40 phrases about the future

40 phrases about the future

Although the future may seem uncertain, there is something that there is no doubt: the key is in the present, on the day you live today. Next, you can see it much better thanks to The best phrases about the future that we have compiled in this article. Let's see them!

The best quotes on the future

You do not predict your future; Simply believe it.

There is only something safe in our future, and it is death.

The rope that separates the fate of chance is narrow.

You can't modify your past, but you can change your future.

Life is not what we were in the past, but what we want to become.

Be a father of your future, don't be the son of your past.

If you are lost along the way, create a new one.

You own your future to the extent that it is you who believe it at every step.

Judge your past only if you are building your future.

Do not postpone your happiness for later; Believe it today.

Only the one who builds the future has the right to judge the past.

Do not waste time complaining about the past. Only if you keep going the future will reward you.

Close the door behind you to what was and open the window to what is to come.

Interest yourself in the future, since it is where you will be the rest of your life.

Use the past just to use it in improving the future.

The future comes with every decision you make.

Trying to guess what will happen in the future is like walking through a dark road without lights. It is impossible to see anything.

Worrying excessively about what can happen to you in the future is like going out with umbrella a sunny day in case it rains.

You write your destiny yourself with every decision you make.

Thinking about the future is more pleasant and enriching than stirring in the past.

Anxiety comes trying to control the future.

Dreaming is the key that will open the door of your future.

Wisdom is to be responsible for our future, not to remember our past.

Get up every day thinking that your future will be better. If you do, the day will be.

Accept the responsibility you have about your future and assume the risk of creating it.

Work to have a good present and you will be doing it in creating a good future.

The past serves to understand life, the future is to live it.

The fear of the future only makes us cling to the past.

Your present determines what you will be in the future.

There are decisions that are made in just a second and that change an entire future.

Change your attitude today and you will change your future like that.

Your future reality is the dreams of your past.

Be optimistic if you want to have a good future.

Make your future start today.

Do not allow the future to interfere with your life today. Someday you will get to him and face how you do your present today.

The most important teaching that you should learn is that the future is changed from the present.

The future can be called in different ways. The weak see it as something unattainable; Fears, as something unknown; The brave ones see it as an opportunity.

The future is those who are preparing for him today.

Do not strive to predict the future, but to prepare to accept it.

The passport for your future is education.

So you know, the key to the future is closer than you think: in your own present moment and in the possibilities it offers you. We hope you are phrases about the future have been useful and have served you as inspiration. Now, walk towards him!