50 phrases of the novelist and activist Émile Zola

50 phrases of the novelist and activist Émile Zola

Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (1840 - 1902) He was a great novelist, critic and French political activist from the late nineteenth century. Was the founder of the movement naturalism, that can be found in enormous work of 20 novels. His biological approach in the scrupulous description of life and common people, was based on the contemporary theory of hereditary determinism, which he used to demonstrate how genetic and environmental factors influence human behavior.

It also constituted an important figure in the political liberalization of France and is especially known for the exemption of the army officer Alfred Dreyfus, falsely accused and convicted. Zola was nominated for the first and second Nobel Prize for Literature in 1901 and 1902.

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Celebres quotes of Émile Zola

Did science promised happiness? I don't believe it. Promised the truth, and the question is to know if we will ever do happiness with the truth.

If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, I will answer you: I'm here to live out loud!

One forges his style in the terrible anvil of the daily deadlines.

The past is nothing more than the cemetery of our illusions.

The existence is so bitter for each of us! Shouldn't we forgive others, my friend, if we want us to forgive ourselves?

In my opinion, you cannot claim to have seen something until you have photographed it.

These young people naturally grow with different ideas than ours, since they are born for times when we will no longer be here.

Beauty is a state of mind.

A language is a logic.

My art is an affirmation of the individual out of all rules and all social needs.

Through the centuries, the history of the peoples is nothing more than a lesson of mutual tolerance.

When sometimes, behind him, they called him tyrant, he simply smiled and pronounced this deep observation: if one day I become liberal, they will say that I have disappointed them.

When you have a pain that is too large, you don't leave space for any other.

A new dynasty is never founded without fighting. Blood makes good manure.

In love as in speculation there is a lot of dirt. Also in love, people think only of their own gratification; However, without love there would be no life, and the world would come to an end.

If I can't overwhelm with my quality, I will overwhelm with my amount.

It is not necessary for one to humble to deserve help, it is enough for one to suffer.

Didn't one pass the first half of the days in dreams of happiness and the second half in regrets and terrors?

When lovers kiss on the cheeks, it is because they are looking, feeling the lips of the other. Lovers are made with a kiss.

I step pleasant afternoons in my garden, seeing everything that lives around me. As I age, I feel that everything goes and I love everything with more passion.

Sin must be exquisite, my dear boy.

Everything is just a dream.

Governments distrust literature because it is a force that eludes them.

The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.

Yeah! Live life with each fiber of your being, laugh at yourself, without thoughts of rebellion, without fooling yourself that it can be improved and made it painless.

I prefer to die of passion than boredom.

A work of art is a corner of creation seen through a temperament.

Why does my heart move so much when I find a lost dog in our loud streets? Why do I feel so much patent of anguish when I see that one of these creatures goes and goes, sniffing everyone, scared, desperate to find his master?

If you shut up the truth and bury it under the earth, it will grow and a power so explosive will be accumulated that the day it explodes through it will exploit everything on its way.

Nothing develops intelligence like travel.

I am little worried about beauty or perfection. All that matters to me is life, struggle, intensity.

When the truth is buried, it grows. He's drowning. Collects such an explosive force that the day it explodes, everything exploits with it.

A whole life would not be long enough to exhaust the young harvester.

If people can love only a little, they can be so happy ..

Hate is holy. It is the outrage of strong and paternal hearts, the militant disdain of those who mediated it and the need angry. Hateing is loving, it is having the burning and generous soul, it is living comfortably, despising stupid and shameful things.

Respectable people ... what bastards!

It is not me who I am strong, it is the reason, it is the truth.

The truth is underway, and nothing will stop it.

The highest duty of man is to protect animals from cruelty.

The only basis for living is to believe in life, love it and apply all the strength of the intellect to know it better.

I have a single passion: to illuminate those who have been in the dark, in the name of humanity that has suffered so much and has the right to happiness. My burning protest is simply the cry of my soul.

The destiny of animals is more important for me than fear to seem ridiculous; It is indissolubly connected to the destiny of men.

There are two men within the artist, the poet and the craftsman. One is born a poet. One becomes a craftsman.

A god of goodness would be charitable for everyone. Your god of anger and punishment is nothing more than a monstrous fantasy.

Turn off the candle, I don't need to see how my thoughts look.

The civilization will not reach its perfection until the last stone of the last church falls on the last priest.

Violence has never prospered, you can't rebuild the world in one day. Anyone who promises to change everything for you is a fool or a rogue!

Art for me ... is a denial of society, an affirmation of the individual, outside all the rules and all demands of society.

The realistic word means nothing to me, because it would subordinate reality to temperament. Give me what is true and I will applaud. But give me what is individual and live and I will applaud even more.

The conclusion does not belong to the artist.