30 phrases by Richard Wagner about music and art

30 phrases by Richard Wagner about music and art

Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883) He was a famous composer, poet, essayist, German orchestra and theater director of the Romanticism era, known for his brilliant operas. They mainly highlight their operas (qualified as "musical dramas" by the composer himself) in which, unlike other composers, the libretto and the scenography also assumed.

Wagner was a pioneer in several advances in musical language, which influenced the development of European classical music. The opera revolutionized through its concept of Gesamtkunstwerk ("Total Art"), through which he sought to synthesize the poetic, visual, musical and dramatic arts, with subsidiary music to the drama.

Wagner built his own opera theater, Bayreuth Festspielhaus, which plays many novel design features. Your opera Tristan and Isolda It is sometimes described as a starting point of modern academic music. Wagner's influence also extended to philosophy, literature, visual arts and theater.

Until his last years, his life was characterized by political exile, turbulent affairs, poverty and the repeated flight of his creditors. His controversial writings about music, theater and politics have attracted extensive debates, in particular, since the end of the 20th century when he expressed his anti -Semitic feelings. His influence extended beyond composition towards direction, philosophy, literature, visual arts and theater.

Today we leave you with some of your best phrases.

Richard Wagner famous quotes

We must learn to die and die in the most complete sense of the word. Fear at last is the source of any lack of love.

Music is the inarticulate of the heart, which cannot be compressed in words, because it is infinite.

From art all men are saved.

The only form of music is melody, without melody music is not feasible, and music and melody are quite inseparable.

Imagination creates reality.

Certain things from Mozart can never be overcome.

My destiny is loneliness, and my life is work.

… Music is the living God in our hearts.

From wisdom, understanding. From understanding, compassion. Of compassion, love.

Joy is not in things, but in us.

The essence of the highest instrumental music establishes here that one can express in tones that what one cannot say with words.

I hate this rapid growth trend to chain men to machines in large factories and deprive them of all joy in their efforts: the plan will lead to cheap men and products.

I believe in God, Mozart and Beethoven.

Wherever the fish are, that's where we are going.

The purpose of art is: make the unconscious aware.

What my passions demand me, for the moment I become a musician, poet, director, author, speaker or anything else.

The entire duty of a director is understood in his ability to indicate the correct pace.

Even if I know that I will never change the masses, I will never transform something permanent, all I ask is that good things also have their place, their refuge.

The oldest, true and beautiful music organ, the origin to which only our music owes its being, is the human voice.

I write music with an exclamation sign!

I hate the serial production chains of the big factories, which deprives men of joy for the efforts of their work, doing cheap men and products.

Music truly has for all other arts the same relationship as religion with the Church.

The most absolute genius raised Mozart above all teachers, in all centuries and in all the arts.

The immoral profession of musical criticism must be abolished.

I believe that who has enjoyed the sublime pleasures of music must be eternally addicted to this supreme art and will never deny him.

I only know a composer who is at Beethoven's height, and that is Bruckner.

Divorce is one of the most financially traumatic things that can go through. Money spent angry or matching is wasted money.

Those who understand the whole.

Any stimulus called program is a trick. The government can increase its expense only reducing private spending equivalently.

Everything that I thought was right, others seemed bad; Which was bad, others approved it.

It is a truth forever, that where the speech of man stops, the reign of music begins.

I don't know any music.