5 tips to overcome yourself without stress

5 tips to overcome yourself without stress

Everyone talks about it: you have to overcome yourself to feel better and get everything you want in life, if you do not, you will never be the person you have always wanted to be ... and if it is true that to get life Of your dreams, you will have to make an extra effort and reach the background of yourself, but ..

How to do it to make it a pleasant trip, to reunite with your self and not overwhelm you too much during the process?

Overcome oneself is linked to a personal development process, in which it is advisable.

To start with this process, I propose these 5 actions that for me are priority and essential, and that you can start up today to start this path of personal self -improvement:


  • 1. Know yourself thoroughly
  • 2. Don't be afraid of fear
  • 3. Believe in yourself
  • 4. Do not be impatient
  • 5. Value your achievements

1. Know yourself thoroughly

Explore in yourself and discover who you are; This implies Listen to you really, listen to your emotions and your thoughts completely and without judging them, only then can you see and know what is within you, what are your deepest needs and how to meet them.

We are dedicated to saving information throughout our lives and we never stop to review it. Our personal backpack is made of that just: our own experiences that define our deepest self, review it and you will know who you really are.

Discover what your beliefs and your values ​​are, which has always guided your path and that defines you as a person. Do you feel that they empower or subtract strength?, If you perceive that your beliefs are not all how empowering you would like, do not hesitate, change them for which they will really lead you to the life of your dreams.

2. Don't be afraid of fear

There are things that are afraid to do, especially when it comes to facing ourselves and our fears. Do you know that this fear is just a warning so you can look a little more inside you and review that you need to face your life?

Although it seems contradictory, allow you to feel that fear will help you overcome it. Let that fear arrive and listen to it, it will surprise you what you are telling you. Fear is one of the 4 basic emotions and has a biological function of associated message, that is, it warns you that there is something new in your life to what you should face and for what you may not yet have enough resources, but You listen carefully, you will realize what are the resources you need and you will see that many of them are already part of you, and are available to be used at this moment.

40 MR phrases. Wonderful to cheer up the day

3. Believe in yourself

If you do not believe in you, who is going to do it? Who better than oneself to believe in their own abilities, you know yourself from within and you know what you are capable of and what you are not able. Value yourself and start becoming aware of your abilities, this will help you believe more in yourself and what you can contribute to the world.

It is important that You become aware that your own engine is you, You cannot be your family, or your partner, or your boss. The sole responsible for your assessment is you, let yourself be who you want to be and help yourself in your own personal development, that will make you gain self -esteem and you will see yourself as someone capable of everything is proposed.

4. Do not be impatient

The change processes are slow and have been, You do not exace something that you cannot fulfill quickly, understand that you have to go little by little and let your internal self flow naturally, without conditions and from love to yourself.

It usually happens with personal development processes, which are like the screens of a video game, when you pass one phase, another one is uncovered, and the truth is much more comfortable like that, think that doing everything suddenly can be exhausting and a little Blocker, with which he accepts your own rhythm and sees passing screens little by little, follow your intuition she knows the way.

5. Value your achievements

Although development processes are slow and require some dedication, a good trick to feel comforted, it is Go value the results you get. It is clear that in a couple of weeks the miracle is not going to happen, but if you will be able to see how there are changes in you and your life.

Become aware of those changes, sign them and place them in a visible place in your home. Thank you every day for your work and your dedication. If you continue at a good pace, in a few months your life will never be the same as before, and you can be aware little by little of all the things you are able to do.

I hope that these 5 tips help you to start this process of personal development, change and self -improvement, life is lived with a broader perspective if you are fully aware of yourself, your abilities and your improvement areas.

Keep looking for your own way, be sure you'll find it.