50 John D phrases. Rockefeller

50 John D phrases. Rockefeller

John. D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937) An industrialist, entrepreneur and US executive director was important. When he was 14 years old, his family moved from New York, in fact, luck made them lose Cleveland to New York, on December 18, 1867, for a few minutes: those that took the coachman who took him to the station to clean one of the horseshoes on your horse. But that train derailed, and very few passengers saved his life ... and he made him convince himself of one of his maxims: "A catastrophe is also a new opportunity".

He got his first real work at age 16, being accounting assistant at Hewitt & Tuttle. At 20 he left the job to venture only with a partner to open a business. He worked as a merchant of the commission in hay, grains, meat and other goods. At the end of his first year in the business, Rockefeller's company had already raised $ 450,000.

During the 1860s, Rockefeller detected an opportunity in the oil business and decided to establish an oil refinery near Cleveland, which opened in 1863. Two years later, his refinery was the largest in the area, and that was when he decided to devote himself completely to the oil business. Standard Oil He had great success, so much that he came to control most of the refineries of the Cleveland area.

Rockefeller used the size of the refinery to make favorable agreements and gain control over almost all aspects of the business. In just over a decade since he joined Standard Oil, He got an almost total monopoly in the oil business, with Rockefeller in command of everything.

However, antitrust problems arose and, in 1911, Standard Oil was forced to dissolve. Rockefeller retired at age 56 and turned to his new facet of Philanthropist until the day of his death on May 23, 1937. His son, John Jr., would continue with his philanthropic work.

John d. Rockefeller is an inspiring figure because he never stopped working hard for what he wanted, but also used the wealth he accumulated to help others who needed him more than him. Do not miss this fantastic compilation of some of your best phrases.

Celebres from John D. Rockefeller

If your only objective is to make you rich, you will never achieve it.

I think every right implies responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; All possession, a duty.

A friendship based on business is better than a friend -based company.

I think that truth and justice are fundamental for a lasting social order.

Giving should be done in the same way as investing. Giving is investing.

You can account for every million won ..., less for the first.

A man of words and not of facts is like a garden full of weeds.

I do not know anything more despicable and pathetic than a man who dedicates every day to earn money for money.

After doing the right thing, the most important thing is that people know that you are doing the right.

When the work goes out of style, we can expect to see civilization staggering and falling.

Do not blame the marketing department. The dollar stops with the chief executive.

Fame was gaining ground with me because it was good to let the money be my slave and not make me a slave to money.

I don't think there is any other quality as essential for success as the quality of perseverance. Exceeds almost everything, even nature.

It is wrong to assume that the men of immense wealth are always happy.

Purpose singleness is one of the main essential elements for success in life, regardless of your goal.

I can't think of anything less pleasant than a life dedicated to pleasure.

Charity is harmful unless it helps the receiver to become independent from it.

Good management consists in showing average people how to do the work of more trained people.

I had no ambition to make a fortune. The mere money creation has never been my goal, I had the ambition to build.

I believe in the supreme value of the individual and in his right to life, freedom and the search for happiness.

The person who simply begins with the idea of ​​getting rich will not succeed. You must have a bigger ambition. There is no mystery in business success. If you do the task of each day with enthusiasm, you stay faithful to the commercial laws that I speak so much and keep your mind clear, it will work out.

I never cared the schedules.

Do not be afraid to give up the good to go for a big way.

If you want to succeed, you must undertake new paths, instead of traveling the worn out of the success already accepted.

I think savings is essential for a well -ordered life.

Many of us do not achieve great things ... We fail because we lack concentration, the art of concentrating the mind on what should be done at the right time and with the exclusion of everything else.

Do you know what a grandfather would hurt a lot? Know that any of you, boys, will become useless, extravagant and careless with your money.

God gave me my money.

Competition is a sin. That's why I eliminate it ..

The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit, a reputation and a character.

The only question with wealth is, what are you doing with her?

The success of each depends on the success of the other.

Think about giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.

The richness of a man must be determined by the relationship of his desires and expenses with his income. If you feel rich with ten dollars and have everything you want, it's really rich.

The greatest virtue is the ability to deal with people. I pay more for that capacity than any other man under the sun.

A man has no right to occupy the time of another man unnecessarily.

With perseverance, anything, whether correct or incorrect, good or bad, is feasible and can be achieved.

The purpose unit is one of the main essential elements for success in life.

I think the power to earn money is a gift from God.

We are never too old to study the Bible. Every time their lessons are studied we see a new meaning, a new thought that will make us better.

I have ways to earn money from which you don't know anything.

My greatest pleasure? See every night the profits that my investments produced from the morning.

I think the law was made for man and not man for law; that the government is the server of the people and not its master.

The way to earn money is to buy when blood runs through the streets.

After everything is over, the religion of man is his most important possession.

I think love is the greatest thing in the world; that only he can and will succeed over power.

No one does anything if someone else can get.

I believe in the sacred of a promise, that the word of a man must be as good as his link; That character, not wealth, power or position, has a supreme value.

The secret to success is to do common things in an unusual way.

I would prefer to win 1% of the effort of 100 people than 100% of my own efforts.