60 Turkish proverbs

60 Turkish proverbs

Turkish proverbs are part of the ancestral wisdom that has been inherited from the old Ottoman Empire, territory that occupies today Türkiye.

With these Turkish proverbs, that orally have gone from one generation to the other, it is possible to obtain a lot of knowledge about a wide variety of topics.

Therefore, today we will review some of the best known Turkish proverbs and that have been sealed in history, despite the passage of time. These are the most popular that are still heard today:

Turkish proverbs

A lover and beautiful heart is never old.

The separate sheep from your group is captured by the wolf.

Good words will open iron doors.

A thousand friends are too little; an enemy is too much.

Take a needle and get on before clicking others.

Every bad has its enemy.

Do what your teacher says but not what he does.

A person too protectionist always has misfortunes.

A lake forms drop by drop.

The bird that sings the incorrect melody, will die.

What gets inflamed rapidly, extinguits soon.

A cup of coffee brings forty years of friendship.

Many ants kill a camel.

Do not talk about ropes at home to a hung man.

The fly is small, but it is quite large to get sick.

God finds a low bouquet for the bird that cannot fly.

An inexperienced duck zambulle the tail first.

Two captains sink a ship.

It is not shameful to ask, it is shameful not to know.

He who does not appreciate one, cannot get a thousand.

A hungry stomach has no ear.

I found today, I will eat today. Tomorrow? Well ... God is great.

A guest arrives with ten blessings, eats one and leaves nine.

A man is judged regarding his work.

A hand does not applaud. Two hands, yes.

A small key opens large doors.

A man is so wise as his head, not as his years.

Love is daring.

The tree branch should be fold when it is young.

The game tests gold, and gold tests the trial.

For the eye of the crow, his chickens seem hawks.

The water runs, the sand remains; The money goes, the bag remains; The man dies, the name remains.

A grill burns where it falls.

The wind that the sailor wants, does not always blow.

An ass does not appreciate fruit compote.

God has created us brothers but has given us separate purses.

It is easier to make a camel jump a ditch, than to make a fool discover the truth.

A Fig seed is not going to fill.

Storm in a nutshell.

If a rich falls, it is an accident; But when a poor man falls, it is said that he is drunk.

For the love of a rose, the gardener is a thousand thorns server.

An ounce of false vanity deteriorates a whole quintal of authentic merit.

A fighter is never defeated if he does not tire of fighting again.

If one is far, one also moves away from the heart.

Who sows winds will reap storm.

A single feel like a sultan.

A wise man always remembers his friends; A fool, only when he needs.

Empty words do not fill an empty stomach.

The heart endures when the eye does not see.

A red apple invites stones.

For every wise man, there is one wiser.

It is better to die of full stomach than to live with him empty.

The dogs bark, but the caravan passes.

When the car has broken, they will tell you where it should happen.

Patience is the key to paradise.

All misfortune is a lesson.

A weapon is an enemy for its owner.

The one looking for a friend without defects runs out of friends.

There is no mountain without fog, in the same way that there is no man of merit without slander.

The horse knows by the flange to which it leads.

These sixty Turkish proverbs allow us to reflect on many aspects of life, and take them as useful for each precise moment.

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