21 phrases of Theodor Reik

21 phrases of Theodor Reik

Theodor Reik's phrases can help us better understand the work of this Austrian psychoanalyst.

Reik was not only Sigmund Freud disciple, They also worked together in relevant concepts for psychoanalysis, such as "the disturbing".

Likewise, Theodor Reik's phrases will help us to enter the depth of his thinking, since he has also been one of the most important authors in the field of psychology, because, in 1912, Reik was a doctorate in this area in Vienna.

Next, some of Theodor Reik's most notable phrases. These phrases are just a few of the most notorious throughout his career:

Theodor Reik phrases

The man who has never made a fool of himself in love will never be prudent in love.

Work and love - These are the bases. Without them there is no neurosis.

In our civilization, men are afraid of not being sufficiently men and women of being more than women.

Great innovative and original thinkers and artists attract the anger of mediocre as lightning.

The impression of a personal interest in certain problems does not exclude others.

Freud used to say three things that were impossible to fulfill: Health, Education, Government. He limited his goals in the analytical treatment of brine to the patient to the point where he could work to live and learn to love.

Even wisest men make a fool of women, even the most silly woman is ready with men.

Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream world for a reality.

Freud's manifestations allow to recognize that, according to their opinion, the development of culture impeles the restriction of sexuality.

We are all in a race for life, that is, we are fugitive to death.

The great paths of the struggle for happiness or defense against suffering are presented with their psychological particularities.

Freud's subjectivity, of course, has a peculiar character because, when expressing himself personally, he penetrates the personal personal. They are always observations made from other banks.

(…) In science, as in all fields of life, impose the slogan: first security. The doubt is for him an enemy of the divine and human order.

Nature has better prepared women to be mothers and wives than men to be parents and husbands. Men have to improvise.

Nothing that we have told us, nothing we can learn from others, it comes as deep as what we find in ourselves.

Women, in general, want to be loved for what they are and men for what they can do.

The lover is a monotheistic who knows that other people have different gods of worship, but cannot imagine that, like him, there may be other gods.

In our civilization, men are afraid of not being sufficiently men and women are afraid of not being able to only be considered women.

In the history of religion there are less female martyrs than male. This shows that there is also less obstinacy and challenging character in female masochism ... in general, men are more idealistic and romantic than women. They feel the need to be heroes, active or liabilities.

In science, as in all fields of life; imposes the slogan: first security. The doubt is for him an enemy of the divine and human order.

By stranger that it seems, the fact of facing the reality of what I had thought did not panic, but reassured me, and established a distance that I had not had before. By showing me what could have happened, it convinced me that it was something destined to remain as a potentiality.

Theodor Reik, "The specialist of the soul"

Several fortuitous events in his life prevented him from exercising psychoanalysis. However, the strength of each of its sentences has endured over time.

Today, many know about "the process" that Reik went through, in reference to the administrative and criminal procedure that he had to face for not being a doctor and exercising psychoanalysis, something that in his time was not well received.

In any case, Reik's work may never be forgotten. Well, it was one of Freud's first disciples who, in his Confessions of a psychoanalyst, He exposed some accounts that concern a large number of men, and he had the courage to reveal them.

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