40 Samos Epicurio Phrases, Greek philosopher

40 Samos Epicurio Phrases, Greek philosopher

Epicurio was an eminent Greek philosopher and one of the most recognized figures of antiquity. Founded the philosophy school called Epicureanism. He wrote approximately 300 works, although most of them were lost or only some fragments remain, those that have been preserved have been thanks to the efforts of his followers.

Epicurus promoted the Idea that you should always seek to live a happy, calm and stress -free life. The means to achieve this was to eliminate the fear and pain of life itself. Obviously, this could not be achieved in a short time, so it would require a lot of concentrated effort and study to achieve the desired result.

He also taught that Pleasure and pain are measured of what is good and bad; Death is the end of body and soul and, therefore, should not fear; The gods do not reward or punish humans; The universe is infinite and eternal, and events in the world are ultimately based on the movements and interactions of atoms that move in empty space.

Celebres of Epicurio

He who does not consider what he has as the world's biggest wealth is miserable, even if he is the owner of the world.

Man is not the son of circumstances, but the circumstances are the creatures of man.

Death is a chimera: because as long as I exist, death does not exist; And when death exists, I no longer exist.

The young man should not be happy, but the old man who has lived a beautiful life.

The man who is not happy with little, is not content with anything.

Let us strive to make the last way better than the previous one, while we walk. And when we get to the end, let's happy in moderation.

The need is evil, there is no need to live under the empire of need.

Do you want to be rich? Well, do not get effates in increasing your assets, but in reducing your greed.

A time will come when you think everything is over. That will be the beginning.

It is true that there are gods, but what the crowd believes of them is not true, because what the crowd believes changes over time.

The life of the fool is empty of gratitude and full of fears.

Do not spoil what you have wishing what you don't have; Remember that what you have now was once things you just wanted.

The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory to overcome it.

Just as the wise does not choose the most abundant foods, but the most tasty, neither ambitious life, but the most intense.

Everyone leaves life as if it had just been born.

Do not develop courage being happy in your daily personal relationships. You develop it surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.

The man is rich from the moment he has managed to familiarize himself with scarcity.

Of all the things that wisdom provides to make us completely happy, the greatest is the possession of friendship.

We do not need so much of the help of our friends and the trust in that help.

We must look for someone to eat and drink before looking for something to eat and drink, because eating is just to lead the life of a lion or a wolf.

It is better to be unfortunate and rational than happy and lacking reason.

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.

Pleasure is the first good. It is the beginning of all preference and all aversion. It is the absence of pain in the body and restlessness in the soul.

The greatest fruit of self -sufficiency is freedom.

All friendship is desirable by itself.

No one, when he sees evil, chooses it, but is captive of him, seduced as for a good in relation to a greater evil.

Fugality also has its measure; The one who does not take it into account suffers little more or less the same as the one who overflows all limits for his immoderation.

It is impious not that suppresses the gods, but the one who forms them to the opinions of mortals.

Who does not happy the small, nothing will be content.

The mania of always speaking and about all kinds of issues is a proof of ignorance and bad education, and one of the great whips of human treatment.

The fool, among other evils, has this one: he always tries to start his life.

We must meditate, therefore, about the things that report us happiness, because, if we enjoy it, we possess everything and, if we lack, we do our best to obtain it.

Philosophy is an activity that with speeches and reasoning seeks happy life.

It is absurd to ask the gods what each one is able to seek for himself.

It is better for you to be free from fear lying on a palette than having a golden sofa and a rich table full of problems.

Skilled pilots win their reputation for storms and storms

Just as the wise does not choose the most abundant foods, but the most tasty, it also does not ambitions the longest life, but the most intense.

The goods are for those who know how to enjoy them.

The wealth required by nature is limited and is simple to acquire, but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.

Justice is the revenge of social man, as revenge is the justice of wild man.

It is not what we have, but what we enjoy what constitutes our abundance.

If God listened to the prayers of man, they would have all perished quickly, because they always pray for the evil of others.

The moment when most of you should retire themselves is when you are forced to be in a crowd.

I prefer to be first in a small Iberian town than second in Rome.