50 ignorance phrases

50 ignorance phrases

The phrases are a way of knowing ourselves better, of understanding and understanding how the world works. In this case we have compiled a series of phrases about ignorance. Let's see them!

The best phrases of ignorance

There are several types of ignorant: the one who assumes not knowing what he should know; He who does not know what he knows; And who knows what I shouldn't know.

Tell me what you presume and I will tell you what you lack.

Ignorant's disease is not to be aware of his own ignorance.

I only know that I know nothing.

The ignorant if it remains silent will be taken by wise.

Ignorance is the night of the mind, one night without the light of the moon or the stars, completely dark.

Everything that is not known or wants to know, is despised.

Sometimes in friendship and love you can be happier in ignorance than knowing too much.

The first step of ignorance is to presume knowing, and many would know if they did not think they know. Baltasar Gracián

People are all ignorant. What happens is that not all of us ignore the same.

The wise is usually more afraid than the ignorant.

The worst of ignorance is that he gets confidence.

Ignorance is not knowing how to differentiate between what needs to be demonstrated and what does not need it.

It is because of our ignorance that we do not know the necessary things.

Ignorance and charlatans are the most common beings in the world.

Ignorance is the mother of fear.

There is no difference between a sage and an ignorant who between a living and a dead man.

There is no worse crime than ignorance.

The pitchers make more noise the more empty they are.

For our ignorance we do not know the necessary things, and for error we know them badly.

Ignorance is a very heavy load, only that the one who carries it does not feel it.

Ignorance and error are bad mood.

There is nothing more fruitful than the conscious ignorance of itself. José Ortega y Gasset

What daring is ignorance!

No time has known as many and as diverse things of man as ours. But in truth, it has never been known what man is.

Our disputes have their origin in the two most common sources: ignorance and weakness.

If you hide your ignorance, you will never learn.

Ignorance ages like buffalo, its fat grows, but not its wisdom. Sanskrit Proverb

If you give an ignorant advice, you will think you are your enemy.

Ignorance is the worst characteristics of a man.

If you think you know a lot and understand a lot, you can be more than sure that what you ignore is much.

Ignorance is the mother of evil and many of our vices.

Many people are too polite to talk with their mouth full, but those who have an empty head do not mind doing so.

The worst of ignorances is not the absence of knowledge, but to refuse to learn and acquire it.

Knowledge is always finite, while ignorance is always infinite.

Ignorance is fatal.

All the evils that inhabit the universe are the result of ignorance.

When ignorance is happiness, what do you want to be wise.

His ignorance is as remarkable as his knowledge

Life teaches us that to be happy there are sometimes things that we must ignore.

As we learn more, we are more aware of our ignorance.

Ignorance hesates between the extreme audacity and the extreme shyness. Paul Valéry

Ignorance is always willing to admire.

The bad is for ignorance and to heal must pull wisdom.

We must read to be better, cultivate good feelings, illustrate our ignorance and correct our mistakes.

The ignorance of the old women is so deep that it touches the secrets of life; That of the shepherds is so high that he has the head in the stars. Abel Bonnard

Ignorance is one of the most foolish ideas.

There are those who prefer to live in ignorance in order to be able to remain amazed as long as possible. However, sooner or later, the truth ends to be discovered

Ignorance is not something shameful, but it is imposing it.

Advises the ignorant, he will take you for his enemy. Arab Proverb

Every time we say 'I don't know, we close the door to our wisdom, which can be infinite.

The big problem is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while stupid people are full of certainties.

A man who knows everything ... how fool will be!

The one who reads lives hundreds of lives before dying. The one who does not read, only lives one.

Books cure one of the worst diseases: ignorance.

The first step towards knowing is being aware of ignorance itself.

And that's all! We hope that this series of phrases that we have collected will be useful to you and help you understand yourself better and the world around you. Surely you can better understand ignorance.