70 famous phrases from Petrarca

70 famous phrases from Petrarca

Francesco Petrarca (1304 - 1374) was an illustrious Poet, writer and Italian scholar, and the first humanist in the Renaissance Italy. It is considered that his rediscovery of Cicero's letters marked the 16th century Renaissance.

Petrarca's works and thoughts formed the basis of the modern Italian language model that was created by Pietro Bembo in the 16th century. The Accademia della crusca Later he supported Petrarca as a model for the Italian style. During the Renaissance, Petrarca sonnets were imitated and admired throughout Europe and also became a prototype of lyric poetry.

His best known work is the Song book, originally published with the name of Rime in Vita e Rime in Morte de Madonna Laura and that was expanding over the years.

Below we bring you a beautiful list of quotes and sayings from Francesco Petrarca, the man who is also known for being the first to state the concept of Dark Age.

Famous Petrarca Quotes

I rejoiced for my progress, I regretted my weaknesses and praised the universal instability of human behavior.

Who suspects is easily deceived.

Equality is the mother of disgust, the cure variety.

Man has no major enemy than him.

The old man loves the practical, while the impetuous youth only longs for the dazzling.

I have proud of others, never of myself.

The bigger me, the greater my efforts will be.

Love is the supreme grace of humanity.

All pleasure in the world is a passenger dream.

He who speaks badly of himself.

Virtue is health, vice is disease.

The events seem sad, pleasant or painful, not because they are actually, but because we believe they are and because the light with which we see them depends on our own judgment.

A shortcut to wealth is to subtract from our wishes.

Because virtue only finds eternal fame.

Because although I am a body of this land, my firm desire is born from the stars.

Books can heat the heart with kind words and advice, establishing a close relationship with us that is articulated and alive.

While life is in your body, you have the rein of all the thoughts in your hands.

The big mistakes rarely originate with men with great minds.

I have often wondered very curious about our coming to this world and what will continue to our departure.

I have acted against my feelings and inclinations throughout our lives, we all do what we never intended, and what we set out to do, we leave it without doing.

Ruthless effort, overcome everything.

Because death between times is comfort, not dismay, and who can rightly die does not need a delay.

A beautiful dying a lifetime.

I looked back at the top of the mountain, which looked like a high elbow compared to the height of human contemplation, not often merged into the corruptions of the earth.

The place where you are not important, but only what you are doing there. It is not the place that ennobles you, but you who ennoble the place, but only doing what is big and noble.

I would have preferred to have been born at another time other than this.

Who refines his argument, leads you to pain.

Five enemies of peace live with us: greed, ambition, envy, anger and pride; If these were banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace.

Suspicion is friendship cancer.

Death is a dream that ends our dream. Oh! that we are allowed to wake up before death wakes us up.

And the men approach to admire the heights of the mountains, the powerful waves of the sea, the wide extension of the rivers, the ocean circuit and the stars revolution, but they themselves do not consider it.

Death had his grudge against me, and got up on the road, like an armed thief, with a peak in his hand.

I freeze and burn, love is bitter and sweet, my sighs are storms and my tears are floods, I am in ecstasy and agony, I am possessed by memories of it and I am in the exile of myself.

Do you think there is such an unreasonable living man that if he encountered a dangerous disease that he would not desire to recover the blessing of health?

Stay on your own paths and leave me mine.

Hope is something incredible for the slave of penalty.

A death cuts equally the blessed wings of time.

How much envy you, greedy land, that you can grab the one who has killed me, and stay away from the air and its sweet face in which I once found peace in all my war!

How fortune brings excess security to Earth!

And tears are heard inside the harp that I play.

There is no lighter load, or more pleasant, than a pen.

Life itself is short enough, but doctors with their art, know for their fun, how to make it even shorter.

Nothing mortal is durable, and there is nothing sweet that does not end bitterly.

So far your eyes have darkened and you have looked too much, yes, too much, about the things of the earth. If this delights you, what will your outburst when you lift your gaze towards eternal things?

How fast the old affliction is followed by a little joy!

The mere elegance of language can produce, at best, an empty renown.

I saw Los Angeles's footprints on earth: the beauty of heaven walking only on the world.

Reality is always the enemy of famous names.

How difficult it is to save the crust from the reputation of the rocks of ignorance.

It is more honorable to rise to a throne that is born in one. Fortune grants one, merit obtains the other.

Outside our life, so beautiful to see, with the ease of losing your life, in one day, how many years with accumulated pain and effort!

Go, crying my rhymes, to that hard stone. By virtue of which my love is, there is my dear, and call it to her who speaks from the sphere of heaven.

What name I call you, virgin, I don't know, because your eyes are not from the earth. And more than mortal looks like your face.

Wanting is not enough ..

When the poet died, his cat was dead and mummified.

It may only be the glory what we are looking for here, but I convince myself that, while we remain here, it is correct. Another glory awaits us in heaven and the one who gets there will not even want to think of earthly fame.

Reason speaks, and meaning bites.

And I still live, but in the penalty and contempt for myself, here I was left without the light that I loved so much, in a great storm and without careless wraps.

Where are the numerous constructions erected by Agrippa, of which only the pantheon remains? Where are the splendorous palaces of the emperors?

My Florida and Green age was fading, and I felt a chill in the fire that I had been walked by my heart, because I was approaching the hillside of the hill over the grave.

Rarely the great beauty and great virtue live together.

I freeze and burn my.

Books have led some to learning and others to madness.

How do you know, poor fool? Perhaps there, somewhere, someone is sighing for your absence; And with this thought, my soul begins to breathe.

She closed her eyes, and in the sweet dream, she lay her spirit of tiptoe from her place of accommodation. It is crazy to shrink with fear, if he is dying, because death looked beautiful on his face.

Walk forward with the glow of the past.

Sweet is the death that ends with love.

Shame is the fruit of vanities and remorse.

Blessed are the eyes that saw her while living!

It is better to want the good than knowing the truth.

Gold, silver, jewelry, purple garments, houses built with marble, prepared farms, pious paintings, caged steeds and other things of this type offer mutable and superficial pleasure. The books delight the bone marrow. They speak to us, consult us and join us in a living and intense intimacy.

The delight of the world is a brief dream.

To be able to say how much love is to love, but little.

Having disgusted evil and ignorant men is the safe sign of genius and virtue.