governed by logic but by Parliament.

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.

He distinguished himself by his ignorance; because I only had an idea, and that was wrong.

Small things affect small minds.

Man is not the son of circumstances, circumstances are the daughters of man.

When I want to read a novel, I write a.

One of the most difficult things in this world is to admit that you are wrong. And nothing is more useful to solve a situation than its frank admission.

Cultivate your mind with great thoughts, because you will never go higher than you think.

A gallop is the cure for all evil.

Europeans speak of progress because, with the help of some scientific discoveries, they have established a society that has confused comfort with civilization.

Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of fiction and love.

I must follow people. I'm not your leader?

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the centuries can be preserved in appointments.

Guard yourself from a single book.

There is no wisdom like frankness.

I can't pay attention unless it attracts me.

We live at a time when being young and indifferent cannot be synonymous.

The easier it is to be critical than being correct.

Do you know who critics are? Men who failed in literature and arts.

My idea of ​​a pleasant person is a person who agrees with me.

Where knowledge ends, religion begins.

I feel a very unusual feeling: if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.