50 phrases for teachers and teachers inspire love for learning

50 phrases for teachers and teachers inspire love for learning

Give a present phrases for teachers It is one of the best ways to give them all the work they do with dedication so that society is a better place in which to live.

With the following phrases for teachers and teachers you can surprise more than one teacher and make him feel that his effort is important for you.

Next, some of the best and most emotional phrases for teachers and teachers. Among the most powerful phrases for teachers and teachers we find the following ..

Nice phrases for teachers and teachers

The teacher leaves a mark for eternity; You can never know when your influence stops. Henry Adams

Teacher is someone who inspires for life. César Bona

One remembers his brilliant teachers with appreciation, but with gratitude to those who touched our feelings. Carl Gustav Jung

A good teacher makes the bad student become good and the good student in Superior. Maruja Torres

What is the teacher, is more important than what he teaches. Karl a. Menninger

Most of us do not have more than five or six people who remind us. Teachers have thousands of people who remind them of the rest of their lives. Andy Rooney

Teaching is more to give knowledge, is to inspire change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is to acquire understanding. William Arthur Ward

The mediocre teacher counts. The current teacher explains. The good teacher demonstrates. The excellent teacher inspires. William a. Ward

We never forget what we learn with pleasure. Alfred Mercier

If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put the teachers. They are the heroes of society. Guy Kawasaki

The educator's profession contributes more to the future of society than any other profession. John Wooden

Education is not to fill a bucket, but light a fire. William Butler Yeats

A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom in their pupils. Ever Garrison

It is the supreme art of the teacher awakens curiosity in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. Japanese proverb

Only for education can man become a man. Man is nothing more than what education makes of him. Emmanuel Kant

Teaching who does not want to learn is like sowing a field without plowing it. Whatly, r

Education is what survives when what has been taught is forgotten. B.F. Skinner

Everyone who remembers his own education reminds his teachers, not the methods or techniques. The teacher is the heart of the education system. Sidney Hook

Teachers inspire, entertain and end up learning a lot from them, even if you don't realize. Nichlas Spears

A good teacher can create hope, light the imagination and inspire love for learning. Brad Henry

The object of education is to form beings suitable for governing themselves, and not to be governed by others. Herbert Spencer

Do not limit your children to your own learning, since they were born in another world. Chinese proverb

A good teacher, as a good actor, must first capture the attention of his audience and then he can teach his lesson. John Henrik Clarke

In every man there is something I can learn and what can be his pupil. Ralph Waldo Emerson

A teacher should believe in the values ​​and interests of his students as a doctor believes in health. Gilbert Highet

Teaching is an exercise of immortality. Ruben Alves

What is the teacher, is more important than what he teaches. Karl a. Menninger

The educator's work is to teach students to see vitality in themselves. Joseph Campbell

Educate is not to manufacture adults according to a model, but to release in each man what prevents him from being himself, allowing him to be done according to his singular genius. Olivier Reboul

The purpose of teaching a child is to make him able to perform without the teacher's help. Elbert hubbar

A child with lack of education is a lost child. John f. Kennedy

This spiritual greed that those who, knowing something, do not seek the transmission of that knowledge are detestable. Miguel de Unamuno

Each child deserves a champion, an adult who never renounces them, who understands the power of the connection and insists that they can become the best they can be. Rita Pierson

The disciples are the teacher's biography. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Children should be taught how to think, not to think. Margaret Mead

There are two types of education, which teaches you to make a living and the one that teaches you to live. Antony de Meló

The principle of education is to preach with the example. Turgot

Do not teach your children just to read, teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything. Gerge Carlin

With education we can reach the roof of the world without moving from our desktop. Ramiro Manzano Núñez

Knowledge is not worth it if it is not shared. Juan Miguel Hernández Cruz

Education does not create man, helps him create himself. Maurice Debesse

Learning without thinking is lost effort; Think without learning, dangerous. Confucius

I am not a teacher, but a alarm. Robert Frost

What we want is the child in search of knowledge and knowledge in search of the child. George Bernard Shaw

Educate is not giving a career to live, but tempering the soul for the difficulties of life. Pythagoras

Education is the key to success in life, and teachers have a lasting impact on the life of their students. SOLOMON ORTIZ

The noblest object that man can occupy is to illustrate his fellow men. Simon Bolivar

One thing is to know and another one to know how to teach. Marco Tulio Cicero

A mind with a new idea never returns to its original dimensions. Unknown author

These are the best phrases for teachers and teachers, to share at any time with those beings that inspire us and fill our lives every day.

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