5 exercises to tone the body in 20 minutes

5 exercises to tone the body in 20 minutes

In today's article, we are going to talk about five simple exercises with which the body can be toned in just 20 minutes. And, although we all want to improve our body, time is usually a factor that limits us.


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  • 5 exercises to tone the body in 20 minutes
    • 1. Squats
    • 2. Dominated
    • 3. Flexions
    • 4. Bicycle
    • 5. Iron

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Before mentioning the exercises that will help you tone your body in 20 minutes, You have to point out three key aspects:

The first, that These exercises will have to do as much muscles as possible at the same time. This is something obvious: if you want to tone your whole body with only 20 minutes, you will have to forget specific exercises.

The second, that It is of no use to tone the body if it covers it a thick layer of fat. If you want to see your Six-Pack in the abdominals, you will have to delete the beer belly before. And, no, there is no way to eliminate fat locally, it must be eliminated globally.

A derivative of this second point: In the event that you have to burn fat, you will need more than 20 minutes. Tone muscles can be done in such a short time, but burn fat requires more hours of exercise, and a healthy diet.

In third and last place, since you are only going to perform exercises for 20 minutes, most recommended that you do them every day. In other circumstances, exercising three times a week could be sufficient. But, since it is only 20 minutes, take advantage, do it every day, and note before the results.

5 exercises to tone the body in 20 minutes

Now, clarified the previous points, we can talk about the Exercises to be done to tone the body in just 20 minutes. As you can see, they are simple, but very effective exercises, and that involve several muscles:

1. Squats

The squat, is one of the most complete exercises that exist and that more can help us get well -defined and firm buttocks and buttocks. When we do it we are mainly training the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks. He is known for being the "king of exercises".

To correctly perform the squats we must start the movement while standing. He Movement begins by moving the hips back and flexing the knees and hips To lower the torso, then we will return to the vertical position.

The squats can be done at different levels. The standard is to fold the hip until it reaches below the upper knee. This squat is known colloquially as "parallel" depth.

Setting ourselves on the hip below the parallel line with the ground is known as a deep squat, while being on squatting on this same line is called shallow sitat.

As the body gradually descends, the hips and knees undergo flexion while the ankle extends (dorsiflexion). Muscles reach maximum contraction during ascent. The muscles around the hips are responsible for providing the power of the lower part. If the knees slide then the tension that is generated makes it difficult to rise again.

Two common mistakes of the squatillas are to descend too quickly and flex the torso too forward. When it is a decrease, it is fast, there is a risk of not being able to complete the lifting or cause injuries. When the torso is excessively flexed, the forces exerted on the lower rear is greatly increased, running the risk of causing an injury.

2. Dominated

The dominated ones are made with a bar, holding it and raising the body with the strength of the arms, chest and shoulders. They can be done by taking the bar with their hands inside or out, and, in addition, they can be done with the arms at different distances.

For a start, It is advisable to make the two types of dominated with arms slightly together (This is easier). In this way, doing both exercises, you will exercise both the back muscles and those of the arms (and some others of rebound).

With the passage of time, if you want to complicate the exercise, you can leave more distance between the hands when making the dominated.

I recommend you make two batches for each type of dominated (with your hands towards you and out) until the failure.

3. Flexions

In second place, There are the classic flexions. With this exercise you will tone the arms and pectorals. In addition, it is an exercise that we all know and that can be done without any difficulty (and without the need for any extra object or material).

To make the flexions, you just have to lie down on the floor, place your arms at shoulders, and get and go down. The first days will cost you, but, over time, it will be much easier for you.

I recommend two batches of flexions to the failure. In the event that you are going to have more time, you can do two in the morning and two in the afternoon.

4. Bicycle

Bicycle lying on the ground is an abdominal exercise of great efficacy and easy to perform anywhere.

When we do The abdominals by bicycle, we stimulate the muscles of the oblique abdominals, the frontal ones, the quadriceps and the buttocks.

The way to make them is to lie on the floor, we put our hands behind the head and climb our knees until we get an angle of 45 degrees, once in that position, we will move our legs as if we were pedaling on a bicycle. With the elbows we will touch the opposite knee: the left elbow goes to the right knee and vice versa.

5. Iron

The iron is an exercise that is a real wonder and that allows the abdominals to work mainly (although not only). Many people believe that abdominal flexions are the best way to get a good Six-Pack, but it's a mistake.

The iron allows at the same time to work the upper part of the abdominals, the lower part, and the side parts. So, With a single exercise, you can get a really spectacular appearance.

For this exercise, you have to put yourself upside. Then, get on tiptoe, so that, in contact with the ground, only the forearms and the toe of the feet are.

The body must be straight, so that, if you put a broom stick on your back, you just touch your hip, the upper part of your back, and your head.

And, once you are in this position, you just have to endure a couple of minutes ... if you can.

The best thing is that the first day you start with half a minute and then go up. However, if you notice that you can endure more, do it. Normally, two or three minutes a day of this exercise is more than enough to achieve envy abs.

As you can see, Tone the body with a few minutes a day is viable. The only thing you have to do is choose the best exercises and have some constancy. With this, you will get your body to look great in just a few weeks (yes, do not leave it then!).