30 phrases from David Ben-Shahar

30 phrases from David Ben-Shahar

Some phrases from David Ben-Shahaha can help us reflect on happiness and how to achieve it.

Such David Ben-Shahaha was born in 1970 and is an American and Israeli professor and writer, who has specialized in leadership and positive psychology issues.

In most of the phrases of such David Ben-Shahaha, the author advocates increasing positive emotions in order to experience greater happiness and creativity.

It should be noted that David Ben-Shahaha is a doctor in psychology and philosophy and that his courses in positive psychology, taught in Harvard, have made him deserving of the record with the greatest number of students in history, usually 1400 students per semester. This has made many reflect on the phrases of such David Ben-Shahar very frequently.

This caused him to call him with the nickname "Professor of Happiness". In addition, he is the author of books such as Choose the life you want, either Practice happiness, among others, in which it stands out how emotions can improve learning, the ability to innovate, creativity and daily life of people.

Next, we will review some of the best phrases of such David Ben-Shahar.

Phrases of such David Ben-Shahar

These are some of the best phrases of such David Ben-Shahar:

Achieving lasting happiness requires that we enjoy the trip on our way to the fate that we consider valuable.

Happiness is not about reaching the top of the mountain, or climbing aimlessly around the mountain; Happiness is the experience of climbing to the top.

Failure is an inescapable part of life and a critically important part of any successful life.

We learn to walk, falling; To speak, babbling; To shoot a basket, failing, and coloring the interior of a square making scribbles outside the box.

Learn to fail or fail to learn.

Those who fear intensely fail to fall short of their potential.

Incremental change is better than an ambitious failure.

Perfectionism and optimism are not different ways of being, an option or an choice, but also coexist in each person. And, although we can move from perfectionism to optimism, we never completely leave perfectionism and never get to optimism completely.

The ideal of optimism is not a distant urine to achieve, but a distant star that guides us and that can never be achieved.

As Carl Rogers pointed out, the good life is a process, not a state of being. It is an address, not a destination.

Success feeds on himself.

We can only learn to deal with failure if we really experience it, if we live it. The sooner we face the difficulties and inconveniences, the better prepared we will be to face the inevitable obstacles in our path.

When the good is appreciated, the good can be appreciated.

There are people who always feel happy. They are called psychopaths.

Learn to fail or not learn.

Almost nobody understands how to achieve happiness. Most say: "If I'm successful I will be happy". Either by reaching wealth or fame, or reaching a certain professional or personal objective, if a woman or man agrees to go out with me, if my goals are met. Unfortunately, this does not work. That is why we often see people with great success, with a lot of money and very made that are very unhappy. Because they believe that if you get a specific objective, if you get this milestone, then you will be happy. But they get it, they fulfill their goal, they earn a lot of money, and they still do not be happy. And not only are they not happy, they also feel lost because they are disappointed.

Happiness is the general experience of pleasure and meaning.

Reaching an objective does not make us happy in the long term. Yes we feel a rise in our welfare levels, but it lasts little. Those who win the lottery have been investigated. People who earn millions of dollars, it's their dream come true. They believe they will be happy for the rest of their life. In three months they have returned to the starting point, but more disappointed. It is seen in university professors, who have spent their lives fighting to be headlines. When they arrive in headlines they believe they will be happy forever, but it lasts a month, six months at most.

Reaching a certain point entails temporary well -being, not a permanent increase in the level of happiness.

Happiness is a very in vogue theme and has been being so thousands of years. Aristotle, one of the parents of Western philosophy, speaks of happiness as the highest end of humanity. Confucio speaks of religion. Talk about happiness in this world and in the beyond. But today there is more talk, both in newspapers and in bars. Is everywhere, and the question is why. I think the answer is that, At present, for the first time, there is a science of happiness.

People who express gratitude regularly are more successful.

The science of happiness tells us common sense things. Many of those things already told me my grandmother. Now science is right. For example, relationships are the most important for a happy life.

Another key thing for happiness is gratitude, recognition.

Those who express gratitude regularly and do not take for granted what they have, do not ignore the problems, but do not ignore what they have, these people are not only happier and more optimistic, they also have more success and get their goals, they are physically healthier.

So we really strengthen our immune system when we focus on being grateful.

Our behavior towards others is often a reflection of our treatment with ourselves.

My favorite word is "appreciate". "Appreciate" means giving thanks for something. But the word "appreciate" has another meaning: increase the value. If you put money in the bank, hopefully increases value and you have more. The two meanings of "appreciating" are connected. Because when you appreciate the good things of your life, good things are appreciated and you have more. And the connection is not merely etymological, there are scientific evidence that shows that when I appreciate my partner, when I appreciate my work, when I appreciate my life, the good things in my life increase in value and I have more.

What are you looking for in a friend? Are you looking for someone who tells you yes to everything? Sometimes we need a pat, someone who tells us that we are great despite everything. But in the long term, we want someone real. To tell us when you do not agree, that it challenges us, to help us achieve the truth, to be better people, to be more successful, to be happier. That is the real friend, not a person who gives us the right to everything we say.

There are only two types of people who do not experience pain, such as anger, sadness, anxiety, disappointment, envy, fear ... There are two types of people who do not feel painful emotions. The first is psychopaths, they can't feel painful emotions. The second type of person who does not feel them are the dead. Feeling painful emotions is a good sign: you are not a psychopath and you are alive. We can work with that.

The answer is yes, we can change our levels of happiness. Is not easy. There is a genetic part. However, it depends mainly on the decisions we make.

These are some of the phrases of such David Ben-Shahaha that allow us to reflect on our own concept of happiness and how we can transform it to boost a state of well-being.

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· Ben-Shahar, t. (2021). Happyiness Studies: An Introduction. Springer Nature.
· Ben-Shahar, t. (2017). Learn to be happy. Leya.
· Ben-Shahar, t. (2014). Choose the life you want. Trad. Ana García Bertrán. The Experiment, LLC, New York.
· Ben-Shahar, t. (2011). Practice happiness. Platform.