50 phrases by Antonio Porchia

50 phrases by Antonio Porchia

These phrases by Antonio Porchia will make us understand many things about life, because, their experiences were not easy. He did hard jobs from a young age to be able to support his family, being the first of 7 brothers.

However, beyond the weaver of baskets, carpenter and the man who was in other humble jobs, which was beating strongly in his heart was poetry.

A single work entitled Voices It was enough to obtain international recognition to this Argentine italo poet, Well, condenses Antonio Porchia's phrases deeper, product of his most sincere reflections.

Today we collect some of Antonio Porchia's phrases more beautiful and reflective. Among its most remarkable phrases are the following:

Antonio Porchia phrases

What have I given you, I know. What have you received, I don't know.

Before touring my way I was my way.

You live with the hope of becoming a memory.

The evil that I have not done, how much bad has done!

The chains that chain us most are the chains that we have broken.

No one may not go further. And beyond there is an abyss.

He is sad, because they abandon you and you are not fallen

You think you kill me; I say you suicides.

They have stopped fooling you, not to love you. And you think they have stopped loving you.

Evil does not do it all, but accuses everyone.

Sometimes I think that evil is everything and that good is just a beautiful desire for evil.

Love is born from two loves and dies in one.

I have been dying, not being born. If I was born I am leaving.

When I break some of the chains that chain me, I feel it decreased.

Located in some distant nebula I do what I do, so that the universal balance that I am a part does not lose your balance.

Without that silly vanity that is to show us and that belongs to everyone and everything, we would not see anything and there would be nothing.

The little ones are not the eternal, and the rest, everything else, the brief, the very brief.

Near me there are nothing more than far away.

A little naivety never departs from me. And it is she who protects me.

Man does not go anywhere. Everything comes to man, like tomorrow.

The cold is a good advisor, but it is cold.

My father, when he left, gave my childhood half a century.

If I were like a rock and not like a cloud, my thinking, which is like the wind, I would abandon me.

The world forgives your defects, not your virtues.

The reason for all is a monster and the reason for one ... is the reason for one.

You can not owe anything by returning the light to the sun.

I opens a door, I enter and I find me one hundred doors closed.

The truth has very few friends and the very few friends they have are suicidal.

I think they are the evils of the soul, the soul. Because the soul heals of his ills, dies.

Who forgives everything must have forgive everything.

My God, I've never believed in you, but I've always loved you.

I did not find like who to be, in any. And I stayed, like this: like none.

Difficulties also happen as everything happens, without difficulty.

When your pain is a little greater than my pain, I feel a bit cruel.

Man talks about everything and talks about everything as if the knowledge of everything was everything in him.

They will say that you walk on a wrong path, if you walk along your way.

Who has seen everything empty, almost knows what everything is filled.

I have hardly touched the mud and I'm mud.

A healthy thing does not breathe.

Yes, they are wrong, because they don't know. And if they knew ... nothing. They would not be wrong.

Yes, it is necessary to suffer, even in vain, not to live in vain.

My time particles play with eternity.

Who seeks in its good a greater good, loses its good.

What words say does not last. The words last. Because words are always the same and what they say is never the same.

Everything is like rivers, the work of the slopes.

Man, when it is only what man seems to be, it is almost nothing.

Being in company is not being with someone, but being in someone.

I found my first world in my little bread.

A flower in his hand dies, turning off a star.

The evil of not believing is to believe a bit.

I know you have nothing. That is why I ask you everything. To have everything.

Sleeping sleep what I wake up sleepy. And my dreaming is continuous.

My eyes, for having been bridges, are abyss.

Yes, it is entering everything as I go out of everything.

Antonio Porchia's aphorisms are many more, however, these are some of those who touch more deeply the soul of any human being. If you know more phrases by Antonio Porchia, you can share them with us.

100 phrases for the soul to make your inner beauty shine