50 phrases by Daniel Goleman for emotional growth

50 phrases by Daniel Goleman for emotional growth

Daniel Goleman He is an American psychologist and writer, born in Stockton, California. Acquired world fame from the publication of his book Emotional intelligence in 1995. Find here Daniel Goleman's best phrases for your emotional growth.

Daniel Goleman's famous phrases

Do not allow the noise of the opinions of others to silence your inner voice. And, more importantly, have the courage to do what your heart and intuition dictate to you. Somehow, you know what you really want to become.

The control of emotional life and its subordination to an objective is essential to spur and maintain attention, motivation and creativity.

It is the combination between reasonable talent and the ability to persevere to failure what leads to success.

The appropriate criticisms do not deal with so much to attribute errors to a character trait and focus on what the person has done and can do.

Full attention seems to encourage mental processing speed, strengthen synaptic connections and establish or expand neural networks linked to what we are exercising.

Self -dominance requires self -consciousness, more self -regulation, key components of emotional intelligence.

Obsessive thoughts are the firewood that feeds the fire of anger, a fire that can only be extinguished contemplating things from a different point of view.

The art of relationships is based, to a large extent, on the ability to properly relate to the emotions of others.

Academic intelligence does not offer the least preparation for the multitude of difficulties - or opportunities - to which we must face throughout our lives.

The simple fact of paying attention establishes an emotional connection whose absence empathy is impossible.

Meditation teaches us to ignore distractions and focus our attention on what we want to focus on.

Free time allows the flowering of the creative spirit, while too strict agendas, on the contrary, suffocate it.

Interpersonal intelligence consists in the ability to understand others: what are the things that motivate them most, how they work and the best way to cooperate with them.

Creative ideas are like a delicate cocoon: you have to pamper them to flourish.

In such a changing world we find that flexibility, the possibility of adapting to change is more important than experience.

Disturbing emotions and toxic relationships have been identified as risk factors that favor the appearance of some diseases.

Prolonged emotional tension can hinder the child's intellectual faculties and thus hinder their learning ability.

Without selective attention, experience would be a complete chaos.

Exploration takes us away from the current focus to open ourselves to new horizons and enable flexibility, discovery and innovation.

In a very real sense, all of us have two minds, a mind that thinks and another mind that feels, and these two fundamental forms of knowledge interact to build our mental life.

Domaining the emotional world is especially difficult because these skills should be exercised in those moments when people are in worse conditions to assimilate information and learn new response habits, that is, when they have problems.

All emotions are, in essence, impulses that lead us to act, automatic reaction programs with which it has endowed evolution.

The strengths and weaknesses of the emotional competence of a boss can be measured, respectively, with the full use or misuse of the talent of their subordinates.

Compassion stands on empathy that, in turn, requires paying attention to others. If we are absorbed in us, we will not realize the others and we will continue our path, indifferent to their suffering.

Real achievement does not depend so much on talent and the ability to move forward despite failures

Each emotion predisposes us in a different way to the action; Each of them points to us an address that, in the past, allowed to properly resolve the innumerable challenges to which human existence has been subjected.

In the best case, the IC seems to contribute only 20% of the determining factors of success.

Stress, therefore, decreases immune resistance, at least provisionally, perhaps as a strategy of conservation of the energy necessary to deal with a situation that seems threatening for the survival of the individual.

Keep in mind that impulse is the vehicle of emotion and that the seed of all impulse is an expansive feeling that seeks to express itself in action.

The way to get out of poverty is education. If something can be done to help poor boys to continue at school longer, something very positive will be done to improve their position in life.

Maybe there is no more essential psychological ability than to resist impulse.

If we want to live properly, a certain skill is necessary to move in three different areas: the external world, the internal world, and the world of others.

Childhood and adolescence constitute a real opportunity to assimilate the fundamental emotional habits that will govern the rest of our lives.

Respect and love can not only clear the hostility of the marriage, but also of all other areas of our life.

There are some skills that differentiated the star workers from the others. Namely: empathy,

Leadership has nothing to do with the control of others but with the art of persuading them to collaborate in the construction of a common goal.

Recall that the basic belief that leads to optimism is that setbacks and failures are due to circumstances and that we can always do something to change these.

Intense negative emotions absorb all the individual's attention, hindering any attempt to attend to something else.

The knowledge of oneself, that is, the ability to recognize a feeling at the same time it appears, constitutes the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

To make a good decision we have to apply feelings to thoughts.

Empathy always involves an act of self -awareness.

Look directly in the eyes opens the access door to empathy.

Taking over our attention, technology hinders our relationships.

Guilt, shame and fear are the immediate mobiles of deception.

The ability to express their own feelings constitutes a fundamental social skill.

Direct attention to where it is needed is one of the main leadership tasks.

Optimists consider that failures are due to something that can be changed and, thus, on the next time they face a similar situation they can succeed.

In many ways, the emotional mind is childish, and the more childish, the more intense the emotion is.

The power of the emotions It is extraordinary, only a powerful love - the urgency to save the beloved son, for example - can lead parents to go beyond their own individual survival instinct. From the point of view of the intellect, it is an undisputed sacrifice but, seen from the heart, constitutes the only possible choice.

The greatest advantage of work teams is perhaps the economic one because, as with the "star" workers, teams can be an extraordinary economic benefit.

The ease with which a society despises, and even buried, discrepant visions depends evidently on the set of lagoons shared by its citizens. We do not realize what we dislike seeing and we don't realize that we do not realize.

Empathy disappears at the same time that our feelings are so powerful as to cancel everything else and not leave open the slightest possibility of tune in with the other.

Leaders who use their emotional efficacy to inspire confidence, commitment and compassion will have better results. This ability to emerge the best of people translates into financial results.

When the eyes of an attractive woman look directly at a man they find attractive, his brain secretes dopamina, a pleasure inductor, which does not happen when he looks in another direction.

The higher our attention, clearer, more fast and subtly we will capture, even in ambiguous situations, the internal state of another person. And, inversely, the greater our restlessness, the lower our ability to empathize.

Anger is a very intense emotion that kidnaps the brain. When the anger catches us, it makes us reorganize our memory to the point that one can forget, in full discussion, why it started.

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