6 natural anxiety therapies

6 natural anxiety therapies

Natural therapies against anxiety can be great allies when it seeks to reduce the discomfort that this disabling condition usually causes.

Only who has felt anxiety can account for how terrible this experience is, which seems to ever have an end.

However, there are some natural therapies against anxiety that we can practice at home.


  • Anxiety and its symptoms
    • Anxiety symptoms
    • Motor symptoms
    • Symptoms of vegetative hyperactivity
    • Hypervigilance symptoms
  • Natural therapies against anxiety
    • Other forms of anxiety therapy
    • Bibliography

Anxiety and its symptoms

Anxiety is a quite difficult emotional experience to carry.

Although Not every episode of anxiety is bad, Well, sometimes it allows survival, when this is excessive, it is detrimental and maladaptative, compromising a person's mental health.

According to what is indicated by the DR., Américo Reyes-Tás, in his study entitled Anxiety disorders Practical guide for diagnosis and treatment, Some of the unpleasant symptoms can be motors, vegetative hyperactivity or hypervigilance.

Anxiety symptoms

Among the symptoms are the following:

Motor symptoms

  • Tremors;
  • Feeling of agitation;
  • Contractions;
  • Pain in the muscles;
  • Strain;
  • Fatigue;
  • Concern.

Symptoms of vegetative hyperactivity

  • Drowning sensation;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Tachycardia or palpitations;
  • Cold and humid hands;
  • Sweating;
  • Dizziness;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Feeling of loss of balance;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea;
  • Abdominal discomfort:
  • Frequent urination;
  • Hot flushes;
  • Shaking chills;
  • Throat knot;
  • Difficulty swallowing, among others.

Hypervigilance symptoms

  • Feeling that something terrible will happen;
  • Exaggerated reactions;
  • Concentration problems;
  • Blank mind;
  • Insomnia;
  • Irritability, among others.

Clearly, all these symptoms are annoying, but, fortunately, there are natural anxiety therapies.

Natural therapies against anxiety

Some of the therapies to counteract the effects of anxiety are the following:

  1. Aromatherapy: The aroma of some plants can be relaxing and help slow stress. Before opting for one, it is suggested to try several. A quantity aroma par excellence is that of lavender. Well, it helps to fall asleep and calm nervousness.
  2. Chamomile: This infusion is not only beneficial for digestive processes, but also as a soothing for anxiety and stress tables, thanks to its anxiolytic properties. Therefore, it is increasingly consumed by a greater number of people.
  3. Kava: It is family of mint, and helps fight anxiety and nerves. Those who have problems reconciling sleep can also benefit from Kava, because it is a natural anxiolytic.
  4. Hypericum: It is another of the plants that, in addition to being a natural therapy against anxiety, also helps to reduce depression and improve mood. Actually, the hyperico have multiple benefits.
  5. Valeriana tea: For millennia this powerful plant has been used to reduce stress levels, soothe anxiety and experience relaxation.
  6. Ashwagandha tea: This tea of ​​India helps to counteract the effects of stress and anxiety. It is a mystical plant.

In addition to these natural options, there are also others in the same order that can be integrated into natural anxiety therapies.

Other forms of anxiety therapy

These options are as follows:

  • Have a pet company: There is no more pure and noble than receiving unconditional love of a pet. Many people with problems such as anxiety often find peace in the company of these affectionate beings. Be cats, dogs, and even horses, they can be of great benefit.
  • Do yoga: It is one of the best natural therapies to counteract anxiety and feel well -being. No matter the person is not an expert, then, there are yoga for beginners. This practice helps to have internal balance and experience harmony.
  • Make some physical activity: This helps reduce stress, feel well -being by releasing endorphins, reducing hormone levels that cause stress, among other benefits. It's just about finding a practice that is pleasant and running it.
  • To meditate: It is also a great ally to stop intrusive thoughts, soothe the mind and silence the symptoms of anxiety.
  • Walk: either by a park, the beach or the countryside. While there is more contact with nature, it will be much better because the mind will clear more and leave the psychological confinement. Sometimes it is advisable to take off from technology and connect with nature.
  • Have a plant at home: either inside or in the garden. In addition to improving air quality, it is very gratifying to see how a space becomes a beautiful garden full of many tones.

Following these recommendations, anxiety levels should decrease. However, On some occasions, anxiety can become chronic and disabling, so It is necessary to go with a specialist, since the options could be treatment with cognitive behavioral or pharmacological therapy.

Know more benefits of natural therapies


  • Arenas, m. C., & Puigcerver, to. (2009). Differences between men and women in anxiety disorders: a psychobiological approach. Psychology writings (Internet)3(1), 20-29.
  • Beck, a. T. (2013). Cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders. Brouwer falls out.
  • Blair, t. (2017). Natural therapies against stress and anxiety: know the signs of these nerve disorders and the best treatments to stop them. Robinbook.
  • Feliú, m. T. (2014). Anxiety disorders in the DSM-5. Psychosomatic Medicine Notebooks and Link Psychiatry, (110), 62-69.
  • González, e., & Quindós, to. Yo. (2010). The incorporation of natural therapies in health services.
  • REYES-TICAS, J. TO. (2010). Anxiety disorders: Practical guide for diagnosis and treatment. Virtual Health Library.