5 phrases to be happy with David Hume

5 phrases to be happy with David Hume

David Hume is a philosopher that has gone down in the empiricist current that shows that the power of practical experience is vital to consider something as probable. Like any philosopher, this author has also deepened the roots of human happiness, therefore, today in Psychology-online, we collect five famous phrases of this thinker.

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  1. "Nothing is freer than human imagination"
  2. "The beauty of things exists in the spirit that contemplates them"
  3. "Nature is always too strong for theory"
  4. "The reason is the slave of passions"

"Nothing is freer than human imagination"

First, he states with great success that "nothing is freer than human imagination". In the society of the technique where many times, the man is blinded to the power of the machine, in reality, there is no greater gift than the human being within himself to himself to be able to travel through imagination.

"The beauty of things exists in the spirit that contemplates them"

On the other hand, David Hume shows The power of subjectivity by ensuring that "the beauty of things exists in the spirit that contemplates them". That is, beauty has the value of "for me" that differs from the concept of Kant's own phenomenon. When you are surprised by the beauty of an object or a fact, there also, your own inner beauty blooms.

"Nature is always too strong for theory"

Life is practical, you live through action. Something that remains through the following statement: "Nature is always too strong for theory". On more than one occasion, Theory always contrasts with practice, That is, many times, in the practical plane things are more difficult than one had imagined about an area of ​​reality: it is not the same to theorize about love than to suffer a heartbreak.

"The reason is the slave of passions"

Finally, there is a message that defines above all David Hume's thought: "The reason is the slave of passions". That is, in The fight between reason and heart, They win the feelings.

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