50 phrases of Henry Kissinger

50 phrases of Henry Kissinger

Henry Alfred Kissinger (1923) was an important American politician and diplomat, national security advisor to the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He was a Jewish refugee who fled from Nazi Germany with his family in 1938, became a national security advisor in 1969 and the Secretary of State for the United States in 1973.

Kissinger played a prominent role in the foreign policy of the United States between 1969 and 1977. During this period, he pioneered foreign policy with the Soviet Union, orchestrated the opening of relations with the People's Republic of China, participated in what became known as the diplomacy of a ferry in the Middle East for End the Yom Kippur War, and negotiated the Peace Agreements of Paris, ending US participation in the Vietnam War. In fact, for his actions to negotiate a high fire in Vietnam, Kissinger received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize In somewhat controversial circumstances, with two members of the committee residing as protest.

Kissinger has also been associated with other policies as controversial as the participation of the United States in a military coup in Chile, a green light for the Argentine Military Board for its dirty war, and the support of the United States to Pakistan during the war of the war of Bangladesh despite the genocide perpetrated by its allies.

After leaving the government, he formed Kissinger Associates, An international geopolitical consulting firm. Kissinger has been a Prolific Author of Books on Diplomatic History and International Relations With more than a dozen author books.

It is still a controversial figure in American history. Some journalists, political activists and human rights lawyers have condemned Kissinger as a war criminal. However, according to a survey conducted in 2014 by the magazine Foreign Policy, 32.21% of the best international relationship academics in the United States considered Henry Kissinger the US Secretary of EE. UU. Since 1965

Henry Kissinger famous quotes

We live in a wonderful time, in which the fort is weak due to its scruples and the weak is strengthened due to its audacity.

No one will ever win the battle of the sexes. There is too much fraternization with the enemy.

Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad.

It is not about what is true what counts, but about what is perceived as true.

Because complexity inhibits flexibility, early elections are especially crucial.

Each success only buys an admission ticket for a more difficult problem.

There can be no crisis next week, my agenda is already full.

The United States does not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests.

Power is the definitive aphrodisiac.

The good thing about being a celebrity is that if you bore people, they believe it is their fault.

The absence of alternatives clarifies the mind wonderfully.

Politicians are like dogs ... their life expectancy is too short for a commitment to be bearable

History knows no rest places.

Undering action should not be confused with the missionary's work.

The issues are too important to leave them voters.

A country that demands moral perfection in its foreign policy, will not achieve perfection or security.

In international affairs, a reputation for reliability is a more important asset than tactical intelligence demonstrations.

History is the memory of states.

Intellectuals analyze the operations of international systems; The statesmen build them.

The facts are rarely explain for themselves; Its importance, analysis and interpretation, at least in the world of foreign policy, depend on the context and relevance.

In the end, peace can only be achieved by hegemony or balance of power.

Americans tend to believe that when there is a problem there must be a solution.

Power without legitimacy tempts force evidence; Legitimacy without dumping empty positions.

For most of humanity and the oldest periods in history, the empire has been the typical government mode.

A leader does not deserve the name unless he is occasionally arranged to be alone.

Postcolonial countries. All have tried to overcome the legacy of the colonial.

The illegal we do it immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little more time.

It is not common for nations to learn from the past, and even more rare to draw the correct conclusions.

The leader's task is to take his people where they have not been.

Don't be too ambitious. Do the most important thing you can think about doing every year and then your career will take care of yourself.

Behind the slogans there is an intellectual vacuum.

When statesmen want to win time, they offer to talk.

Poor old Germany. Too big for Europe, too small for the world.

In his essay, 'Perpetual Peace', the philosopher, Immanuel Kant, argued that perpetually Humanity Another option. We are at a juncture.

From Pedro el Grande, Russia had expanded at a rhythm of a Belgium per year.

History teaches by analogy, shedding light on the possible consequences of similar situations.

The State is a fragile organization, and the statesman does not have the moral right to risk his survival with ethical restriction.


It is one of the ironies of history that communism, announced as a classless society, tended to generate a privileged class of feudal proportions.

For Roosevelt, if a nation could not or did not want to act to defend their own interests, I could not expect others to respect them. Inevitably.

Order without freedom, even if sustained by a momentary exaltation, eventually creates its own counterweight; However, freedom cannot be assured or sustained without a framework to maintain peace.

A turbulent story has taught Chinese leaders that not all problems have a solution and that an emphasis too large in total domain on specific events could alter the harmony of the universe.

A diamond is just a piece of coal that supported extraordinary pressure.

I'm being frank with this book. I count my first mistake on page 850.

The reason why universal politics is so cruel is because bets are so small.

The military is only stupid and dumb animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.

In Washington ... the appearance of power is, therefore, almost as important as its reality. In fact, the appearance is often its essential reality.

The victor's negotiation position always decreases over time. Everything that is not required during the impact of defeat, becomes increasingly difficult to achieve later.

It is a shame that both parties cannot lose (commenting on the war between Iran and Iraq, 1980 - 1988)

I want to thank you for the applause. It is impossible for me to look humble for a long period of time.

Will emerging Europe become an active participant in the construction of a new international order, or will it be consumed in its own internal problems?