50 phrases of Concepción Arenal

50 phrases of Concepción Arenal

Arenal Concepción (1820 - 1893) was one of the most important feminist writers of the nineteenth century, a strong cream defender of women's rights, although also of men who were prisoners in prisons in prisons. He exercised as a prison officer and journalist. With his writings and acts he denounced the precarious conditions in which the health houses were found, as well as the begging and rights of women in the nineteenth century.

He dressed in men's clothes to attend the university classes and participate in political and literary gatherings, contributing his liberal and progressive ideas in the colloquiums.

She was a very advanced woman for her time, erecting as protector of the weakest and women without rights. He published his first work on women's rights, The Woman of the Porvenir, In 1869, where he strongly criticized the theory of the inferiority of women for biological reasons extended in that nineteenth century Spain. In her own words, her mission was to get the woman educated and respected, to have opportunities to exercise tasks beyond simply being a mother and take care of the children.

She was a great fighter, simple and a woman without prejudice, human, sensitive and with a big heart. Do not miss your best appointments that we have collected here you want to.

Celebres de Concepción Arenal quotes

All the things are impossible, while them seem.

Crying is sometimes the way of expressing things that cannot be said with words.

An isolated man feels weak, and it is.

Open schools and prisons will be closed.

The more the obstacles are divided are easier to overcome.

Love lives more than it gives than what receives.

It is not so guilty who does not know a duty like the one who accepts and steps.

Sometimes, a wicked man is husband and lover father, and in the contaminated atmosphere of evil, paternal love is kept pure, like a flower that grows in a muladar.

Virtues are sisters who hug them closely; When one falls, they all hesitate; When one gets up, they all charge courage.

The man who rises is even bigger than the one who has not fallen.

There is a big difference between impressing with the evils of our brothers and afflicting themselves. For the first enough imagination, and heart is needed for the second.

The law is the conscience of humanity.

Doing those who inspire sympathy well are a enjoyment: virtue consists of favoring those who do not inspire us.

Would the poor be what they are, if we were what we should be?

Protecting work is to protect virtue, it is to separate pitfalls against which it crashes so many times; Protecting work is to rinse tears, comfort pain, start victims of vice, crime and death.

Virtue purifies the places you visit, far from staining them.

Absurd would be to ask the calculation what the self -denial can give.

Everything that hardens, demoralizes.

Passion for man is a torrent; For women, an abyss.

There is as a bitter complacency in suffering an injustice, which seems to legitimize hatred.

The bad laws will always find, and will contribute to form, worse men who, in charge of executing them.

The pain, when it does not become executioner, is a great teacher.

The forces that are associated for good are not added, multiply.

The poor is ruined at the time when he stops being sober.

Passion for man is a torrent; For women, an abyss.

In many cases we do for vanity or fear, what we would do for duty.

The best tribute that can be paid for good people is to imitate them.

Sometimes we give the name of favor to justice, and we believe in very good faith that we were good and generous when we have not been fair.

Democracy, like the aristocracy, like all social institutions, calls the truths that their enemies and justice tell the flattery of their partials.

Happiness is blind, arrogant left over to see cliffs under the flowers that cover their path.

Absurd would be to ask the calculation what only self -denial can give

Boredom is a disease of understanding that does not happen except the idle.

How many centuries the reason needs to reach justice that the heart understands instantly.

There is a safe path to get to all the heart: it is love.

Replace self -love with the love of others is to change a tyrant insufferable for a good friend.

The noise of laughter passes. The force of reasoning remains.

It cannot be good who does not know how to fight and resist.

Charity is a duty; The choice of form, a right.

Society pays very expensive the abandonment in which it leaves their children, like all parents who do not educate their own.

All great lack is an act of selfishness.

Love is for the child what the sun for flowers; Bread is not enough: he needs caresses to be good and strong.

There is no animal so meek that tied does not irritate.

Hates crime and pity the offender.

There is so much justice in charity and so much charity in justice that the hope that the day they get confused does not seem like.

A half a half is to attract a man to the reason to treat him as if he did not have it.

Do not waste the time that is used to try to do good.

The error is a weapon that always ends up shooting at the one who uses it.

For the spirit, as for the body, which limits the action undermined joy.

When we do not understand one thing, it is necessary to declare it absurd or superior to our intelligence, and generally, the first determination is adopted.

All power falls to impulses from the evil he has done. Each foul he has committed becomes, sooner or later, in an ram that contributes to knocking him down.