40 Egyptian proverbs that will surprise you

40 Egyptian proverbs that will surprise you

These Egyptian proverbs They will surprise you and can change your life. Everyone is fascinated by the ancient Egyptian civilization, the second oldest in humanity, only behind Sumeria. Do you want to know a little more about this ancient civilization through these Egyptian proverbs? You will not only contact the lifestyle and the thoughts of the Egyptians. In addition, you will discover more of their culture.

Recall that, not only the Egyptian civilization has not passed through Egypt, so have the HICSOS, Greeks, Romans and Muslims. The current Egypt collects all these traditions and condenses them in their popular wisdom. And what better than knowing her through Egyptian proverbs.

40 Egyptian proverbs that will surprise you

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you; And whoever knows himself will find him.

Knowledge is the awareness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and the causes of where they arise.

The social good is what brings peace to families and society.

Man must learn to increase his sense of responsibility and the fact that everything he does has its consequences.

If you have to build something lasting, do not work with the ephemeral. Always look for a fixed point, something you know is stable: yourself.

By knowing one reaches faith. When one reaches the conviction. When you know, you dare.

Everything is inside you. Know your deepest interior and seek their correspondence in nature.

The seed includes all tree potentials ... The seed will develop all these potentialities. However, you must receive all the necessary energies from the sky.

If you have to meet yourself, place yourself at an initial point and return to your origins. Your beginnings will discover your end.

Before questioning your wife's good judgment, look with whom she has married.

Hearing is beautiful for those who listen.

Patience is a bitter root tree, but very sweet fruits.

The desert sand is for the tired traveler the same as the incessant conversation for the lover of silence.

Half of joy lies in talking about her.

The grain must return to the earth, die and break down to arise and grow a new harvest.

With a lie he usually leaves very far, but without hope of returning.

If we all pull in the same direction, the world would dump.

More Egyptian proverbs

You have to keep well with a silent water, a silent dog and a silent enemy.

Man, know yourself ... and you will meet the gods.

Hides the good you do, mimic the Nile that hides its source.

The march instructs the donkey.

The images are closer to reality than cold definitions. Search in peace and you will find.

It makes no sense to preach wisdom in men, you must inject it into the blood.

The seed cannot grow up without growing with its roots simultaneously inside the earth.

The past has fled, what you expect is absent, but the present is yours.

If what are you going to say is not more beautiful than silence: don't say it.

The first time you deceive me, it will be your fault; The second time, the fault will be mine.

Who does not understand a look will not understand a long explanation.

Punishes those who are envious doing well.

The dog that has money is called Lord Dog.

Those who really seek God, within the sanctuaries drown.

If a man tells you that you look like a camel, ignore him; If two tell you, look at a mirror.

Who insists on hitting the Moon will not get it, but will end up knowing the Honda.

Books, roads and days give the wisdom man.

Ask the old and young advice, but follow your own common sense.

If they applaud you, you never presume until you know who applauded you.

Love makes time pass; Time makes love pass.

Love and cough can not be hidden.

Once the game is finished the king and the pawn return to the same box.

From listening, wisdom proceeds, and from speaking regret.