60 Tim Guenard phrases

60 Tim Guenard phrases

Tim Guenard's phrases can be a reason for anyone to experience resilience.

These phrases of Tim Guenard describe their situation and how hate became good.

Brief biography of Tim Guenard

Tim Guenard was abandoned by His mother when he was just a baby. He left him tied to a post. He was given to his father, who was an alcoholic and gave him so many beatings that one of them, at age five, made Tim remain in the hospital until the age of seven years.

The rest of his childhood was not easy either, because he lived the rejection of each reception house in which he was transferred. In adolescence he was three times in jail for minors; He also lived on the street and learned to read because a vagabon taught him.

For a moment, everything that the desired adolescent was to kill his father, but God, or the "Big Boss", as Tim calls him, in addition to the encounter with key people they made life completely changed, towards love and sorry.

For an administrative error, Tim also spent a stay in a psychiatric hospital; He was then sent to a reformatory, there he learned to fight and feel more hatred. Thus his life passed, between physical abuse, a rape, flight, street experiences, prostitution mafias, among others.

However, at 16, a judge, whom Tim called "Mrs. Judge", helped him get a job as a Gargolas sculptor apprentice. Already with this trade, Tim began to rethink life. When he fulfilled his age, a path of overcoming and forgiveness began.

Supported by the 'great boss', or the "Big Boss", Tim managed to become what is currently: a 50 -year -old man, who lives in France and is happily married to Martine.

Tim and his wife have four children, but they welcome people who suffer or have problems at home. Tim guides them and encourages them to get new reasons to live. Tim also offers them a roof and offers them their friendship, then, he does not forget that in his adolescence he promised to receive those who had the same shortcomings that he had.

Likewise, Tim wrote an autobiographical book entitled Stronger than hate, in which he narrates in a simple and sincerely the history of his life, to show the world that "man is free to alter his destiny".

Tim Guenard phrases

These are some of Tim Guenard's most shocking phrases:

I lived three years on the street. I believed that my condition was normal, but thanks to a good policeman I discovered that it was not. Although he returned me to jail, he treated me like a human being. I did not want to live, but every time I thought about taking my life, I came to mind the look of that police.

I attest that a kind look can change the fate. It is very important to look at you when you don't know or look at yourself.

You can't dream about something that is not known. If today I am married to a woman whom I love and respect is because one day I was invited to the table of a well -avenue marriage.

I dreamed of love, but when I saw it I was unbearable to me.

One day at a train station VI hugged a father and a son. I did not understand what that was, I thought the father was hurting the child.

I am a love thief, I have learned copying moments of love.

I am an example for the desperate ones, I have created a big family with all those people that I wore in my house.

One day I understood that my worst prison was my hatred and my own story. Forgive is to give the right to exist. If you want to raise you, you have to release ballast.

Life is full of ugly things, but I look at beautiful things.

I do not understand the people who insist on the bad. I would like to look at a dog.

When I was little, my stepmother forced me to sleep in the dog's house, the only being who looked at me with love above any circumstance. Both called us bastard. I would like my friends to remember me with a dog's look: “It was right or bad, Tim looked at me well.

Motivation is always necessary. I dreamed that they had put my dad in a washing machine and that everything came new. I was like a kiss!, or a look, a gesture; But sadly it never arrived.

If a person does not leave their environment, he does not realize what he really is like and, unfortunately, he reproduces those attitudes unconsciously. When you see people who want and are loved that helps you not to reproduce bad behaviors.

For those who have no love, seeing people with love is like looking at that showcase where you can't buy. However, you can say: "Well, one day I will live in another way". I have not reproduced violence simply because I found people who made me desire more positive.

The best way to go against fate is to meet others; Because they give you illusions and teach you that life has another landscape.

It is very important that these young people see that life is not a fantasy, that there is another way of existing, that when one makes an error, it can apologize and try not to do it again.

To those who are lucky to have a family, I would tell them that it is important to respect, honor and accept it; that not even those people we want most are perfect.

To criticize and say the bad, people do not put measure; However, when it is time to say "I love you" or "I'm proud of you" many are silent.

Footbutors or cyclists are encouraged, but we need to encourage us among us. It is not necessary to be a famous for someone to encourage you. And when young people see that, extraordinary changes occur.

Children are a beautiful gift.

There are mirrors to look, comb and dress, but the mirror to change your life is in those you want the most. Because only one cannot see yourself.

My children told me that they wouldn't have wanted to have another dad and that made me feel very proud.

My challenge is to improve every day.

Life not only treats you badly, that only happens in bad movies. In real life, when people who have risen after living difficult situations are heard, one realizes that no one gets up.

I have had people in my way: the homeless who taught me to read, Papa Gaby (his adoptive father of the State's social services), the good judge and Father Thomas. They are all like gifts.

The most beautiful gift in life is the people you have wanted and wants; and all life is needed to know them.

I never ask to give any talk, but there are people who invite me. I receive many emails from people who have changed their lives because they say: “If Tim has succeeded, I can also.

Many people affirms that my testimony has given their lives. Some have stopped drinking or being violent and comes to thank me. But I have not done anything. For example, people read my book and think: “Tim is not better than me, so I can also change.

Time is needed for others to realize things, so people do not have to despair when doing good.

The farmer, when he sows, does not go the next day to his field to take the anger to the earth and ask him to hurry to bear fruit. The love that occurs in this world is similar: it is not for people who are in a hurry.

The God to whom I love is alive, there is not only in a book, but goes to meet every person on earth.

For three years I made the police run a lot through the neighborhoods, it was my way of playing the prisoner ball with them. It happened that they just arrested me the day I had not done anything: it was great, I had two chaufferes only for me. I knew Paris on foot and subway, but not by car. They took me to my first court and showed me to my first judge.

The meetings are important, but we do not always realize.

I lived on the street, and there one sees the things that people see in the cinema: they pay to see violence, we had it for free. There was a day when I wanted to die, end everything ... but I made a Michael Jackson in my head: forward and back. What made me doubt was the tender look of that policeman.

Many times we don't realize the power of a look, but that's why I appreciate all the good looks of the people who cross myself. If I am married today and I love my family, it is for that day, for that look. I never said thanks to that policeman, it will be the first to look for when he gathers me with the Big Boss.

I moved for hate and dreamed of having a mother.

Once - just one - I went to school: I entered at nine and at ten o'clock they had already thrown me.

There are those who say that abused children become abusers: they talk about a percentage already have it in genes, that a violated child becomes a rapist. Sometimes intelligent people say very dangerous things.

There are children who do not want to grow because the future is afraid of them: the road is full of mines; They know that only 20 % will happen.

I wanted to succeed in life because I discovered that I had unique fingerprints, a unique DNA. "I am unique," he told me, "my body, my head, my heart and my future are unique.

Initially I did not believe because I saw believers who did not love the different, who spoke ill of others ... it was a disease that I did not want for my life. Luckily, Big Boss made me meet a good boy who loved God. Everyone told him not to relate to me because it was not a good company, an unpresentable.

When my friend talked about him, it gave you the impression that something strong had smoked. One day he came and told me “Do you know that God came to the poor?”, And I went for a newspaper, I opened it by the Society section and told him that then God should be on vacation often. However, he continued sharing with me the stories of "Big Boss", and were original stories.

One day I asked him what I would do next weekend -in my group of friends we normally fought-. He either prayed or was responsible for caring for disabled people. When I asked how much I charged, he told me that nothing was volunteer and that he did it for God. It hit me so much that I decided to go see if I really worked with disabled people, and I had the great fate of finding them.

They were the first people who treated me normally. When I arrived, one of them asked my name, I told him and then put his hand on my chest and said "You are pleasant, Tim". I didn't know it was pleasant until that moment, they had never told me. He took me by the hand and took me to his table, served me a stuffed tomato, and then another. At the end of the food came to see me and he said “Do you come to see Jesus with me?.

I was lying on the stairs of the church until the sacristan woke up. If I am today a Christian of the Catholic Church and in love with the sacrament, it is thanks to that day.

I was lucky to find a good priest. Everyone told me not to approach that priest, but it attracted me because I wore rare clothes, like a woman. He was a Dominican ... He asked me “Do you want the forgiveness of Jesus?". "What is it for?”I asked him, and he replied that he could do me well.

I am also a Christian today thanks to that Dominican, the one who murmured to the soul of a sinner and gave him prayers.

I went to live with the disabled people: I fell in love with them because they remembered my name.

I have forgiven my father, but not in a magical way. The first forgiveness, in fact, went to myself.

The worst enemy of one is not suffering, but the memory that comes to kidnap you, which constantly reminds you that you have suffered and infuses you fear about the future.

For me forgiveness is like a balloon trip, if you don't get rid of weight you can't get up higher and further.

Forgive is not forgetting, but “knowing how to live with.

My dream is that my children do not have to say that they are children of alcoholics.

Before my memory tortured me, now the road clarifies me. I am not the root of my family, but I am a good trunk, and it is a tree that blooms.

Thanks, "Big Boss". Today my story is a kind of passport that allows me to never judge, because I know where I come from.

I love God very much, and often he is accused of the sufferings we carry inside.

Many times people say “What have I done to God?"," Why does God allow war, or AIDS, or any misfortune .. ?". When I did not believe, I saw this attitude and asked me who this God was to whom so many people blame the. I realized that he had never hit me, or badly treated or done anything wrong.

Before believing I didn't really know fear, just my heart. When the police ran behind me, sometimes I hid and gave me the feeling that my heart made so much noise that they would discover: it was adrenaline.

Since I believe in God, however, my fears are bigger. My greatest fear is not being a good son of Big Boss: as I have never had the possibility of being a son on earth, I'm just a son in my rosary.

I'm never sure to please God, however. It is a paradox: I do not doubt God's love, but at the same time I am afraid.

These are some of the most significant Tim Guenard phrases and that can inspire others, since Guenard has become one of the most notorious resilience examples today.

Tim Guenard's phrases are also part of a vital glossary, for those who need an example of personal motivation and overcoming.

100 best famous phrases and reflections of life