45 Greek proverbs The best classic wisdom

45 Greek proverbs The best classic wisdom

Greece is a millenary country located at the door between the East and West. It is the cradle of classical culture and, therefore, of Western civilization. The Greek proverbs that we are going to present you below, they collect the best classical wisdom accumulated in the thousands of years of existence of this civilization.

Thanks to Greek wisdom we have the Philosophy, science, mathematics, physics, art, architecture, language (Well, Spanish has many words of Greek origin) and many other things: food, clothing, lifestyle ... Greece spun greatly for 3 periods:

  • Ancient Greece
  • The Hellenistic period
  • The Byzantine Empire

The end of Greece as a power occurred in 1453, with the fall of Constantinople, Its capital, in the hands of the Ottoman Turks. A turning point that It would mark the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance.

Besides, The end of the Byzantine Empire, supposed for Europe that communications with the East will be cut by the hostility of the Muslim world. That would promote Spain and Portugal to look for an alternative route to the East, discovering America in 1492.

Currently, The Greeks are very proud (rightly) of their past and the cultural contribution that gave the world. Nothing would have been the same without Greece.

45 Greek proverbs: the best classic wisdom

Know yourself and you will meet the gods and the universe.

The one who doubts, nothing knows.

The law of man changes with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit always remain the same.

Try the best, expect the worst and take what it comes.

A society grows when old men plant trees whose shadow they know they will never sit.

In life you never stop learning.

Each man is an abyss.

With patience everything is achieved.

Where fire is not done, smoke does not come out.

What costs little, little can be seen.

Better in your naked place than arranged abroad.

always pay the righteous for sinners.

The one who has contemplated beauty becomes beautiful forever.

Pride is the mask under which we hide our defects.

The will moves mountains.

Where the heart leans, the foot walks.

Illiterate king, crowned ass.

Like the alien, more for others than for good.

Start is the beginning of finishing.

Nobody is a prophet in their own land.

Agez of Eagle, Gorrión Youth.

Who stops being your friend was never.

45 Greek proverbs: the best classic wisdom

Love, cough and fire cannot be disguised.

The one who runs a lot soon for.

The beautiful is difficult.

The good name is better than the many wealth.

The one who doubts, nothing knows.

I just know that I don't know anything, but I know more than those who say they know everything.

Think slowly, act quickly.

The heart he loves is always young.

If you want riches and honor, do not go to bed late.

Who sleeps does not catch fish.

Where they love you very much, do not come often.

Gift, although small, great grace has.

A truth told ahead of time is dangerous.

Young people say what they are doing, the elderly what they have done and the fools what they want to do.

A thorn defends the rose, damaging only what would steal the flower.

The advice of the one who loves you, even if you do not like it at that time.

Better five and in the hand than ten and waiting.

The first hundred years of life are the most difficult.

Who does many things does not go further.

Poverty requires fun so that it does not take you down.

Who had, retained. Genius and figure, until the grave.

It went for wool and came out.

Man is the measure of all things.

From meek water, get me God.