7 guidelines to know how to recognize body language

7 guidelines to know how to recognize body language

When we talk about body language We refer to the nonverbal signals we use to communicate. According to experts, these nonverbal signals constitute a large part of our daily communication. From our facial expressions and our body movements, the things we do not say can still transmit a lot of information.

According to several researchers, it is believed that the body language represents between 50 and 70 percent of all communications. The understanding of body language is important, but it is also essential to pay attention to other signals, such as context, for example. In many cases, we must search the signals as if they were a united set, instead of focusing on a single action.

Here are more information about some of the things you can look for when you are trying to interpret the body language.

Communication or nonverbal language, the art of expressing itself without speaking


  • Facial expressions
    • Facial expressions are universal
  • The eyes
  • Mouth
  • The gestures
  • The arms and the legs
  • The posture
  • The personal space

Facial expressions

Facial expressions can transmit a large amount of nonverbal information.

Think for a moment about what a person is able to convey with just an expression of his face. A smile can indicate approval or happiness, while frown can be a sign of disapproval or unhappiness. In some cases, our facial expressions can reveal our true feelings about a particular situation. While it is possible to say in words that you feel good, the expression of your face can tell people to the opposite.

Here are some examples of the emotions that can be expressed through facial expressions:

  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Surprise
  • Disgust
  • Fear
  • Confusion
  • Emotion
  • Desire
  • Contempt

Facial expressions are universal

The Facial expressions They are also among the most universal forms of body language. The expressions used to convey fear, anger, sadness and happiness are similar worldwide. The researcher Paul Ekman found a wide variety of facial expressions linked to particular emotions such as joy, anger, fear, surprise and sadness.

The eyes

The eyes frequently refer to as the "windows of the soul", since they are able to reveal a lot about what a person if the feeling or thought. As we get involved in a conversation with another person, we take unconscious note of eyes movements, this is a natural and important part of our communication process. Some basic things to take into account for the reading of body language is whether the person maintains direct visual contact or avoids our gaze, also how much it flashes, or if their pupils are dilated.

When evaluating body language, we can pay attention to the following eye signals:

  • The look: When a person looks directly in the eye during a conversion, he indicates that they are interested and pays attention. However, excessively prolonged visual contact can feel like a threat. On the other hand, breaking visual contact and looking far away can often indicate that the person is distracted, feels uncomfortable or tries to hide their true feelings.
  • Flicker: Intermittent flickering is natural, but we can pay attention to whether a person is blinking too little or too little. People often blink more quickly when they feel distressed or uncomfortable. Frequent flickering may indicate that a person is intentionally trying to control their eye movements. For example, a Poquer player can flash less frequently because he is deliberately trying to seem not excited about his cards.
  • Pupila size: One of the most subtle signals that provide the eyes is through the size of the pupils. While light levels in pupil dilation is an adaptive response, sometimes emotions can also cause small changes in pupil. For example, pupillary dilation is also a sign that one person is attracted to the other.
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The mouth and lips can transmit a large amount of nonverbal information.

The expressions and movements of the mouth can also be essential in the body language of reading. For example, biting the lower lip can indicate that the individual is experiencing concern, fear or insecurity.

Covering the mouth can be an effort to be kind if the person has yawn or cough, but it can also be an attempt to cover up a disapproval gesture. The smile is perhaps one of the biggest signs of body language, but smiles can also be interpreted in many ways. A smile can be genuine, or it can be used to express false happiness, sarcasm, or even cynicism.

When evaluating body language, pay attention to the following signs of the mouth and lips:

  • Frue the lips: Frue lips could be an indicator of disgust, disapproval or distrust.
  • Lip biting: People sometimes bite their lips when they are worried, anxious or stressed.
  • Cover the mouth: When people want to hide an emotional reaction, they could cover their mouths in order to avoid showing a smile or smile.
  • Twist the lips up or down: Mild changes in the mouth can also be subtle indicators of what a person is feeling. When the mouth is slightly turned up, which could mean that the person feels happy or optimistic. On the other hand, a slightly decayed mouth can be an indicator of sadness, disapproval, or even a grimace of disgust.

The gestures

Gestures are often easy to understand, but their Meaning can differ according to culture.

The gestures can be some of the most direct and obvious body language signs. Shake, point out and use the fingers to indicate numerical amounts are very common and easy to understand. Some gestures can be cultural, however, so it gives a thumb up or a sign of peace could have a completely different meaning according to countries.

The following examples are just some common gestures and their possible meanings:

  • A closed fist You can indicate anger or solidarity.
  • A thumb up and thumb down They are often used as gestures of approval and disapproval.
  • The "OK" gesture, made when playing the thumb together and the index finger in a circle while extending to the other three fingers can be used to mean well. In some parts of Europe, however, the same signal is used to imply you are nothing. In some countries in South America, the symbol is actually a vulgar gesture.
  • The sign v, Created by lifting the index and middle finger and separating them to create a form of V, it means peace or victory in some countries. In the United Kingdom and Australia, the symbol acquires an offensive meaning when the back of the hand looking into the outside.

The arms and the legs

The arms and legs can also be useful in the transmission of nonverbal information. Crossing the arms can indicate a defensive attitude. Crossing the legs "moving away" from another person can indicate dislike or discomfort with that individual. Other subtle signals such as opening from arms widely can be an attempt to seem bigger or more imposing, keeping your arms near the body can be an effort to minimize oneself or withdraw from attention.

When you are evaluating the body language, Pay attention to some of the following signals that the arms and legs can transmit:

  • The arms crossed They can indicate that a person feels defensive, self-protection or enclosure.
  • Standing with the hands placed in the hips It may be an indication that a person is ready and ready to act, also that he is angry.
  • Touch fingers quickly It shows restlessness and it can be a sign that a person gets bored, is impatient or frustrated.
  • Cross legs They can indicate that a person feels closed or has a privacy.
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The posture

Posture can say a lot about how a person can be feeling.

How we carry out our bodies can also serve as an important part of body language. The way we have our body, as well as the general physical form of an individual says a lot about us. The position can transmit a lot of information about how a person feels, as well as clues about personality characteristics, as if a person is safe, open or submissive.

Sitting with your back straight, for example, you can indicate that a person focuses and pays attention to what is happening. Sitting with the body inclined forward, on the contrary, it can imply that the person is boring or indifferent.

When you try to read body language, you can observe some of the signals that the position of a person can send.

  • Open posture It consists of maintaining the trunk of the open and exposed body. This type of posture indicates kindness, openness and good disposition.
  • Closed posture It consists of keeping as hidden, such as hunting forward and keeping the arms and legs crossed. This type of posture can be an indicator of hostility and anxiety.

The personal space

Have you ever listened to someone referring to their need for "personal space"? Have you ever begun to feel uncomfortable when someone is too close to you? The term Proxemic refers to the distance between people as they interact. In the same way that body movements and facial expressions, can communicate a large amount of nonverbal information, so this physical space between individuals can.

The anthropologist Edward T. Hall described four levels of social distance that occur in different situations:

  • Distance intimately 15 to 20 centimeters: This level of physical distance indicates a close relationship and comfort among individuals. It often occurs during intimate contact, such as hugging, whispering or touching.
  • Personal distance - from 0.5 to 1.5 meters: physical distance to this level usually occurs among people who are family members or close friends. The closer it can be because it is comfortable while the interaction can be an indicator of the intimacy of the relationship.
  • The social distance - 1.5 to 3.5 meters: This level of physical distance is often used with individuals who are known. With someone who knows quite well, like a co -worker who looks several times a week, they may feel more comfortable interacting at a lower distance.
  • Public distance - 3.5 to 7.5 meters: It is the physical distance that is often used in situations of speaking in public. Talking to a class full of students or giving a presentation at work are good examples of this type of situations.

It is also important to keep in mind that the level of personal distance that individuals need to feel comfortable can vary from one culture to another. A very cited example is the different among people from Latin cultures and those of North America. People in Latin American countries tend to feel more comfortable standing closer to each other as they interact, while those of North America use personal distance.