6 drugs that can cause depression

6 drugs that can cause depression

There is much talk about the medication that exists to relieve the symptoms of depression and anxiety. But not so much about drugs that can cause this disorder. Let's see what they are and how they affect our mind.


  • What are the medications that cause depression?
    • 1. Beta blockers
    • 2. Anticonvulsive
    • 3. Benzodiazepine hypnotics
    • 4. Corticosteroids
    • 5. Medications that alter hormones
    • 6. Stimulants
    • Conclusions
    • References

What are the medications that cause depression?

Depression is one of the most common diseases today. This responds to many causes, most of them related to the lifestyle and also closely linked to the way we manage our emotions and solve our problems.

However, beyond these aspects, there are also other triggers that lead to depression. For example, There are certain medications that have shown to have some side effects very clearly linked to this disease.

Doctors know it and take it into account when prescribing these drugs, but not always the person who consumes them has this information. Even so, in case of recognizing that we are seeing ourselves negatively by medications of this type, we must always consult the professional before leaving them.

But, What are these medications that cause depression? The drugs associated with these side effects are of many types, more than we can initially think, and all very common in our day to day. Here are some of them.

1. Beta blockers

This type of drug is used to treat hypertension problems. They are therefore necessary in people suffering from high blood pressure and it is difficult to replace them with another type of medication.

The cause of this depression is that they slow down the heart rate. As a consequence, they sometimes increase the feeling of fatigue and cause sexual dysfunction that can lead to problems that lead to depression.

2. Anticonvulsive

This type of medication is used to treat Seizure problems. They are common in neuropathic pains, bipolar disorders and mood disorders. Some examples are carbamazepine (tegretol), gabapentin (neurontin), lamotrigine (lamictal), pregabalin (lyric) and topopyramate (topamax).

Depression occurs because these drugs affect neurotransmitters, which are responsible for transmitting messages to the brain. When blocking these central nervous system signs, this alteration is produced that triggers depression.

3. Benzodiazepine hypnotics

Benzodiazepines are a type of medication that is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of Anxiety and insomnia. What they really do is relax the body's muscles. That is, those known as tranquilizers.

In many cases these do not metabolize well and accumulate in the body until reaching toxic levels. Thus, they cause an effect similar to that of the hangover, which causes symptoms similar to those of depression.

Parkinson medications. One of Parkinson's disease signs, beyond movement disorders, is the depressive trend. This is accentuated with the medications that are prescribed to treat it.

The reason is that drugs to treat Parkinson are based on the use of dopamine, which act simulating dopamine receptors in the brain and, in this way, imitate the activity of dopamine. The consumption of this long -term neurotransmitter is associated with depression.

4. Corticosteroids

This type of medication is used to treat inflammation of blood vessels and muscles. These reduce serotonin levels in the body, and precisely this reduction is known to cause depression.

Diseases such as arthritis, lupus or gout are treated with medications that include these components. Some known examples are cortisone, methylprednisolone, prednisone and triamcinolone.

5. Medications that alter hormones

This type of drugs that are also widely used to treat certain problems is demonstrated that they are also cause and trigger for depression.

For example, those taken to relieve the symptoms of menopause, or the same birth control pills, They suppose a manipulation of hormonal levels in the body can cause such problems such as depression.

6. Stimulants

While your name can make us think otherwise, this type of drugs also lead to depression. They are prescribed above all To treat diurnal drowsiness excessive caused by hypersomnia, narcolepsy or sleep apnea.

However, these stimulants increase the dopamine level in the body. This means that the investigations conclude that taking them during a long period makes symptoms of depression appear.


Drugs can help us in many areas of our life, both in our mental and physical health. However, we must not forget that most of them cause side effects that will have to be controlled. That's why They must always be consumed under medical prescription.


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  • Can drugs cause depression? A review of evidence. https: // www.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV/PMC/ARTICLES/PMC1188504/
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