40 Italian proverbs Wisdom of Italy

40 Italian proverbs Wisdom of Italy

Learn about the ancestral wisdom of Italy through these 30 Italian proverbs. Italy, alpine and Mediterranean country, cradle of the Roman Empire, which formed the European identity, and that the cities, roads, law, culture and civilization bequeathed us. What are the pillars of Europe? Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity.

30 Italian proverbs: Wisdom of Italy

After the ship has sunk, everyone says it knew how it could have been saved.

Ask for is lawful, responding is courtesy.

It serves little to do a lot but not what is due.

Weed never dies.

Not all that glitters is gold.

New Year New Life.

Despacito and good lyrics.

Who owes it, fears it.

He who finds a friend finds a treasure.

A good listener few words.

Who starts is half the work.

Barking dog does not bite.

Slow but safe.

When in Rome, do as the Romans.

Rome was not built in a day.

Better late than never.

Who sows wind, reaps storm.

Today for you tomorrow for me.

Give Caesar what is from Caesar, give God what is of God.

All roads lead to Rome.

One by one, does not hurt anyone.

Who laughs the last, laughs better.

From the saying to the fact there is a stretch.

Once the game is over, the king and the pawn return to the same box.

You have to go to Naples at least once in a lifetime.

The pitcher goes so much to the fountain that in the end is broken.

We are all children of Adam.

God, if you close a door, open a gate.

Err is human, persevering in error is diabolical.

Silence is consent.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Love moves the sun and stars.

There is no worse deaf than the one who does not want to hear.

the habit do not do the monk.

All crazy wants to give advice.

eye by eye, tooth by tooth.

Hope is the last thing you lose.

An apple a day keeps the doctor remote.

Or you eat this soup or jump out the window.

Experience is worth more than theory.

Do it yourself if you want it well done.

In the country of the blind the one -eyed is the king.

Love and cough can not be hidden.

Love makes time pass; Time makes love pass.

Looks are deceiving.

In love and war, everything is worth.

Of love does not die.