30 Jacques-Henri Saint Pierre phrases

30 Jacques-Henri Saint Pierre phrases

Jacques-Henri Saint Pierre was born in 1737 and died in 1814; He was a French writer and botanist. His novel Paul et Virgine, published in 1787, made it famous. In the year 1760 he was appointed as an army numerary engineer, coming to participate in certain campaigns, however, he lost his hierarchy due to insubordination.

Since then, he toured several countries in search of employment, until he was sent to the island of France, as the king's engineer. His studies on nature contributed a lot of money, fame and success, after being published by his great friend Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

A curious fact of Jacques-Henri Saint Pierre is that he used to refute Isaac Newton's ideas, as to his belief that the tides were due to the influence of the moon, something that Saint-Pierre did not believe.

We review some of its most popular and interesting phrases.

Jacques-Henri Saint Pierre phrases

Literature is the daughter of heaven, who has descended on earth to soften and all human evils.

The rules of the party are shadows in which patriotism is buried.

The melon is divided into slices by nature to be consumed as a family; The watermelon, being bigger, can be shared with the neighbors.

Our ancestors have passed the iron age; Gold is in front of us.

If everyone is your enemy, be your own friend.

Women are false in countries where men are tyrants. Everywhere violence produces cunning.

If life is a punishment, one should wish an end; If life is a test, one should wish it is brief.

The charity of the Gospel must be extended to all religions and French hospitality to all people.

Man is the only sensitive being that destroys himself in a state of freedom.

Patience is the value of virtue.

Death, my son, is good for all men; It is the night of this day we call life. It is in the dream of death that finds rest for eternity the disease, pain, despair and fears that stir, without the unhappy living souls.

There are few notable writers, from any country or any time, of those who cannot make appointments as proof of love with which they looked at nature.

After the rare happiness of finding a partner with whom we are well paired, the least unpleasant state of life is undoubtedly living alone.

Loneliness restores the harmonies of the body no less than those of the soul.

There is nothing more than a pleasant side of this human life. As the balloon in which we turn, our own rapid rotation is just one day, and one part of this day you cannot receive light, so the other part will not be delivered to the dark.

Nature is great in big things, more is great in tiny things.

The life of man, with all his plans, rises as a small tower whose crown is death.

The food diet gives us the health of the body and that of men the peace of the soul.

All sensitive and suffering creatures, for a kind of common instinct, fly in search of refuge in the midst of their pains to persecute the wildest and desolate; As if the rocks could form a wall against misfortune, as if the calm of nature could silence the tumults of the soul.

The aroma of a thousand roses pleases only one moment; But the pain of a single of his thorns lasts long after the bite.

Madame de la Tour occasionally read some moving history of the Old or New Testament aloud. Its auditors reasoned little about these sacred volumes, since their theology focused on a feeling of devotion to the supreme being, like that of nature: and its morality was an active substance, such as that of the Gospel. These families did not have particular days dedicated to pleasure and others to sadness. Every day was for them a holiday, and everything that surrounded them a holy temple.

An effort made with ourselves for the good of others, with the intention of asking only God. Each feature of beauty can be attributed to some virtue, such as innocence, France, generosity, modesty and heroism.

The Christian religion contemplates the conjugal union in the order of nature; It is the only religion that presents a woman to a man as a companion; All others abandon her as a slave. Only to religion European women owe their freedom.
A grave is a monument placed in the limits of the two worlds.

The man without a woman and the woman without a man are imperfect beings in the natural order. But the more contrast there are in their characters, the more union there are in their harmonies.

I maintain as certain principles of happiness that we must prefer the advantages of nature to all of fortune.

Found in the newspapers acquired knowledge that do not require any reflection on their part.

The Indian proverb is very true: every European who comes to India gains patience, if he does not have it; And you lose it if you have any!.

To protect yourself from adults, you have to be at the service of your ambitions or your pleasures.

The philosopher must start the errors of the minds of minds to germinate the truth there, as the farmer starts salary of the earth to plant oaks there.

These are some of Jacques-Henri Saint Pierre's most interesting phrases to reflect.

The best wise and intelligent phrases of life for personal development