50 phrases from Erich Fromm about psychoanalysis and love

50 phrases from Erich Fromm about psychoanalysis and love

Erich Fromm (1900-1980), was an outstanding psychoanalyst, socialist psychologist and humanistic philosopher of German Jewish origin.

Erich Fromm famous quotes

You are born alone and you die alone, and in the parenthesis loneliness is so great that you need to share life to forget it.

The present is the point where the past and the future are joined, a border in time, but not different as the two kingdoms that unites.

Modern consumers can identify with the following formula: I am = what I have and what consumes.

Obsessive work produces madness, as much as complete laziness, but with this combination you can live.

Creativity requires courage to release certainties.

The paradox of love is, to be oneself, while still being two.

Hope is paradoxical. Having hope means being ready at all times for what is not yet born, but without despair if the birth does not happen in the period of our life.

The poison is poison even if it comes in golden pills.

In contrast to the symbiotic union, mature love means union on condition of preserving one's integrity, individuality itself.

Two people fall in love when they feel they have found the best object available in the market.

We are not on the road to greater individualism, but we are becoming an increasingly manipulated masses civilization.

Sex without love only relieves the abyss that exists between two human beings momentary.

In the art of living, man is at the same time the artist and the object of his art, he is the sculptor and is the marble, the doctor and the patient.

Living is being born at every moment.

Why do contemporary human beings love to buy and consume, and yet they feel very little attachment for what they buy?

Hate is a product of life not fulfilled.

The most important steps to concentrate is to learn to be alone with oneself.

The danger of the past was for men to be slaves. But the danger of the future is that men become robots.

Birth is not an act, it is a process.

For most people, the problem of love consists fundamentally in being loved, and not to love, not the ability to love themselves.

All our culture is based on the desire to buy, on the idea of ​​a mutually favorable exchange.

Do not give in order to receive; Giving is in itself an exquisite.

The specific characteristics that make a person attractive depend on the fashion of the time, both physically and mentally.

Good and evil do not exist if there is no freedom to disobey.

The deepest need of man is, then, the need to overcome his separability, to abandon the prison of his loneliness.

The answers depend, to some extent, on the degree of individualization achieved by the individual.

If a person loves only another and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love, but a symbiotic relationship or an expanded egotism.

Greed and peace exclude each other.

I have to meet the other person and myself objectively, in order to see their reality, or, rather, to put aside the illusions, my irrationally deformed image of it.

Even the homeless Roman was proud to be able to say "Civis Romanus Sum"; Rome and the empire were his family, his home, his world.

The advertising motto is different shows us that pathetic need, when, in reality, there is almost no.

Actually, what for most people in our culture is worthy of being loved is, in essence, a mixture of popularity and sex-uppeal.

Without love, humanity could not exist one more day.

Envy, jealousy, ambition, all kinds of avidity, are passions: love is an action, the practice of a human power, which can only be carried out in freedom and never as a result of a compulsion.

For most people, the problem of love consists fundamentally in being loved, and not to love, not the ability to love themselves.

Living is being born at every moment.

Giving produces more happiness than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving there is the expression of my vitality.

Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love.

As far as love touches, that means: love is a power that produces love; Impotence is the inability to produce love.

Greed is a bottomless well that exhausts the person in an endless effort to meet the need without ever achieving satisfaction.

Behind a facade of satisfaction and optimism, the modern man is deeply unhappy; It is really on the verge of despair.

The self is strong to the extent that it is active.

In the sphere of material things, giving means being rich. It is not rich who has much, but the one who gives a lot.

It is well known that the poor are, more inclined to give the rich.

What does one person give to another? Gives of herself of the most precious she has, of her own life. This does not necessarily mean that he sacrifices his life for the other, but that he gives what he is alive in him, gives his joy, his interest, his compression, his knowledge, his humor, his sadness, of all the expressions and manifestations of what is alive in him.

The man always dies before being born completely.

While we fear consciously not to be loved, the real fear, although usually unconscious, is to love.

The deepest need of man is, then, the need to overcome his separatality, to abandon the prison of his loneliness.

If I am like everyone else, if I have no feelings or thoughts that make me different, if I adapt in customs, clothes, ideas, to the patron of the group, I am saved; saved from the fearsome experience of loneliness. Dictatorial systems use threats and terror to induce this compliance; democratic countries, suggestion and propaganda.

Joy is not momentary ecstasy, but the glow that accompanies being.

For the productive nature, GIV has a totally different meaning: it constitutes the highest expression of power. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power.

Of course, to become rich and famous, individuals must be very active in the sense of being busy, but not in the sense of being born within themselves.

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