7 common errors in time management

7 common errors in time management

There are some common mistakes in time management, so this is an important point for many.

Time administration is a relevant aspect for people working in companies, especially managers, although it is also an issue that concerns employees and entrepreneurs.

What does time manage

As Remember, Juarez, Sempere and Rodríguez, in their study on time management as a directive skill, time is one of the most important resources available, but if intelligent use of all resources is made , except time, then it is not possible to take advantage of them.

For these authors, "Managing time means dominating your own time and work", In addition, they emphasize that time management is a tool that allows you to handle and dispose of the working time, in this case, avoiding the interruption that does not contribute anything to the objectives of the organization.

If common errors are incurred in time management, the person lives trapped in a day -to -day basis, loses sight.

What happens when people tell common mistakes in time management is that Finish working more hours, fast, They think about the idea that another person does the job, postpone the tasks, among others, which makes the working hours extend, feel stress, Intellectual capacity decreases And the person sees his affected health, feeling frustrated, in addition to making mistakes.

Therefore, it is worth knowing what are common errors in time management in order to avoid them.

Usual errors in time management

Some of the common mistakes in the management of the time that are most commented, are the following:

  1. Not having a list with pending tasks: This only makes the person forget the tasks that are important. In addition to having a list with the tasks to be done, it is also recommended to learn to prioritize it. Today there are many technological tools that can be of great help.
  2. Not having goals: Although these are simple, the important thing is to work based on the goals, since people should always know where they are directed. This is one of the common errors in time management. When a person knows where he is going, then he can administer time considering the priorities, as well as the resources to make it possible. The goals also guide with respect to the tasks in which time deserves to be used, thus avoiding the distractions that do not lead to the purposes.
  3. Do not establish priorities: When many tasks seem urgent, it is difficult to point out what are the priorities. However, for this it is crucial to remember the goal, this will allow time to efficiently manage.
  4. Not having control over distractions: It is essential to be able to identify which are those circumstances that generate distraction and that move away from the goal. These can be the phone, email, instant messaging applications, radio, television, among other activities that make the concentration lose and with which time is easily fled. These distractions must be minimized; For example, delimit the time for reading the mail and the response to the messages, disconnect the phone from instant messaging services, among other actions.
  5. The procrastination: or delay, which occurs when the main tasks are postponed and others are made, thinking that this is useful. Many times, those who procrastin tend to start the task and then begin to wander, which only wasting time.
  6. Want to do several tasks: To avoid this error, it is necessary to learn to say no, or delegate tasks, since, by accepting many tasks, the commitments are increasing. In the end, this only makes the person feel stress and own everything, except their time.
  7. Need to have the time busy: Being busy all the time, without breathing to the mind, only produces stress. To do this, it is advisable to prioritize the tasks and lower the speed that runs in everyday life. Learn to replace energy is necessary.

To avoid these common mistakes in time management, it is necessary to ask yourself, what is the best way to use time at this time? The answer to this question should be oriented towards what constitutes the best investment that can be done at all times.

The occupied life syndrome


  • Guillén, m. D. C. M. (2013). Time administration and planning: business management. Díaz de Santos Editions.
  • Remember, a. M., Male, d. J., Villalobos, a. R., & Ripoll, F. S. (2012). Time management as directive skill. 3C company. Research and critical thinking1(7).
  • Pérez Ibarra, to. D. J. (2016). Time administration: a priority in life. Magazine of the University of La Salle2016(69), 193-205.