20 habits that age prematurely

20 habits that age prematurely

There are habits that age and people do not realize, such as the hours that are passed in front of television, not to socialize or not have a balanced diet.

It is necessary to promote healthy habits to have a long life and gradually abandon those that are harmful and do not contribute to good health.

Types of aging: physiological and pathological

According to José Manuel Ribera Casado, in study on aging, there is a distinction that must be taken into account when addressing this issue. First, mention should be made to the changes due to the consequences of what is known as Physiological aging.

These types of changes are inevitable and common to all living beings, a consequence of the use and wear of organs and systems, in addition, they are related to family or individual genetic load. To all this, the negative effects that are leaving in the organism or mutilations must be added, whether they are accidentally or by surgery, and that have accumulated throughout life, better known as pathological aging.

Finally, there is a group of changes that are conditioned by their own way of life, which are attributed to the environment and risk factors that the subject has been exposed throughout his life.

That is The aging process between a person who remains physically active and another that does not; In addition to the conditions such as food, the type of life, the level of environmental pollution, the consumption of alcohol or tobacco, which significantly influence the way of aging.

How actively aging

Based on the foregoing, the Eugoric aging, or those subjects who age "in health", and the Pathogical or pathological aging. In the first case, the changes that predominate are those of physiological aging, and these are people who have had few diseases throughout their lives and their environmental environment has been adequate. This is exemplified when this person is said on the street "does not represent the age he is". In another terminology, It is also known as SUCCESSFUL AGING, or successful aging.

This type of aging is opposed to usual aging, or usual aging. In the second case, the Pathogical aging, What happens is the opposite, that is, A cluster of diseases or inadequacy of the environment, which is known as premature aging.

In the latter case, the main consequence of this type of aging is Progressive loss of reserve systems, which are rich in childhood and adolescence, but that throughout life are limited, so, given any form of aggression, the answer is less effective.

When there is a functional overload, the requirements increase and a loss of vitality of the systems or organs ensue.

This means that there is a greater inability to maintain homeostasis -the balance between all body systems to survive and function correctly- in situations of physiological stress and a greater ease of getting disease, with a poor response to it and the increase of claudication or death possibilities.

To make it easier to understand, it can be affirmed that carrying an unbalanced diet, for example, alters the correct function of the heart and its structure deteriorates. With this, the consequences of an imbalance that will manifest through diseases come.

Similarly, stress is one of the great enemies of the organism, as well as the obsession to bring a strict diet. Thus, there are a number of habits that age and not only that, but also put good health at risk in general.

20 habits that age

Among the habits that age are the following:

  1. Do many things at the same time: Doing one thing at the same time is good for the brain, because it focuses your attention. Instead, doing many things at once, can affect the brain.
  2. High levels of stress: This affects cardiovascular health and its sequelae can be terrible.
  3. Sunbathe in excess: While a little sun is healthy, taking it in excess can be harmful to the skin, since it submits it to stress, especially when it is not properly taken care of. This is because sunlight produces ultraviolet radiation (UV), which can cause skin cancer; In addition, it can produce spots on the face, hands and other areas. During photonexing, the skin develops lines and wrinkles, due to collagen changes in the dermis.
  4. To drink alcohol: Alcohol abuse can prevent neurons from communicating, in addition to causing intoxication and their symptoms, such as bad memory, difficulty speaking and slow reflexes. All this leads to neurotoxicity and contributes to premature aging.
  5. Do not socialize: Socialize helps prevent depression, because, it is always important to have a support network made up of trusted people.
  6. Carry an unbalanced diet: or also obsess for eating healthy all the time. The foods consumed provide substances to the body that allow it to have the necessary energy for the proper functioning of the heart and other organs. But, when there is an obsession with healthy eating, the brain can suffer sequelae.
  7. Take little water: Dehydration can make it more difficult for the heart to fulfill its function. Well, when the person is hydrated, blood flows better, but, when not, blood is thicker and can generate problems.
  8. Do not rest: If there are no good hours of sleep, this can contribute to the appearance of high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain and tiredness appearance. On the contrary, when the person rests enough, his organism regenerates and repairs.
  9. Do not clear: It is another habits that age, since rest is not limited only to sleep, but also to relaxing the mind, not doing. It is important to have moments on the day when the person simply relaxes and avoids doing tasks, always with a balance.
  10. Sedentary: Excess inactivity can affect many structures in the body, so you can suffer from certain diseases. For the heart to work well, the activity is necessary. This also helps that there is less mental confusion, prevents type 2 diabetes and produces a better insulin response.
  11. Smoke: Smoking is associated with colds, colds, skin lesions, respiratory diseases and dental problems, even with cancer. In fact, nicotine causes blood vessels to be much narrow.
  12. Rub your eyes frequently: and not use an outline cream. This habit makes wrinkles around the eyes, an area that is very delicate, so a good contour is recommended to maintain this hydrated area.
  13. Keep heating very high: A very high temperature can cause irritation in the epidermis and dryness. The ideal is to maintain a good level of humidity, resorting to a humidifier.
  14. Do not use sunscreen: Or use it only on the beach, when the reality is that being exposed to ultraviolet rays is the number one cause of premature aging. This not only happens in summer, but also during winter. When you are outdoors, what should be applied is a sunscreen with protection between 30 and 50.
  15. Take liquid with straw: This movement continuously favors the appearance of premature wrinkles around the lips.
  16. Abuse sugars: These can generate acne and inflammation problems. Glycation, or the process through which sugar molecules bind to collagen and elastin proteins, cause loss of elasticity, which causes premature wrinkles.
  17. Use a lot of makeup: This can also cause premature aging of the skin, especially if the products are based on oils, since they block the pores of the skin and grains appear. In general, perfumes, alcohol or other chemical agents are capable of causing skin irritation and deteriorating the natural lipid film, which causes facial wrinkles to appear early.
  18. Be pessimistic: or being always angry is also one of those habits that age. In these cases, frown is frowning, which generates wrinkles on the sides of the mouth and on the forehead. Smile also cause wrinkles, but this at least active the body to stay young and healthier for a longer time.
  19. The fasts:  They also make up the habits that age, because many people do not have breakfast because they believe that they lose weight, but this only makes the metabolism work more slowly and that the body uses natural collagen, so the skin loses elasticity.
  20. Hormonal changes: In the case of men, a decrease in testosterone and, in the case of women, a decrease in estrogens and rise and progestogens, as well as other changes associated with thyroid and adrenal hormones.

The environment, as mentioned, is also important, therefore, pollution favors the formation of free radicals, which cause skin aggressions. All these habits that age can be transformed and lead a healthier lifestyle.

The fear of aging


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