40 Russian proverbs Russian wisdom within your reach

40 Russian proverbs Russian wisdom within your reach

In this article we want to present the Russian proverbs more surprising, with which you can get an idea of ​​character, idiosyncrasy and Russian wisdom, of this indomitable people.

Russia, a huge country located in the Asian continent and that is on horseback between the East and West, has been the stage of the birth of the Russian people, a melting pot of ancestral races and cultures. His current name, Russia, comes from the Swedish Vikings who, in the Middle Ages, called "Rus"To these lands and their people. The Germ of the current Russia would be in the Rus of kyiv.

The Russians, therefore, are a mixture of Vikings, Slavs, Peoples of the Steppe and other Asian minorities. Undoubtedly, a people who have managed to breastfeed the most terrible difficulties: an extreme climate, Mongolas, Tartar, Swedish, Polish, German invasions ... In spite of everything, the Russians have survived and have given us one of the richest cultures of the planet. Do you want to learn more about Russia through Russian proverbs?

40 Russian proverbs: Russian wisdom within your reach

The great works are dream of crazy geniuses; The born fighters are executed; They are enjoyed by the happy crows; and criticize the useless chronicles.

Missing the past is like running after the wind.

A book is a friend just who knows how to read it.

The tears that fall are bitter, but there are even more those that do not fall.

Do not die twice if you don't escape death once.

The passage of life is not to cross the plain.

The 'maybe' and the 'somehow' will not do any good.

The love of a mother comes from the background of the ocean.

God protects those who protect themselves.

Telling the truth is like writing well, you learn by practicing.

Misfortunes never come alone.

Respect the man with calluses in his hands and crooked back.

For a poor naked man, preparing for a trip means sticking to himself.

The origins themselves are an indelible brand.

A kind word is better than a great cake.

Your mother will cry until the end of her days, your sister until the wedding ring, your widow to the dew of dawn.

If you walk quickly, you reach misfortune; If you go slowly, misfortune reaches you.

Fall is allowed; Raising is mandatory!

It is not the law that scares, but the judge.

The wolf does not fear the pastor dog but its nail collar.

There can be no good without evil.

The scars are medals that gives you life.

Russian proverbs: Russian wisdom

It is better to drink water with a friend than to nect with an enemy.

The heroes who know how to sacrifice better are the ones who know best.

Never try to teach a pig to sing. You will lose your time and annoy the pig.

Pray, but don't stop rowing towards the shore.

The hands work, but the head feeds.

Take care of your clothes since they are new, take care of your honor since you are young.

Unreasonable guest is worse than a tartar.

The man who makes his fortune in a year should be hanged twelve months before.

What you will sow, you will reap.

Effortlessly you can't get the pond fish.

After the storm, the wind will blow in your favor.

A man is saved from a shipwreck on the high seas and drowns on the beach.

Stagnant water soon becomes impure.

God gives us nuts, but it gives them closed ... we have to open them.

Being fasting does not kill, but the gluttony does.

If each one would sweep their door, how clean the city would be!

Knowing too much is prematurely aging.

In battles against the loved person, it is better to succumb to winning.