50 Alfred Adler phrases about psychoanalysis

50 Alfred Adler phrases about psychoanalysis

Alfred Adler (1870-1937) was a Austrian doctor and psychotherapist. Adler occupies an important position in the history of psychotherapy, together with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, constitute what is usually called "the great three", the founders of the Deep psychology.

Later Adler creates individual psychology where the important thing is the individual, the person. You are interested in integration, with a self that controls all facets of personality, to see how a person adapts and integrates into society. For this psychology, the individual must be integrated into society and be as happy as possible.

Alfred Adler's famous quotes

Life is the same as learning to swim. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, since there is no other way to learn to live!

The main danger in life is to take too many concerns.

Look only to the facts. Life happens in facts, not in words

Experience is one of the causes of success or failure. We do not suffer the impact of our experiences, called traumas, but we adapt them to our purposes.

Man knows much more than he understands.

We must never neglect the use that the patient makes of his symptoms.

Wounding another person through repentance is one of the most subtle resources of the neurotic, such as when, for example, it is pleased in self-accusations.

See with the eyes of another, listen with the ears of another, feel with the heart of another. At the moment, this seems to me an admissible definition of what we call social feeling.

There is no such thing as talent. There is pressure.

Geniuses are admired, rich men are envied, men of power are feared; But only men of character are trusted.

The greater the feeling of inferiority that a person has experienced, the more powerful the impulse of the conquest and more violent is emotional agitation.

The greatness of man lies in the power of his thought.

The truth is often a terrible weapon of aggression. It is possible to lie and even kill with the truth.

A lie would not make sense if the truth was not perceived as dangerous.

You can cure depression if you start every day in the morning to consider how you will take true joy to another person.

The only normal people are those who do not know very well.

A simple rule to treat those people who are difficult is to remember that these people are trying to assert their superiority, and you should deal with them from that point of view.

The neurotic is nailed to the cross of its fiction.

It is easier to fight for some principles than to live according to them.

There would be much less bad mood starts if the possibility of ensuring the importance of importance was not offered.

Follow your heart but carry your brain with you.

The meanings are not determined by situations, but we are determined by the meanings we give to situations.

We cannot say that if a child is poorly fed it will become a criminal. We must see what conclusions the child has taken.

Exaggerated sensitivity is synonymous with sense of inferiority.

Neurosis is the natural, logical development of an individual who is comparatively inactive, full of a personal, egocentric yearning, of superiority, and therefore is late in the development of their social interest.

All want, is wanting to compensate for something.

I think I am not limited by any strict or prejudice rule, but I prefer to subscribe at the beginning: everything can also be different.

God who is eternally complete, who directs the stars, who is the owner of destinations, who elevates man, who speaks from the cosmos to each human soul, is the brightest manifestation of the goal of perfection.

There is no human individual who finds rest under the yoke of a feeling of inferiority.

The greatest danger in life is that you can take too many precautions.

The psychologist can just attract attention to errors; The patient, on the other hand, is forced to give life to the same truth.

Tears and complaints -the means that I have called "water power", can be an extremely useful weapon to disturb cooperation and stick others to the condition of slavery.

When we know a person's goal, we know approximately what will follow.

In the dream the vital problem of an individual is revealed in a symbolic way.

Each individual acts and suffers according to their peculiar teleology (the study of the purposes or purposes), which has all the inevitability of destiny, as long as he does not understand it.

It is the patriotic duty of every man to lie for his country.

It is very obvious that we are not influenced by the facts, but by our interpretation of the facts.

War is the organization of murders and torture against our brothers.

Death is really a great blessing for humanity, without it there can be no real progress. People who live forever not only hinder and discourage young people, but also lack sufficient stimulus for creativity.

We have to interpret bad mood as a sign of inferiority.

Experience is one of the causes of success or failure. We do not suffer the impact of our experiences, called traumas, but we adapt them to our purposes.

It is easier to fight for their own principles than to live at your height.

The educator has to believe in his student's potential, and must use all his art to convey his experience to students.

Trust only the movement. Life occurs in the plane of events, not that of words. Trust the movement ..

War is not the continuation of politics with different media, it is the largest mass of crimes perpetrated in the community of man.

Our modern states prepare for war without even knowing the future enemy.

Challenging individuals will always persecute others, and yet they will always be considered persecuted.

Overcome difficulties leads you to courage, respect for yourself and to know you better.

We can understand all the phenomena of life as if the past, the present and the future together with a guiding, supraordered idea, were present in them as indications.

The opinion that a person has from himself and the environment can be better deduced from the meaning he finds in the life and meaning he gives to his own life.

No experience is a cause of success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences (as called "trauma"), but we make them what is convenient for our purposes.

See with the eyes of another, listen with the ears of another, feel with the heart of another. At the moment that seems to me an acceptable definition of what we call social feeling.

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