20 foods with more antioxidants

20 foods with more antioxidants

Foods with more antioxidants are important because they contain substances that help us reduce the impact of free radicals on the body.

These foods with more antioxidants, such as beta -carotenes, lutein, lycopene, vitamin A, C and E, in addition to selenium, allow to prevent diseases, as well as cell aging. That is why, consuming foods with more antioxidants is a good way to lead a healthy and disease -free lifestyle.


  • The importance of consuming foods with more antioxidants
  • Oxidative damage and current living
    • Foods with more antioxidants
      • Bibliography

The importance of consuming foods with more antioxidants

According to the author Luis Olivares Delgado, in his study on the importance of dietary antioxidants in decreasing oxidative stress, free radicals are produced by metabolism, as a defense mechanism against infectious agents. However, these molecules are quite reactive, so they can cause damage to multiple cell biomolecules.

These free radicals can also be originated from environmental pollutants and by the consumption of some foods, so its concentration in cells increases, which causes what is called oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is related to different pathologies, especially with diseases that are chronic degenerative, which impact people's life expectancy.

Hence, it is necessary to implement changes in the diet in order to consume foods with more antioxidants, in order to prevent oxidative damage.

Oxidative damage and current living

At present, the Lifestyle that prevails, especially in the West, causes many people to incur eating habits that do not have an antioxidant capacity and also have Low nutritional quality.

Among this diet that is the most recurring today, is the fast food, characterized by its high sugar content, as in the almost soft drinks, so that the consumption of favorable foods is reduced.

Therefore, society is undermined with serious health problems, ranging from malnutrition to obesity and chronic degenerative diseases, derived from oxidative stress.

Foods with more antioxidants

Among the foods with more antioxidants are the following:

  1. Broccoli: This food contains a group of important vitamins, such as C, B1, B2, B3 and B6, in addition to vitamin A. It also has minerals such as calcium, selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.
  2. Blueberry: They are very rich in antioxidants of the anthocyanins family, similar to flavonoids. They provide vitamin A, E and Selenium. They have fiber and phenolic acids. They have no fat and their calorie contribution is very low. They are an excellent option.
  3. Carrot: It is very recognized for its abundant contribution of beta -carotenes, which protect the mucous membranes and are beneficial for vision. In addition, they are antioxidants, help keep skin tissues healthy and protect it from UV rays. What delays the macular degeneration of the eye when aging is lutein.
  4. Pistachio: They are characterized by their rich contribution in vitamin E and selenium, which prevent the appearance of chronic diseases, in addition to cell aging. It contains vitamin B2, which even protects the cornea. Likewise, it is a source of zinc, which is ideal for hair care, nails and skin.
  5. Cinnamon: Its benefits are because it contains catechins, which they count as antioxidants. However, some people must be cautious with their intake.
  6. Cocoa: Cocoa has a powerful antioxidant capacity, thanks to providing polyphenols.
  7. Salmon: The vitamins of the living room are fat -soluble and among these are A and D; That is why they offer good resistance against infections and help the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  8. Avocado: The substances contained.
  9. Strawberry: They provide fiber and minerals, in addition to flavonoids and vitamins such as C, B6, E and B9, or folic acid.
  10. Beet: It contains betaine and this makes it rich in flavonoids. It has nitric oxide and this is a great vasodilator, which means that it increases blood flow and helps oxygen reach muscles.
  11. Yoghurt: It has group B vitamins, vitamin A and E.
  12. Parsley: It is precious for its ability to prevent diabetes and maintain the proper functioning of the kidneys.
  13. Tomato: Its red color is due to lycopene, which is a rather important antioxidant, because, combined with olive oil, it is absorbed much faster by the body. In addition, it is a good source of vitamin C, A and B.
  14. Spinach: They are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids, in addition to fatty acids such as omega-3- also provides vitamin A, C, E, K and those of Group B.
  15. Artichoke: In addition to being rich in fiber, it has many antioxidants and vitamin C. It helps to combat fluid retention, thanks to the cinarina, which is diuretic. Cinareosis also makes it an ally against inflammations.
  16. Grape: The grape is very prestigious for its antioxidant potential. In the case of black grapes, they contain resveratrol, an essential component to block the effects of free radicals. It also helps prevent eye diseases, such as cataracts.
  17. Almond: They are rich in vitamin E and vitamins of group B. In addition, they have fiber, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  18. Oregano: It has tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, rosmárinic acid and essential oils. This makes it one of the most antioxidant plants.
  19. Green Tea: It is also recognized for being an excellent antioxidant, thanks to its content in polyphenolic bioactive substances.
  20. Kale: It brings phytonutrients, which are typical of antioxidant vegetables. It also has vitamin K, beta -carotene, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

This is just a list of foods with more antioxidants; Of course, there are other foods that are also important and that it is necessary to include them in a balanced diet.

Why less healthy foods are more attractive


  • Londoño Londoño, J. (2012). Antioxidants: biological importance and methods to measure your activity. In Development and Transversality Series Laralist Research and Science. Lasallista University Corporation.
  • Luna-Guevara, m. L., & Delgado-Alvarado, to. (2014). Importance, contribution and stability of antioxidants in fruits and tomato products (Solanum lycopersicum l.). Advances in Agricultural Research18(1), 51-66.
  • Olivares, l. D., Cabrera, g. B., & Martínez, M. T. S. (2010). Importance of dietary antioxidants in the decrease in oxidative stress. Research and science18(50), 10-15.
  • San-Miguel, a., & Martin-Gil, F. J. (2009). Importance of reactive species to oxygen (free radicals) and antioxidants in clinics. Bilbao Medical Gazette106(3), 106-113.