50 Pau Casals phrases about peace and music

50 Pau Casals phrases about peace and music

Pau Casals I Defilló (1876 - 1973) was a great cellist, pedagogue, Catalan director and composer. His greatest contribution to the world of music was the innovation in interpretation with the cello that, later, was adopted by all the cellists in the world.

Pau Casals has been one of the most talented cellist of the twentieth century. Internationally recognized as one of the best interpreters and orchestra directors of his time, he continues today being A reference musical icon.

As a cellista contributed innovative changes in the execution of the cello, which became a great solo instrument. As director and teacher, he also sought expressive depth, the musical essence that he reached with the cello. Fritz Kreisler defined him as "The King of the Arc" and Eugene Ormandy said of Pau Casals: "It is not only the greatest cellist, but possibly the most extraordinary living musician in the world".

His interpretation of "Cant dels Ocells" (The song of the birds) has become a symbol of peace and freedom throughout the world, and much more significantly within Catalan modernism.

Do not miss this wonderful compilation of your best appointments.

Famous phrases of Pau Casals

The earth becomes heaven when you release your fear. The main thing in life is not afraid of being human.

We must think that we are one of the leaves of a tree, and the tree is all humanity. We can't live without each other, without the tree.

My contribution to the peace of the world can be scarce, but I will have given everything I can to get an ideal that I consider sacred.

I feel that the ability to worry is what gives life its deepest meaning.

I am a very simple man. I am a first man, an artist after. My first obligation is for the well -being of my neighbor. I will strive to fulfill this obligation through music, since it transcends national language, politics and borders.

I hate having lived in a time where men's law is to kill.

The heart of the melody cannot be put on paper.

If the situation has no remedy, we must take the next step.

Each person has basic decency and goodness. If you listen and act on them, you are giving much of what the world needs the most. It is not complicated, but it requires courage. Courage is needed for a person to hear their own goodness and act accordingly.

You can't separate music from life.

The man has created many machines, complex and cunning, but which of them competes with the functioning of his heart?

For everyone, you could be just a person, but for a person you could be the whole world.

I have no hobbies. I have passions.

I was born with a gift. I don't deserve any special honor.

The child should know that it is a miracle, which since the beginning of the world has not existed, and until the end of the world there will be no other child like him.

Music was like a sea in which I swam like a little fish.

Every second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never return ..

I don't think I spend a day in my life where I don't look with new amazement for the miracle of nature.

My father was the one who instilled in me the love of music.

You must work as we should all work to do the world worthy of their children.

The greatest respect that an artist can pay to music is to give life.

Who corresponds more than the artist, the defense of freedom so essential for his creative work?

Tell the world that are true.

A pumpkin as a resonance box, was my first cello.

Parents should not lie to their children, even when they think it is for their own good. Even a small lie is dangerous ..

The most important thing in music is what is not in the notes.

I used to think that with eighty years you were very old. Now I have ninety. I don't think this anymore. While you are able to admire and love, you are young.

Music ... transcends the borders of the language, politics and nations.

Living is not enough; We must participate.

The love of the country is a splendid thing. But why does love end on the border?

Music is the divine path of saying beautiful and poetic things to the heart.

The most perfect technique is the one that does not notice at all.

I urged musicians from all over the world to put the purity of their art at the service of humanity to unite men in the same fraternal bond.

The cello is like a beautiful woman who has not aged, but she is younger over time, more slender, more flexible and more graceful.

Do we dare to be ourselves? That is the question that counts.

The art of interpretation is not to interpret what is written.

Don't be vain because you have talent. You are not responsible for that; What you do with your talent is what matters.

Music should serve a purpose; It must be part of something bigger than her, a part of humanity ..

Yes it's correct. I am a miracle. I am a miracle as a tree is a miracle, as a flower is a miracle. Now, if I'm a miracle, can I do something wrong? I can't, because I'm a miracle.

We are not free to walk on the fingers of our neighbors.

The only weapons that I have are the baton and the cello.

Any war is terrible, but a civil war is even more. It is the struggle of a neighbor against another neighbor, of a brother against a brother ..

Each error seems possible today, and is accepted. I do not accept it.

Music, this wonderful universal language should be a source of communication between all men.

Retiring is starting to die.

Real understanding does not come from what we learn in books; comes from what we learn from love to nature, music, man. Because only what you learn that way is really understood.

For me, Bach is like Shakespeare. He knew everything and felt everything. He is all.

The first thing you should do in life is to do with strength what you have to do.

I feel that the ability to take care is what gives life its deepest meaning.

Bach's miracle has not appeared in any other art. Stripping human nature until its divine attributes, informing ordinary activities with spiritual fervor, giving wings of eternity to what is most ephemeral; make divine and human things divine; Such is Bach, the greatest and most pure moment of music of all time.

The person who works and never gets bored is never old. Work and interest in things are worthwhile are the best remedy for age.

You enter music how you get into religion.

Maybe it's the oldest musician in the world ... but in many ways I am a still young man. This is what I want you to be: young people, young people, and that you tell the truths to the world.