60 life, essential lessons

60 life, essential lessons

Life lessons: We all have two lives. The second begins when we realize that we only have one. Inspir with these beautiful quotes.

Famous phrases with valuable lessons for life

It is better to cross the line and suffer the consequences, than to stare at the line during the rest of your life.

Each person is special, unique and irreplaceable. Time and effort to understand this fundamental issue is needed.

We all have two lives. The second begins when we realize that we only have one. Tom Hiddleston

Don't love what you can't trust. Don't hate what you can't have. Don't say what you can't prove. Do not judge what you don't know.

If you want to straighten one thing, learn all the methods to twist even more.

I want to update my mind, eliminate all my problems, undo all my mistakes and save all happy moments.

A good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help someone get up. Proverb

A wise man lives doing, and not thinking of doing, and even less thinking about what he will think when he will do. Eastern philosophy

Life can only be understood looking back, but it must be lived looking forward. Søren Kierkegaard

Scientists say that we are made of atoms, but a little bird told me that we are made of stories. Eduardo Galeano

I am stronger because I had to be, more intelligent, because I made mistakes, happier for the sadness I have known, and now more prudent because I have learned.

No matter how big your home is, how new your car is or how fans your bank account is: our tombs will always be the same size. Stay humble.

Life always offers you a second chance. This is what we call tomorrow.

You have to go to the next chapter in life when the time comes. Do not get trapped on the same page forever.

Sometimes, when it seems that all the pieces are falling apart, they can actually be falling in their place.

Accept what you are, leave aside what you were and have faith in what you will be.

Let me be a patient, I want to be kind. Make me selfless, without being blind. I may not have faith to move a mountain, but I am missing love, I am nothing at all. Lauryn Hill

Do not wait, life goes faster than you think.

You will never change your life until you change something that is done every day. The secret of your success, is found in your daily routine.

When you love and laugh abundantly, you live a beautiful life.

The keys to life: you are is what makes you special. Do not change for anyone. What remains ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid of exploring. When life pushes you, make going back is more difficult. When you must make decisions, do not regret them. Why do things never happen as we think?. Take it easy and move on.

Do not speak, act. Don't say, show. Do not promise, give.

Life does not have the obligation to give us what we expect. Margaret Mitchell

At some point in your life, you must go for what you want, or otherwise, believe in the reasons why you don't do it.

There is a difference between intellect and love, between good and evil. Never start walking if you are not willing to step. And you never forgive if you are not willing to forget.

There comes a time when you have to choose between page or close the book.

Some things in life are out of our control. It may be a party or a tragedy.

Do not hurry and never satisfied yourself. If it is supposed to be, it will be.

Life is short, do not waste it being sad. I know what you are, be happy, be free. Be what you want to be.

Life is very simple, but insist that it is complicated. Confucius

People have different reasons and ways to live their lives. You can't put everyone's reasons in the same box. Kevin Spacey

Your life is the canvas. Fill it with color.

I prefer to regret the things I have done, to regret the things I have not done. Lucille Ball

It is not what we have in life, but what we have in our life is what matters.

If you don't do wild things while you're young, you won't have anything to smile when you're old.

Because sick?
Suppress my emotions
Assume loads that are not mine
Give up To my dreams
Keep my feelings

In this life people will love you and people will hate him, and none will have anything to do with you. Abraham Hicks

It's a bit like being in a roller coaster. If you do not enjoy the trip, you will not experience the adventure. Mariah Carey

If you think bad about you, bad of what surrounds you, bad of others ... this makes you worry and simply make everything much worse than it really is.

Everyone should smile. Life is really not so serious. The sun rises. The sun goes down. We end up complicating the entire process.

A great attitude becomes a great day, which becomes a great month, which becomes a great year, which becomes a great life. Mandy Hale

Your life is your message to the world. Make sure you are inspiring.

Good times become good memories and bad people become good lessons.

You will get in life what you have the value of asking. Oprah Winfrey

Do not trust anyone too much in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you are in the dark.

Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. Soren Kierkegaard

No matter how good a woman is, she will never be good enough for a man who is not ready.

Love life and life will love you back.

Life is a daring or nothing adventure at all.

Life is not a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. Soren Kierkegaard

Not everyone is intended to be in your future. Some people are only passing to teach you lessons of life.

Not everything will go as you expected in your life. This is the reason why you need to leave expectations and let yourself go with the flow of life.

It may be that it takes you a year, it may be that it takes you a day, but what is destined to be, will always find its way.

Do not cry for the past is gone. Do not stress for the future, it has not arrived. Lives in the present and that is in a beautiful way.

My life is perfect, even when it is not. Ellen Degeneres

Life is inherently risky. There is only a great risk should be avoided at all costs, and it is to run the risk of doing nothing. Denis Waitley

If things seem under control, it's that you just don't go quick enough. Mario Andretti

A good life is when it is assumed less, it is done more, you need less, you often smile, you dream big, you laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are.

Focus on what matters and leaves aside what does not.

Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the way of the best things that will happen to us from now.

Never make permanent decisions about temporary feelings.

You do not need a reason to do anything in your life. Do it because you want. Because it's fun. Because it makes you happy.

Sometimes life will test you, but remember this: when you go up to a mountain, the legs become stronger.

Life is very interesting. In the end, some of its greatest pains become your strongest points. drew Barrymore

Time is free, but it is priceless. It cannot be possessed, but it can be used. It can happen, but it cannot be maintained. Once you have lost it, you can never recover.

Life may not be perfect, but never ceases to be beautiful.

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